The man in the fedora took a device that looked like those no contact thermometers and went around scanning everybody. Then he went to a child about 12 years old, and shot him in the head. Blood splattered everywhere and no one even spoke a word. Then he went around and came across a seven-year old, silently crying. The man scanned her then, shot her in the head. Now we understood why we had a blindfold.
He went around until he came to me. He just scanned me. Then the girl next to me then the boy behind me. For the boy behind me, another gunshot and blood-splatter. Almost all of the children had put their blindfolds back on.
A total of 4 gunshots were heard. We started to take our blindfolds off. We were still tied up and about a third of the bus was taken on a wheelchair to some place else.
The bus started moving and soon enough we had stopped again. This time there were no gunshots, only people being escorted through a wheelchair. Now only a third of the original people were left. Another stop later, me and the girl beside me were escorted to another place. There was an extreme bright white light.
One of the kids' mustered enough courage to ask the question, "Why are we here?"
One of the ladies escorting us answered in a sweet tone, "You don't need to worry. It isn't going to take too long."
The kid asked, "When can we go home?"
The lady replied, "You will never be going home, sweetheart."
Another knockout later, I was put into a room with another person, in my case, it was the girl, from earlier. Our Achilles tendons were healed and we were in a very large room, with 2 beds, a bookshelf and a hole for food and water with a toilet stall in one corner and a showering area. We were untied and all of a sudden, I blacked out for a second time. Later on, I woke up in my bed, with a pure white prisoner like outfit.
I started to walk around the room. It was pretty spacious and it seemed the room was soundproofed. The room had an entrance with a lock and a metal door. Looking around a bit more, I noticed the camera in one of the corners. About 15 mins later (I honestly had no idea how long had really passed) the girl woke. Then a speaker started to boom with a voice.
"Testing.. Testing... There! The microphone is working! Anyway, the two of you have just woke up, and I am sure you must have realized. Ask me anything"
A moment of silence later, I mustered the strength to say, "W-why a-are we h-here?"
The voice responded, "Ooh a very common question I see. All of you here are going to be human experiments. Nothing personal kiddo, but your life is gonna be hell from now on. Any other questions?"
The girl asked, "What kind of experiments do you mean?"
"Hmm... good question. I have no idea, I am not in charge of the experiments. I heard today was an acid bath! Any other questions?"
Both of us were horrified. We didn't even open our mouth after that answer.
"No more questions? Good, shall we proceed? Launch the gas."
The room started to fill with some sort of gas, which was as expected, knockout gas (These people sure do love knocking us out). I woke up with a bunch of wired stamp-like things stuck to my body, dangling in the air, above green liquid in a capsule-like container. To my left, I heard extreme screams of pain. I refrained myself from looking, but looking at the liquid was just as horrifying.
I was slowly being dipped into the liquid. The moment the liquid touched my feet, I felt the pain. Like the pain of being burned and then cooled rapidly.. again.. and again. I was fully submerged in the liquid.
The pain was unbearable, and worse of all I had no idea how long I was in there. For what felt like 20 hours later, I was freed. While in the liquid I noticed many other children had melted in the liquid. It was a truly horrifying sight. We were returned to our rooms and the voice spoke,
"Congratulations on surviving! There is a lot of time before bedtime, you can do anything you want!"
The girl also returned and just collapsed but didn't faint.
I took interest in one of the books in the bookshelf. The contents of the books were... eye opening. In the corner of my eye also noticed the TV that was just installed with a remote nearby. There was also something that looked like a playstation like console with two controllers
"Cool!", I thought to myself, for a second forgetting that we were in a human experiment facility.
The girl groaned, then asked me, "You.. you survived?"
I answered, "Yeah, it was pretty painful"
"Yeah tell me about it. Did they inject you with something before you were dipped?"
"I don't know. I was knocked out for a relatively long time."
"So we are just gonna ignore the fact that we are in a facility that experiments on children?"
"Yeah I guess. I mean there is nothing you can do after all, right?"
"Fair point."
