
A young man with light blonde shoulder length hair can be seen sitting in front of a small pond cleaning himself up. Quite a bit of blood can be seen on his body. This blood is not his of course. This is just the after effect of a particularly brutal battle that he had with a tiger beast where he again had to use a senzu bean to get out of jail. He has already used up 30 of them by now in the month and a half that he has been hunting in the inner region of the forest.

[Quest in Progress]

[Kill or be killed]

[Kill 10000 Chakra beasts] (7821/10000)

[Time Limit – 15 Days]

His SP has just hit 1 million. He was hoping to be able to complete the quest before unlocking the upgrade to the white room but his wanton killing in the inner area has caused these beasts to group up and form bigger herds. This has significantly reduced the number of beasts that Rai has been able to hunt in the past few days. So, Rai had a choice to make to either head further into the central region or fight these groups of beasts. Going into the central area is clearly not an option since he can barely handle ones here.

'Alice. Upgrade the White Room please. I need more time to work on a technique. I need additional firepower.'

[Deducting 250K SP]

[White Room Lvl. 2 Unlocked]

'How much does the next upgrade cost?'


'And what changes with this upgrade?'

[You can stay in for 4 hours every day and can extend up to 2 days for 2K SP.]

'Buy that as well. God knows I need as much time as possible to finish this quest.'

[Deducting 750K]

[White Room Lvl. 3 Unlocked]

[Remaining SP – 7525]

Rai quickly entered the White Room and started planning his next steps.

'Ok Then. I need to work on something like a Raikiri. The Hell Stab doesn't cut it. I'm not fast enough and do not have enough force behind my body to use something like the hell stab to its highest potential. I need something like Raikiri that has pure Piercing Power. But I really should have worked on this before. Sigh. Whatever, there is no pill for regret in this world.'

'Maybe, I can beg Yoru to kill some of them for me. If my summoned beast kills them, it should still count as my own kills right?'

[Nice try. To others it may be the same, but as far as the system is concerned, they don't count.]

The next week went by with Rai killing off stragglers who are left behind by huge groups and those that simply did not group up. Rai has been spending 2 days in the White Room every chance he gets. He has made some good progress but hasn't been able to completely form the Raikiri. But he has been able to improve the Lightning Blast technique by adding the piercing nature to it. He has been finding it a bit easier to kill beasts ever since. Now he still has just under a 1500 beasts to kill in 8 days.

Rai really does not want to leave it to the last moment to finish this up. It's like having a figurative axe hanging over your head. A very unpleasant feeling to have. Having a 50% drop in all attributes will significantly weaken him. So, Rai starts off again with renewed gusto.

2 days later he finally succeeded in creating his Raikiri. He also changed his fighting style a bit, employing a hit and run kiting tactic with his Lightning Release: Body Flicker and Raikiri. He started massacring the smaller groups with it. He even took on more than 2 Jonin ranked beasts in battle a few times. His combination of speed and accurate strikes aimed at joints and vital spots was a nightmare for these beasts. He refrained from fighting any speed related beasts since that would put him at an impasse and he'd rather just finish this and be over with as soon as possible.

Rai still continued going into the white room and a few days later, he even recreated the Chidori sharp spear that Sasuke used to kill Danzo. Having a ranged skill that can pierce through a quite a few beasts at once proved to be difference maker as 2 days before the time limit, Rai successfully completed the quest.

[Quest Completed]

[Kill or be killed]

[Kill 10000 Chakra beasts]

[Time Limit – 90 Days]

[Reward – Dungeon unlocked]

[Penalty – 50% drop in all Stats Permanently]

'Thanks Alice, Accept Reward please.'

[Dungeon Interface Unlocked]

'Ah. I need some rest. I am going to head to Uncle B's vacation house.'

[You're not going to check out the Dungeon right now?]

'No. I'm too tired for this. I'll do it later after I get a good night's rest or maybe I'll just look into it after getting back home.'

[Ok. You're the boss.]

After an hour traversing through the island, Rai finally reached a wooden house shaped with the head of a Demon Ox. He got inside to see his Uncle there furiously scribbling away at his rap book.

He notices Rai coming in and asks "Has it been 3 months already?"

"No. 2 more days for that. I got bored and wanted to sleep properly." – Rai

"Well. Suit yourself. Now that you're here can you listen to my rap and give me your opinion?" – Uncle B asks with sparkling eyes.

Rai just gives hmim the stink eye and walks away. He has been under too much stress to deal with this shit right now.

He found an unused room and immediately hit the bed.

He woke up next morning as a renewed person, sleeping in the wild and always keeping your guard up constantly has been extremely tiring and after a good night's sleep. He was feeling refreshed.

He found his Uncle B practicing his skills with 8 swords in front of the house. This has always been a mystery for Rai. He just cannot understand how his uncle can hold so many of them and even make use of them effectively in battle. He just wrote it off as another of those quirks his uncle has. Of course, this does not mean that he looks down on his uncle. He knows for a fact that Uncle B is by far the strongest person in Kumo. His strength is undeniable. But just a little weird.

Rai watched his uncle for like half an hour before he was done with his practice.

"Hey Uncle B, is there something else to do on this island?" – Rai

"Hmm. Do you want to see the Falls of Truth? This is where I learnt to control the Eight Tails, it will be good mental training for you I think." – Uncle B asks curiously

Rai gave this some thought and decided he might as well check this out. Rai was curious to see what a non Jinchuriki will see here in the Falls of Truth.

"Sure thing Uncle. Let's go when you're ready." - Rai