224. King of Giants

The next day after arriving on Elbaf, the Straw Hats go to explore the island. They just stay on the house yesterday to have some rest. Now they will explore every place of this island.

Jon have sent his clones to investigate the whole island yesterday. His clones have found many interesting things, but they still haven't found the Poneglyph. There's only one location left to search for the poneglyph, the very large & tall tree on the center of the island.

While his friends go to explore the Kingdom, Jon go to the giant tree directly. He send his clones & Zetsus to move ahead, while he take his time. Jon walk through the town that look more like a village of Vikings and see Giants everywhere. There are some humans too, but only a few.

Jon keep walking, and he reach the giant tree after some minutes. Now when he look at the tree directly from the bottom, it really look massive. He can't really see the top from the bottom.

"First time seeing a tree this big?"-Giant Man

A Giant suddenly talk to Jon.

"Well, i've saw one that has similar size with this tree on sky island. This one is wider, but i think that one is taller."-Jon

"Really? There is actually another tree as big as this?"-Giant Man

"There was, that tree has been cut off in a war. Maybe there is another tree out there that has bigger size than this you know. The world is full of mysteries, that's why people want to explore it."-Jon

"Hmm, maybe you're right. My name is Olaf, what about you human man?"-Olaf

"I'm Jon, a pirate."-Jon

"Pirate, huh? You must be from a strong crew to be able to reach Elbaf. What's your crew name?"-Olaf

"It's Straw Hat Pirates."-Jon

"Straw Hat? I feel like i've heard it somewhere."-Olaf

"Well, maybe you know it from newspaper. Anyway, Olaf, can i ask you something? Is there any special product on Elbaf? I like to collect unique items from every place i visted."-Jon

"Hmm, i don't think there is anything unique. Even if there's one, it will be too big for you. Maybe what's really different between us is our culture, maybe our food also different."-Olaf

"Hmm, that's possible. You guys put honor over everything else as warriors after all, right?"-Jon

"Hoho, so you know about that."-Olaf

"Well, i live with 2 Giants for 2 years, and they told me many things about Elbaf & Giants."-Jon

"Giants that live outside of Elbaf? Who are they?"-Olaf

"Dorry & Broggy."-Jon

"!? Captain Dorry & Captain Broggy? Wait! Are you the one that Oimo & Kashi said to live with our Captains for 2 years? Hahaha, no wonder that your crew name sound familiar."-Olaf

"You know them?"-Jon

"Well, i was their crew member. I return to Elbaf 10 year after they start their duel. I never thought that they still not finished it after 100 years."-Olaf

"Ooh, so you were a pirate too. Hey, did you know why they start their duel? They said they forget the reason, but they still fight everyday for their honor."-Jon

"Hmm, i forget too. That's more than 100 years ago after all."-Olaf

"Sigh, their reason for their duel is the top mistery that i want to solve. Seems like it will remain as mistery for sometime."-Jon

Olaf get more friendly to Jon after he find out that Jon is Dorry & Broggy's friend. He invite Jon to walk around Elbaf with him. Jon accept it, a tour guide is always welcomed. For the spying job, his clones & Zetsus can handle it.

Jon & Olaf the start their tour, with Jon sit on Olaf's shoulder. Olaf introduce Jon to some Giants that they met on the way. Olaf also explain many things about Elbaf & some new things that Jon see for the first time.

Olaf also bring Jon to see the castle from afar. Not everyone can get close or even enter the castle. Even Giants can't enter it without permission, not to mention a foreigner like Jon.

However, Jon has sent some clones to get inside the castle. There must be many information to get from that place. He just focus on finding poneglyph previously, but he didn't find it in the castle. So now he start to search for information as much as he can.

Olaf then take Jon to meet with Kashii & Oimo who have returned to Elbaf. Surprisingly, Usopp & Chopper are with them, walking around too. The others walk around on their own to explore the Kingdom. They walk around again, but suddenly, 2 Giants with armor & weapons come to them.

"Royal Guards? What are you doing here?"-Olaf

"Under King Odin's order, we're here to take Straw Hat pirates to the castle."-Guard 1

"Why did your King want to meet us?"-Jon

"We don't really know the reason, but the King himself has gave the order."-Guard 2

"How about my crewmates?"-Jon

"The other guards have gone to pick them up, no need to worry."-Guard 1

"Can these 3 come with us? They're our friends."-Usopp

"Uuh, we can't authorized that, but i think there will be no problem if they just get close to the castle."-Guard 2

"It's okay guys, we will just stay here and wait for you."-Kashii

"That's right, we don't really like formal things."-Oimo

"Well, so do us, but we're invited."-Chopper

"I hope no one make any problem later."-Usopp

"You should try to not make problem yourself, God!"-Jon

"Don't call me God!"-Usopp

The trio Straw Hats jump on the guards' shoulder & go to the castle. The trip to the castle remind them of how Neptune summon them to Ryugu Palace after they arrived on Fishman Island.

On their way to the castle, Jon suddenly got a memory from his clone. They found the Poneglyph, but it's not a road poneglyph. It's a Rio Poneglyph that located inside a big room that was made in the giant tree.

However, they also found a trace of something big being removed from the poneglyph's side. The size & shape of the trace is very similar with poneglyph. Jon then assume that there was another poneglyph there.

'Was it the road poneglyph? If so, then someone must've took and removed it from there. I don't think it will be the giants, because they don't have reason to do that. They've kept it for hundreds of years, they wouldn't just suddenly throw it or remove it somewhere else.'-Jon

Jon then come to a conclusion that the road poneglyph was stolen. His only suspects are the other Emperors. It's only them who have the power to do it. Infiltrating & stealing poneglyph from the strongest Nation is not something that normal pirates can do.