"We are gonna be living in the same room for I don't know how long. Want to be friends?"
"Yeah obviously, isn't that a given?"
"I guess yes? Anyway want to try the new console game thing we just got?"
"Why not? Let's go."
And that is how I made my dearest friend.
Now fast forward 2 years. A few more facilities were added like a PC, another bookshelf etc. The experiments went worse and worse. By the end of year 1 all of us were killing machines, and the facility ordered us to fight each other.
For whatever reason they also made us train hand-to-hand combat then the usage of weapons. They made us go through hellish experiments and training, as if they were preparing for something. Every month we were ordered to fight to the death with someone.
It scarred me for life. Like for example I had to stab a child multiple time on one month. On the other time I.. forget it. It is horrifying just to speak of it.
The girl, whose name was Alice, (None of us knew our real names at the time due to amnesia. The names where given by the facility. My name was Khon. I have no idea why they gave me that name. I even heard one of the people working there calling me Apep) was my best friend. She was extremely smart and pretty strong.
The books in the bookshelves would also change every month and as mentioned above, they were.. weird. I liked those books but the were in extreme detail, and had a lot of information on a lot of stuff. Because of the experiments, it seemed like as if me and many of my "peers" had developed physical and mental strength. When I asked Alice about it, she said,
"I mean yeah, we are definitely way stronger, like the other day I deadlifted 1oo kilograms easy."
"Yeah these experiments are changing our physical strength."
"I don't really know if it really is that useful though."
"Why? I think it is pretty useful."
"It would have been a really good perk if only we were.. you know... not stuck in a prison."
''Oh. Yeah. Crap. I forgot. By the way is it just me or am I getting way better at remembering things."
"You aren't the only one, we all are developing photographic memory like memory retention."
"Yeah again, you aren't the only one. Plus, Although these are extremely good perks to have, we can really use it if we are stuck in this hell-hole."
"Come on, you don't have to be that big a kill-joy! Be at least a little optimistic."
"Ha ha ok. Get ready for the monthly massacre."
Both of were transported to the same place, little did I realize, and both of us very to put on blindfolds. I didn't recognize who my opponent was but nevertheless I took up my sword. So did my opponent. I took the blade and went for a calculated stab, to gauge the distance. It was a successful stab. I went in for the kill.
My opponent was extremely skilled, in that she defended against that and launched a counter-attack. Her counter-attack was way too effective, and it was a stab through my body. While she thought she had already won, I took the opportunity and slashed near where I thought her throat was.
I heard the bastard "referee" say, "Open your blindfolds, the match is over."
I took it out and.. there lay Alice, whose throat was slit by none other than me. I killed my one and only friend in this hellhole. I killed my one and only friend in this hellhole. I killed my one and only friend in this hellhole. What have I done. I just stood there in shock, completely ignoring the stab wound in my abdomen, (The sword was still stuck to my abdomen.) and then I just collapsed.
And there was my best friend, lying there, with a neat gash through her throat, croaking as she died. The bastards had a hundred more people for me to fight, but they decided to make me fight my only roommate. My only friend.
After that day, boy oh boy was I happy (sarcasm). I was put into more experiments than usual, because apparently homicide cures depression. It was to the point that I even heard one of the workers there feeling pity for me and saying, "Let us take our time. He is just a kid. We are the only facility who are doing this at such a drastic rate." (The guy got shot for saying that). That's new isn't? Those bastards felt pity? I indulged myself into the books and kept studying and soon realized how useful the information is.
Then one day I was taken to a room where all of the experiments felt tame in comparison to what they were making me see. They put me through a virtual reality thingy which made me experience war, battle, torture, getting eaten alive etc. It was horrible. Things only started to go down hill. The experiments ranged for "acid bath and virtual mental torture." to "kill other kids in acid baths"
They soon started to make me practice ranged combat, like guns and bows, survival skills, different weapons etc. I didn't even have the thought to commit suicide, the only thought was to avenge Alice. And I had been preparing to escape, and soon everything would be ready. Starting with storing all of the books somewhere.