
Layla's side:

I started getting dizzy, was it because of what i drank? What was in that drink?

I heard a loud bang in the room, but i was too dizzy to pay any attention to who was there. I soon felt the weight of the men lifted off of me, followed by screams of pain.

I laid there on the ground like a lifeless body. I was sweating heavily and out of breath, it was getting hard to breathe.

"Layla?! Are you okay?!"

Is that Jacob? Is it really him?

I didn't have any strength to move, i was in so much pain that i was starting to lose consciousness.

Jacob's side:

My heart sank when i walked into the room, i can't even imagine how she must've felt.

J -"I'm so sorry..."

Tears started rolling down my cheek, i felt torn apart. I took off my sweater and my shirt to cover her up, then carried her out of the room.

When i got there there weren't many guards which was surprising, now that i think of it makes sense since there was only Layla here. I got into the car and drove off as fast as i could, i needed to find a safe place to stay and make sure no one knew where we were.

After about twenty minutes of driving around, i found a cabin on the side of the road that seemed to be abandoned, so i figured we could stay there for the night until we found a better place to stay.

I parked the car in the woods next to the cabin and made sure it wasn't visible, then helped Layla out of the car. Her skin got very pale and she was still struggling to move, what have they done to her?

I quickly rush into the cabin and gently laid her down on the ground.

J -"Layla look at me, are you okay?!"

Layla's side:

No matter how hard i tried i couldn't respond, what's wrong with me? What did they do?

J -"L-Layla please answer me, you're worrying me!"

L -"I- I'm okay..." i whispered

J -"What did they do to you?! You're not okay!"