Inner Region

It's been a month since Rai has been living on this island. He found himself a huge hollow tree, excavated more space and has been living there ever since. Rai initially found it extremely hard to fight bigger packs of beasts since they make a lot of noise and more and more beasts make their way over to scavenge on the dead beasts. Rai once got caught in a battle of attrition which causes dozens of other beasts to come over to where he was fighting. He had to hightail it out of there. It was quite a close call, since he'd have had to fight way too many and it was not worth the risk.

Ever since, Rai has been more cautious with choosing his targets, always going for lone beasts or for packs of 5 or 6. He has been making steady progress with his techniques and is now capable of making quick work of up to a dozen beasts in about a minute. He has been sticking around the periphery of the outskirt of the forest. Now he's planning on going further in towards the inner part. Most of these areas will have Jonin level beasts or even elite Jonin level beasts guarding their territory.

[Quest in Progress]

[Kill or be killed]

[Kill 10000 Chakra beasts] (1643/10000)

[Time Limit – 60 Days]

Rai is behind on his quest and he needs to pick up the pace to meet the intended target. In this one month Rai has already fought and killed about a dozen or so Special Jonin level beasts and about a hundred Chuunin level, the rest were at Genin level. He was able to farm about 50K in SP. He can already see himself unlocking the next upgrade of the White Room within the 3 month period. That will make things a lot easier to achieve his goals.

Rai started walking further in to start his next round of fighting. He can already feel the difference in the atmosphere as he gets closer towards the center. There is a sense of Ferocity and Savagery in the air. This no doubt is the work of the stronger beasts who are warning others to not enter into their territory. Rai turns on his Presence Concealment to look for his next target. He picks a direction randomly and he comes across a humungous bear sleeping in front of a cave. This seems like a good target. He plans on using his Thunder Breathing First form to end this instantly. He takes up his stance, dashes and decapitates the bear and before it knows it's dead.

Just as he was about to explore the cave, he hears a grief-stricken roar coming from inside. What comes out is another bear but this one is almost double the size of the previous one he killed. The smell of blood probably gave him away. Rai doesn't know if the bear he killed is its mate or its child but he knows that he has to get serious right now.

'Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen'

Rai expects the bear to lose its head like the many other beasts that he has killed before but this one is different. His Nichirin sword snaps in two.

Rai sees a layer of hardened earth on the part of the neck where he attacked the bear. This beast is capable of molding chakra. And now, he even lost his weapon. Rai quickly tries to get away. He doesn't think he is ready to face such a beast. He tries to get away the bear is having none of it. It attacks him non-stop not giving him any time to think. The enraged bear is roaring at the top of its voice and starts hurling huge rocks straight at Rai. This thing is not only capable of creating a hardened layer on its skin but also create and fire out rocks at immense speeds. Rai is unable to get away, and the more time he spends passively the chance of other beasts joining in also increases. Rai has to make up his mind whether to Stay and fight or go all out and escape, disregarding injuries. He chose to duke it out with the bear.

Rai turns on his lightning cloak and dashes towards the bear. He dodges a swipe and punches the bear on its side. The bear snarls in pain but there is no real damage. Its hide is really thick and reinforced by earth chakra. Rai will need to deal piercing damage. He swivels to the back of the bear and tries his grandpa's signature technique the Hell Stab on the beast. He is able to pierce its skin but it is not deep enough. Before he can try again, he gets rammed by the bear's backhand slap. His defense is able to handle it but the force of the hit sends him flying into the rocky entrance of the cave.

Rai is disoriented by the hit and tries to get his bearings. His cloak dissipates and he can feel that he has a few broken ribs. Suppressing the blood that comes up to his throat due to the internal injuries. He looks up to notice the bear wildly charging at him again. It lunges at him. Rai jumps over and lands on the bear's back. He sticks to the bears back and again pierces through with a hell stab. He does this a few more times in quick succession ignoring the bear's wails. The bear then flips its body and rams in to the ground with Rai at its back.

(AN: Yea, that bear did something like a Suplex)

Taken off guard by this move. He can feel his body being crushed by the weight and force of the bear. Rai spits out a mouthful of blood. But the bear is not in any better condition either. It tries to swipe at Rai from its grounded position. Rai rolls away from the hit and makes some distance. He takes out a Senzu Bean and quickly eats it. His injuries are healing at a rapid pace and his stamina also is back to full.

Rai sees the bear hobble out of the ground leaving a puddle of blood in its wake from the repeated stabs that Rai made. Now that Rai has an overwhelming advantage, he quickly goes in for the kill. He dodges its wild swipes and cripples its leg with a hell stab to its knee joint. The bear drops onto its haunches and before it can do anything else. Rai quickly slits its throat. A wave of blood falls out of the bear's neck. Rai stands on the side. He knows that the bear doesn't have more than a minute to live. He stood there and waited for the notification to come from Alice. He does not want to risk getting closer and allowing the beast to make a suicide attack. After close to a minute, Rai hears a familiar notification in his mind.

[You have defeated Jonin Level Chakra Beast. Reward = 1000 SP]

Rai relaxes a little bit and lets out a relieved sigh.

'Damn. That was only a Jonin level. How strong are the Elite Jonin and Kage level beasts supposed to be?'

[That was a particularly strong one among the Jonin ranked ones.]

'Ugh. I even had to use a senzu bean during this battle. I'm clearly out of my depth with the stronger Jonin ranked beasts. I need some technique which can breakthrough defenses and some kind of technique from range.'

'Now even my sword is broken.'

'Ugh. I'll stick to this area for now and stay away from the stronger ones. First I'll buy a sword from the store.'

Rai quickly left the area to carry on. He does not have the time to waste since he is still far from the target of 10000 beasts.