
Rai put away his kumo headband and gear and started walking around Konoha. He asked for directions to Ichiraku and found the place after a few minutes. The place didn't seem to have too many people and so Rai was quickly able to find a seat. Teuchi and a very young Ayame were working in the store.

"Irrashaimase! What can I get you?" – Teuchi

"Hmm. Miso Pork Ramen for me please." – Rai says with a smile.

"Coming right up." – Teuchi

Rai could see a blushing Ayame looking at him from time to time. He could only inwardly face palm himself. He wonders if this is why Kakashi always wears a face mask. Maybe, Rai could find a similar outfit with a sleeveless vest extending into a face mask. The whole point of not wearing the Kumo headgear was to not draw attention and relax for a bit. This is not going to help at all from the looks of it.

Rai received his bowl of ramen a few minutes later. It looked amazing to say the least. Rai quickly dug in. And the taste was blissful. Rai was certain that if Teuchi was a chef in Shokugeki no Soma, he'd have people stripping to his food all day. It was that good. The broth, the texture of the ramen and crispness of the Pork. Simply heavenly. He ordered another bowl and then another and then another.

Rai only stopped after 6 bowls. He finally understood what the big deal with Ichiraku Ramen was. There's no way people can stop eating here when it tastes that good. Rai thought maybe he should ask Teuchi to move to Kumo to start a store there.

"Ne. Teuchi-san, why don't you open up your shop in other places as well? It's a crying shame if I have to come over to Konoha to eat your food every time." – Rai

"Haha. You like it that much huh. Sorry but I have my hands full with this one alone. So, you'll have to come here if you want it. That reminds me I haven't seen you here before. Where you from?" – Teuchi

"Oh. I'm from Kumo. We came here to sign a peace treaty actually. What do you think Teuchi-san? I'll fix up everything for you to come over to Kumo you know?" – Rai says with a smirk on his face.

Teuchi was too stunned to respond, he didn't know that the kid in front of him openly disclosed his identity of being from a different village. The people nearby also heard him and were showing hostile looks. But before he could say anything he heard a voice from the front of the store.

"Now, now, it's not nice to openly try and poach someone from us don't you think Rai-san. You may be the Third Raikage's grandson and the Fourth Raikage's son. But, please refrain from doing something like this."

"Hehe. It was worth a try at least. But seriously I do love the Ramen. It's nice to meet you Kakashi-san." – Rai

The people who were showing hostility before completely stopped dead in their tracks. It was one thing to rough up or swear at a random Kumo Shinobi but no one really has the guts to do that to the direct descendant of 2 living Kages.

"Hah. You knew I was following you from the get go didn't you?" – Kakashi

"Of course. And it's not just you who's following me, there's one emotionless puppet following my every move as well. That must be the so called Root division of ANBU in Konoha huh?" – Rai

Kakashi instantly went on alert. He didn't even sense the other person who is also supposedly tracking Rai and not just that Rai seems to know quite a bit about the inner workings of Konoha if he knows about Root. The existence of Root is only known to major clan heads, elders and a select group of Jonins. Rai openly disclosing his knowledge of this itself raises too many flags of traitors or leaks inside Konoha. It definitely can't be taken lightly. But, when he saw the sly smile on Rai's face he thought that maybe his panic is what confirmed the notion in Rai's mind.

Rai of course did not really plan on anything of the sort. He just wanted to mess with Kakashi slightly. It is not a huge problem even if Rai discloses that he knows about Root since it can easily be taken that Kumo has quite a few competent spies placed in Konoha. That by itself is not a bad thing to be more cautious. Regardless, Rai didn't really care about who Kakashi will report this to.

Rai quickly paid for the food, thanked Teuchi and started to leave. Before he left, he decided to further mess with him by saying "Oh. And you should probably also inform Hokage-Sama that another of these rats are hiding in his office and was listening to our meeting. See you later, Kakashi-san."

Rai quickly gets away from there to an alley, turns on his Presence Concealment and continues on his way. Kakashi on the other hand is now frowning and now that he notices that he lost Rai too he sighs and goes to make his report to the Hokage.

Of course, the second part also wasn't a lie. There really was a Root agent hiding sneakily henge'd as a spider. Rai couldn't help but wonder is it that easy to sneak into the Hokage's office. Does no one ever check for any spies or chakra signatures?

Rai left these thoughts behind ad started to walk around aimlessly. He was still thinking if he should look for Root headquarters and royally fuck over Danzo. He eventually decided to just let it be and continued to walk around. He snooped around and found the residences of the Nara, Yamanaka, Akimichi, Uchiha and Hyuga clans. He didn't really bother to infiltrate further since there wasn't much for him to get from there. The only thing that he was really interested in is the Flying Thunder God Jutsu which is in a forbidden scroll in the Hokage's office. There's no doubt multiple fail safes which will go off if someone steals it.

Rai just continued his exploration until he found an underground facility with multiple Chakra signatures. Most of them were higher than Chuunin Rank, with a few Jonins and also one approaching the Kage Rank. This was just too easy to find. Sure, it is hidden in the outskirts but how has no one not found this yet? Do the Hyugas not use the Byakugan much inside the village?

Of course they do, but there is a sealing barrier placed to prevent it from being seen by the Byakugan. The only reason Rai was able to find out was because Observation Haki cannot be stopped by the barrier. The Uzumaki Clan's Mind's Eye of the Kagura is also another technique that can easily see through this barrier.

This place has to be Root Headquarters. Rai thought it was somewhere outside the village, but then he remembered that Root was ordered to be dissolved only after the Uchiha Massacre Incident. So, they haven't had to move outside the village yet.

Rai is contemplating what to do here. He knows that he can't cause too much trouble as that would bring suspicion to Kumo but he doesn't want to let Danzo off scot free either. For now, Rai just decided to infiltrate and find out some more about the place before he decides what to.

Rai snoops around before he finds an entrance well hidden behind a boulder. Rai has total confidence in his Presence Concealment to completely mask his Chakra, so he just directly walked in. The whole place was dead quiet. He could see a few people walking around from time to time in complete silence. Makes you wonder how they manage to keep their sanity in this environment, but then again all of them have been trained to become emotionless dummies so they probably don't find anything wrong.

But, this atmosphere has made Rai more vigilant in his exploration. He definitely does not want to risk getting caught and found out. Rai continued looking until he found a younger version of Tenzo/Yamato sitting in a room nursing his injuries presumably after a tough training session. Tenzo has not been rescued by Kakashi so far. From what Rai remembers, he gets taken in by the Hokage into the Anbu unit after Tenzo fails in an assassination mission to kill Kakashi and retrieve the Sharingan for Danzo. Hmm. Maybe, he can anonymously give this information to the Hokage that someone with Wood Release is being hidden by Danzo inside Root.

But, this was bound to happen anyways, it's not really something to stick it in to Danzo. He ignores Tenzo for now and keeps looking. At last he found what he was looking for. A treasure trove.