Shocking them Silly! (II)

A (Grandpa) POV

'It is another normal day. I am starting to like the retired life. Watching these young one's grow every day is a blissful feeling to have. I'm glad I was able to come back for this.'

'Darui is getting better and better at a very alarming rate. He could become Raikage someday. All three of them will be important assets to the village. They can certainly assist A in managing the village.'

He sees the back and forth between all 3 of them and provides some encouragement when he sees them questioning whether they will be able to succeed. He sees his grandson sitting on the side like always but this time he passes a snide comment seemingly undermining the efforts of the 3 fine shinobi's in front of him.

Before I can say something, C takes offence to the provocation and challenges Rai.

Then I see something which took my breath away. Rai is standing there using the Lightning Release: Chakra Mode with a smug look on his face. I stopped thinking at that time. It was incredible. This is at the very least an A ranked technique and here is a 5 year old who is doing it like it's nothing special. I know this technique well enough to know that there isn't even a hint of instability in his use of the technique. He should be able to keep it on for a good half an hour. I got out of my thoughts when I saw my son enter the field. And he had the same slackjawed look on his face.

Wait if he didn't teach Rai either then how did he learn to do this? Something incomprehensible flashed past his mind. But he had to confirm this.

"A, did you teach him this technique?" – A (Grandpa)

"No, I thought you did." – A

They just silently looked at each other coming to terms with what this just meant.

There was an awkward silence in the fields. No one knew how to react to this sudden turn of events.

Normal POV

Rai just stood there waiting for someone to say something. He had planned this for a while. He wanted to start training with the rest of them. He was wasting valuable time. Not really wasting it but he was not being efficient enough and having someone watching over you to tell you where you're going wrong is a great boon to have. So he decided, to pull a quick one like this on them to convince them to train him. He could've just gone up to his dad or grandpa and told them that he could do it. But, he kind of just wanted to leave a lasting impression. He had been working his ass off for a while now, surely he can afford to show off a little bit. Especially so, when the people around are all trustworthy individuals.

"Rai, how did you do that?" – A (Grandpa)

"Well, I just did. I always felt like I could do it. That's why I was asking you to start training me." – Rai

"This is a very difficult technique, you do realize that right?" A (Father)

"Hmm. I mean, I think as long as the technique has something to do with lightning. I should be able to do it. And it's the same with this one as well. Look I can also do this." – Rai

Rai forms the lightning Gauntlet in his right hand, it looks like a heavy armor formed out of pure lightning chakra pulsing violently with pulses of lightning. He pulls his arm back facing the empty part of the training field and releases all the energy with a swing of his hand. What followed was a laser like line of lightning the size of his fist. When it made contact with the adjacent forest, a huge boom resounded in the surroundings. A good part of it was just obliterated with one attack.

They just stood there in silence, processing what they just saw. Here they were happily lauding how much of a genius Darui is. And then all of a sudden they see Rai there doing this. This is beyond the level of a Genius. The kid should be regarded as a monster. And he just nonchalantly says that he can do anything as long as it is lightning related. Their land is called the land of lightning and most of Kumo's techniques are based on lightning. If, what he says is true then they potentially have another S –rank ninja in the making. If that last technique that he demonstrated is anything to go by, that is the very least he could achieve. All this time they've been having to hear about the so called geniuses of the leaf from Kakashi to Minato and now a new Uchiha brat. Kumo has been relatively content with having someone like Darui who is also exceptionally talented. But, Rai's talent could quite possibly trump all of them and he hasn't even been trained yet.

A (Father) can be seen puffing out his chest with a proud look on his face. He loudly exclaims "As expected of my Son. Hahaha."

A snort comes in reply from A (Grandpa) who says "What do you expect, he's my grandson after all."

The two start bickering back and forth completely ignoring the rest.

On the field, the three students of grandpa are still in a daze. They are forcibly brought out when they hear. "So Cee-nii. How's that huh? Fufufu" – Rai

Before he can respond to the jibe. A (Grandpa) makes an announcement.

"Rai, your training starts from tomorrow. Be here at 6 in the morning. And don't you dare be late."

"So you're finally going to start training me?" – Rai asks excitedly

"Hmm. Of course. Now that I see how much of a genius you are, it'll be a waste to not make the most of it." – A (Grandpa)

"Being able to use Lightning Release: Chakra Mode at the age of 5. I almost want to go that damn stubborn old midget and rub it in his face." – A (Father)

"Haha. That's right. Just the presence of Minato in Konoha itself caused him endless annoyance. Now, if he knew we in Kumo have someone just as talented. He'll pop a blood vessel and die of anger." – A (Grandpa)

"Hahahaha. But we should definitely keep this between ourselves. We shouldn't allow for people to know about him before he is strong enough to defend itself." – A (Father)

Grandpa turns to his three students and gives them an order "You three, never speak a word about what just happened here. Consider this as an S- Class secret of the village. Is that clear?"

All three in unison "Yes. Sandaime-sama."

While this is happening, Rai is thinking that it'd probably be better if he didn't mention that he could already do this a year and a half ago. Yea, it's probably for the better that he keeps this to himself. He's already achieved what he wanted to do, it is unnecessary to go too over the top. And frankly he is afraid of whether their brains would short-circuit if they knew the whole truth.