'The problem is, what if the giants haven't noticed about this? I will surely hear about it in my investigation if something this big happened. It will be a big topic after all, because poneglyph is a treasure.'-Jon

Jon is concerned about the poneglyph's location. But he's also concerned about what will the giants think when they find out about this. Jon is worry that they will suspect his crew of this.

Jon order his clones to keep investigating about this matter. They need to find out who stole the poneglyph, so they'll know where to find it. But still, Jon have a highest possible suspect now.

'Blackbeard Pirates, they're the biggest suspect now.'-Jon

It's not without reason for Jon to suspect Blackbeards. Big Mom & Kaido have one each, so they didn't really need another to kept. The other one is on Zou, which is very hard to find as it always move. Then for Shanks, he already went to Laugh Tale, and know how to get there, so the road poneglyph is useless for him.

'I can't come to a conclusion yet, i need to investigate it further.'-Jon

Jon is too absorbed in his thought, that he didn't realize that they've arrived on the castle. They enter the castle and go to a room where the King wait. Inside the room, there are the King, some guards, and the other Straw Hats except Zoro who obviously lost again.

Jon, Usopp, & Chopper join their friends and sit on the chairs. The guards who pick them up then leave and close the door. Some servants then come while carrying some foods and drinks.

"I'm sure you are surprised to get called by me so suddenly, Straw Hat Pirates. We haven't find one of your crew member, but that's fine. My name is Odin, the King of Giants. I've really want to meet you, Straw Hat Pirates."-Odin

"You want to meet pirates like us?"-Nami

"Yeah, especially after what you did on that woman's crew."-Odin

"That woman?"-Chopper

"Big Mom, is it?"-Jinbe

"That's right, Big Mom pirates. You seem to know something Male Fishman."-Odin

"Well, i was her subordinate before joining Straw Hat, so i know what happen between her & Elbaf."-Jinbe

"So that's how it is."-Odin

Suddenly, a giant come with Zoro, and the giant seem very tired. He have found Zoro, but Zoro can even lost when he just need to sit on his shoulder. He is very tired now after searching Zoro every once in a while.

Now Jon feel bad for not picking Zoro up with his teleportation. He can just teleport to the mark on Zoro's forearm and teleport back here.

"Hey, King. Just what happened between Big Mom & El-"-Usopp

"Usopp, let's not pry into their personal matter."-Jon stop Usopp

"... Alright, i'm sorry."-Usopp

"It's okay, young human, it's not really a secret anyway."-Odin

Odin then tell them the story of what Big Mom did in her childhood. As the story goes, the Straw Hats get very surprised to hear that she can kill a veteran Giant warrior when she was just a kid. Then what she did to her friends in Orphanage made the Straw Hats shake in disbelief.

"N-no way... No way she's..."-Nami

"That's the truth, and that's what make us really hate her. But then, we have the chance to have a good relationship again after some decades, and she destroy it again."-Odin

"The matter with the Prince?"-Jinbe

"That's right. Loki have fall in love with one of her daughter, a girl named Lola. He proposed to her, but she didn't accept it. We can't force someone's feeling, and that's fine. However, that woman use Lola's twin, Chiffon to replace Lola. That is just straight up insulting us, and we can't accept that."-Odin

"So the problem is not Lola's refusal, but Big Mom's attempt to replace her with Chiffon?"-Nami

"Yeah. A warrior need to fight to get what he want. If she refuse, then Loki will need to fight for her until she accept. But replacing her with her twin sister is an insult to us. As warriors, we put honor over everything else, so we can't accept it."-Odin

"So that's why you hate her so much now?"-Franky

"That's right, and we were very happy when we got the news about your feat on Whole Cake Island, and Wano Country. We were disappointed though because you don't kill her, but you have destroy her crew, so that's fine."-Odin

"So you invite us here because we defeat your enemy?"-Sanji

"That's right."-Odin

Odin then tell the Straw Hats to eat and drink as much as they want. It's like a small feast for them right now. The giants also eat & drink a little, a little for their size.

"You guys want to reach Laugh Tale right? So i assume that you know what you need to find it's location, Road Poneglyph."-Odin

"Excuse me, but, did you have a Road Poneglyph in here?"-Robin

"We were, but not anymore."-Odin

'So they knew.'-Jon

"What do you mean?"-Robin

"We have 2 poneglyphs, a Road & Rio Poneglyph. However, some months ago, the Road Poneglyph got stolen. We don't know the culprit and can't find any trace of them. We try to search, but to no avail."-Odin

"So someone have stole the Road Poneglyph. They must've known it was here and planned it thoroughly before stealing it."-Robin

"Eeeeh? So we can't find Laugh Tale's location now?"-Luffy

"We can, but we need to find the thief first. And we need time to investigate it."-Jon

"I'm sorry little ones, i'll gladly show you the poneglyph if we still have it, but alas,... sigh."-Odin

"It's okay, that poneglyph is also important to you."-Robin

"Can we see the other poneglyph? And also the place where the Road Poneglyph was saved. Maybe we can find any clues of who have stole it."-Jon


Odin & his guards then take the Straw Hats to see the poneglyph. Jon sigh in relief because the Giants have found out about this long ago, and didn't suspect them. It didn't became a hot topic because it happened months ago. Now, he just need to find the culprit and take the poneglyph back.


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