Chapter 3: Escape

Another 2 years have passed by. It has been a total of 4 years since I got kidnapped. I was now ready for my escape. I was able to steal a funny looking relatively small bag with me that seemed to store a lot of stuff, more than it seemed. With a few modifications, it was like an inventory.

It was time. I had been preparing for this moment for 2 years. Today was 28th June. 2 more days left until the event. That won't halt my escape though. I took the metal pin I found on the ground when the monthly "spar" was taking place. I started to lockpick. This escape took a lot of planning. I memorized the camera man switch time and although I didn't know the exact time I had spent a lot of effort into estimation, which at this point, it felt was pretty accurate.

The lockpicking took a while but I did it. I started to run around. I realized the facility had a "release all prison rooms" button because that would be the most efficient way to transport the children so I just needed to go there. There was a problem though. I did not know most of the facilities layout. And I had to go to a control room that I didn't even know existed. I started running. As fast as possible.

Due to the experiments, my stamina was exceptional. So was my speed. The facility was simply massive. I kept running. Each room had two tags, with two numbers, usually four digit numbers. I kept running. I came across a room with no tags. I tried opening it. Crap. It was locked.

I attempted to lockpick and I got lucky and struck the right place. I could open the door. I went inside. There were so many buttons, but I saw a man right in front of me. He took out his gun and shot me. I sidestepped at just the right time and went towards his back. He looked strong, and was pretty well built. I jumped towards him and grabbed on to his shoulder. I pulled myself up and sat on his shoulders.

He said something like, "How are you even here?", but it was too late. I was in the perfect position to snap his neck. And I did just that. I jumped off him. I looked around the button panel and pressed a red button, reasoning that red usually implied that it is important right? That was another big mistake. The red button implied an emergency, not something important. The release button was the blue button. I wanted to be a hero. I screwed up big time. The red button... sounded the alarm for escape. I shot myself in the leg.

I decided to arm myself worst case scenario. I took the gun from the now dead man and I also took a dagger that was in his pocket.

Soon enough, many children started to run out.

"Hey, my dude, you responsible for the commotion?"

I said, "Yeah."

The guy said, "Nice. Let's go. I know of where the exit is just that it is very far away."

"Let's start running then!"

We started running and and soon we had a clump of people running in the same direction, headed by me and the other guy. We ran like there was no tomorrow. I turned to see how many people were following us. I noticed a familiar face, but due to my induced amnesia, I couldn't recognize the person. It felt like Deja vu.

We grew closer to the exit. A green glowing sign with a stickman going through a white door is what signified the exit was within reach. The guy in front of me was so excited that he ran extra fast towards the exit. He opened the door. And he stopped. I noticed something was wrong. I stopped and started to slowly approach the exit. The group also realized something was a up and followed my lead.

Guess what I saw. there was a wooden door with two glass windows. Through the window I saw a staircase. But more importantly, there were a full group of people, with weapons. I also noticed one of the people in the back being unarmed. Anyway, the group of "scientists" said, "Wow. Did it really take you that long to launch a rebellion? You all really do suck."

I responded with. "Isn't that cute, you thought you were keeping us in control?"

"Then why didn't you escape smarta**?"

"I wanted to get a few more things before I left, after all, why not rob this place?"

One of the people in the front opened fire. I took the gun I stole from camera guy and gave him a return gift. It didn't take long for pure chaos to ensue. Now you have to remember, everyone here is an exceptional fighter and so we started to push them. A few more children started to arm themselves from the fallen idiots.

And so this went on for about a good 30 mins until more guards started to arrive to the scene. The exit was in front of us. We were expecting the guards to come from the exit. Alas, we were mistaken. The guards came from the back. And now we were really screwed.

You see, although every person on the experiment escapees were extremely capable, the never- ending barrage of gunfire from the guards was too much and we were slowly losing. We had to break through to the exit as soon as possible. And I had a plan. All of us were specialized in something or the other, although our specialization weren't official, looking at how we fought made things obvious. Although it wasn't as useful in this case (we didn't have a variety of weapons), it still divided people into three rough groups. Those who were good in strength or melee, those who were good in aim and trajectory calculations or rangers and those who based most of their contributions on speed or "assassin" (or "ninja" whatever floats your boat).

I specialized in speed so naturally I charged at the exit. They weren't expecting a blatantly stupid person and I took advantage of that fact. I ran to the exit. I could have just abandoned my whole team. And that is what I did. At first. I ran up the stairs and saw a ladder leading up to a metal trapdoor. I opened the trapdoor and got out and realized we were in the middle of a desert, with a few sheds around. One of them had a lot of swords and weapons. Those seemed to be the ones we used during our monthly "spar". There were also guns and bows, all of which we used to practice with in the facility. I took a few swords and a few handguns. Then I went down the trapdoor.

The reason I didn't escape is because the whole space was enclosed and I had a suspicion that one the guards had the key. Although I tried lockpicking, For whatever reason, it just didn't work. I could climb the wire fence enclosing the camp as I didn't want an early grave, it was clearly electrocuted.

I went back down and started to slash the guards from the behind. When they realized there was somebody ambushing them from behind, I ran towards my group and gave them the weapons I had. Now we seriously had a chance at escape. We started to push the group guarding the exit. During the fighting, I knocked out the unarmed person and noticed he had a key. I grabbed it.

We started to go towards the trapdoor. I still had the lock from my first escape. We started moving out through the trapdoor. I locked the trapdoor. The guards now couldn't reach us. Good.

We got up and we decided to rest for a bit before escaping, after all a desert lied ahead of us. The sheds were good enough. One of them even had some supplies. I started to search for the boy who gave me Deja vu. Searching around, I saw the familiar face, pretty wounded, patching up the wounds.

Looking at him a bit closer, I realized he was my brother. He too realized that. What was supposed to be an emotional and tearful reunion started with my brother saying,

"Soo how are you doing arsehole? I forgot your name." (Ah brotherly love)

I chuckled saying, "Nor do I recall yours. Weird times eh?"

"To be fair I don't even remember my own name", my brother said, shrugging.

"Same here. Call me ꖌ⍑𝙹リ I guess."

"People in the lab called me ⍑𝙹∷⚍ᓭ, so that's my name I guess?"

"What did you just say? ⍑𝙹∷⚍ᓭ? Are you serious?"

"Yeah why?"

Just then, one of the escapees told all of us to gather around. People started to come around the person. I sat there, thinking about what my brother just said. Horus. The person who called everyone started what seemed like a speech. I couldn't hear it properly as I was still in shock of what my brother just said. My brother understandably confused just sat there.

Just then I saw the person giving the speech take a remote control button thingy up in the air. Sh*t. Almost everyone realized what it was. They started running away from the person, but it was too late. The bastard betrayed us. Just as he pressed the button he said, "Explode."

The whole place imploded. Just how many damn explosive were rigged here?? I tried to protect my self from the shrapnel with my left arm but one piece of shrapnel hit my left eye. I looked over to my brother and he ended up being the luckiest with a lot of injuries, but none fatal. As for me, now my left arm was unusable and my left eye was disabled.

The explosions kept going on until the sand in the surrounding area started to melt. I looked around. Most of the sheds were now black and full of char and soot. The explosion was less a real explosion and more being in a volcano. I started to look around. Every single other person was either dead or was dying. We were by far the luckiest.

Although we were the luckiest my left arm was still injured and heavily bleeding. My left eye was also in bad shape. I slowly started to lose consciousness.

"Huh??", I thought to myself. After all, although I did get badly injured, I didn't lose that much blood yet. I looked to my abdomen. There was a straight up metal rod piercing my body. How did I not notice? I fell down. I towards my brother and told him, "Go north.". Just as I fainted I saw my brother try to get up. Then I fell unconscious.