
This is a treasure trove. A treasure trove of information to be exact. Rai is standing in front of huge shelves filled with scrolls. He skims through a few scrolls to check out the contents and realizes exactly what this is. These scrolls are filled with Danzo's dark secrets and all the shady things he has done. There must be hundreds of them in here. Rai started going through them one by one.

He expected to see some shady shit that Danzo's been up to and true to his expectations there was a lot of it. Root agents masquerading as Suna shinobis no attack Iwa, disguising as Iwa shinobi to attack Kumo. Basically manipulating the shit out of everybody.

In one Storage scroll he also found a few pairs of Sharingan and even a pair of Byakugans. There was also some kind of bloody fleshy substance. Rai was about to throw it away until he realized that these were Hashirama cells. These are seriously good stuff that Rai could take as spoils. It was believed that Danzo had been harvesting Sharingans even before the Uchiha massacre and this just proves it. The Byakugans though were a welcome surprise. The irony in this, Kumo was planning so extensively in order to get a Byakugan and here is Rai who just walked in and found them quite easily.

He kept checking the scrolls until he saw one scroll which was bigger and looked a little different from the others. He opened it up and what he saw shocked him. This guy had also made a copy of the Scroll of Seals with all the jutsus on it.

'This can't be right. How could something like this be kept with such little security? Did Danzo overestimate his security measures or is there something else that he can use to track it?'

Rai inspects the scroll closely and sure enough there was a tracking seal placed on it. He quickly puts the scroll into his inventory. He is sure that whatever tracking measures that have been set up, it sure as hell will not be able to trace it back to the inventory space. This is now a major harvest. Ordinarily this much would be enough but Rai wanted to pile the misery on Danzo.

He continued to look through all the scrolls. There were quite a few scrolls with weapons and other gear. Rai made sure to take all of these. He even took a few of the scrolls with proof of his dirty deeds. Rai had play it smart here so he made sure to replace the scrolls that he took with empty ones that he bought from the store. This way no one would notice the clear decrease in the number of scrolls.

Rai quickly gets to work by shoving everything useful in to his inventory. For every scroll he takes he puts another one in its exact place. Rai can be very meticulous with these kind of things. Though, it is a mystery why people even store these kind of things. Isn't it so much better to just burn these things rather than store their dirty secrets for someone to find it? But then again Rai was never able to understand the actions of Egotistical fools.

Rai contemplated whether he should just take everything and just expose him in front of the other clan heads. If they knew that their own clansmen were hunted down in order to be experimented on for their bloodlines. It was sure to destroy Danzo once and for all. But, Rai doesn't think that would be a good idea. He doesn't owe Konoha anything at all and taking such drastic action will surely blow things out of proportion. Next thing you know, the 4th Shinobi war may start in the next 5 years instead. The risk was too much and the benefits to Rai and to Kumo were too little to try it.

Rai was willing to take risks if it concerned him or his family and he certainly wouldn't mind making minor changes that will not cause massive ripples. But, if he goes through with outing Danzo. The Uchiha Massacre will not happen. That could cause Obito to try some other methods to deal with the Uchihas. And that move may be to start another war. Rai did not want to see that happen. So, he decided to just leave it to fate to see if things follow the plot.

After taking everything he can and ensuring that nothing is out of place. Rai quickly bolts from there. He has already got everything he needs. Now he needs to get back to where the rest of the Kumo shinobis are accommodated.

Rai had taken a few of the scrolls and sealed them in a storage scroll to show them to his grandpa. He stealthily made it back and knocked on his grandpa's room.

His grandpa let him in and upon seeing the sheepish smile on Rai's face figured that his grandson was up to no good. He sighed and asked about what trouble he caused this time. Rai said nothing and simply tossed the storage scroll to him. Upon opening it about a dozen scrolls came out.

His grandpa started going through the scrolls one by one. Most of the scrolls in the storage scroll was about how Danzo manipulated the other countries into conflicts with each other during the 2 previous wars. Finally after reading the last one. He asked "Where did you get them from?"

"There was an underground structure in the outskirts, it's apparently a separate division of Anbu that works separate from the Hokage's orders. It's led by an Elder from the Council named Danzo. The division is called Root." – Rai

"Rai. Why would you go to someplace this dangerous? If even half of what I just read is true then you just robbed the biggest schemer in the entire shinobi world. Did you cover your tracks properly? This absolutely cannot be allowed to be traced back to us." – Grandpa

"Don't worry about it grandpa. They definitely won't trace it back to us. I was the only one who even left to explore. And I am certain that no one saw me get back so there's nothing to worry about. I am quite confident in my stealth abilities grandpa. I mean no one has found out that I spend a lot of time on the roof of the Raikage office. Hehe." – Rai

"Haha. Okay then. This is good stuff. We can use this to our advantage when the need arises." - Grandpa

"Haha. Grandpa. This is nothing. Wait until you see these." Rai tosses the scrolls with Byakugans, Sharingans and Hashirama cells to him.

Now his grandpa was just flabbergasted, all this scheming that they had done to get a pair of Byakugans and now it just falls into their hands and to top it off there's a few pair of Sharingans in there too.

"What's the other thing?" Grandpa asks looking at the fleshy thing inside a glass jar.

In response Rai takes out another scroll which had some details about how the Sharingans and the Hashirama cells were implanted into Danzo's body. This scroll though completely knocked the wind out of Grandpa. Sharingans and Byakugans are one thing but the cells of Hashirama the First Hokage is another league altogether. This man was known as the God of Shinobi's. No one gets that kind of name without reason. His grandpa started laughing hysterically.

"Rai. You really are our lucky star. These are more than we could ever dream about getting. Wait until your father hears about all this. He'll probably die of laughter." – Grandpa

"Well. I have a few more scrolls but they are just regular stuff like Shinobi Weapons and armors and the like. Just that there's a good amount of them. Danzo will be coughing blood when he finds out. Lucky for us he shouldn't be looking into any of these any time soon." – Rai

"Anyways. Never ever mention to anybody at all what you found and where you found it from. This is serious. This guy is a snake. If he finds out that you were the one to steal all these from him. He'll definitely try and kill you by hook or crook. Is that clear?" – Grandpa

"Sure. Grandpa." – Rai

"Now I'll hold onto these for the time being." – Grandpa

"Actually Grandpa I think I should hold onto them. I'm the last person who will be suspected and trust me I have a way to keep them from ever finding it in my possession even if they find out that things were stolen." – Rai

"Are you absolutely certain?" – Grandpa

"100%" – Rai

Grandpa agrees and Rai just scoops them all and dumps it into his inventory. Now his inventory is kind of massive after he finished a few upgrades in it. It now has 128 spaces for at Lvl. 4.

Rai then left back to his room. One would think that after screwing over Danzo to such an extent that Rai would be done. But, one would think wrong. He still wanted to get Tenzo off Danzo's hands and allow the Hokage to get him not to mention he can also use this to further reduce the suspicion on him and Kumo.

Rai made a clone and had him stay in his room while he left to the Hokage's office. It was late in the evening now and Hiruzen can be seen buried in a huge pile of paperwork. He seems to hate his life and he kept muttering that he was too old to deal with this shit.

Rai entered into his office in stealth and decided to leave a scroll with the contents on the side of the window before. He left it anonymously but claimed that he was a member of root who was somehow able to break free from the seal placed on him by Danzo.

To make it more believable Rai went back to the Root hideout and staked the place until he found a relatively strong Jonin come out. He followed behind him for a short distance and once he was sure that there was nobody around, Rai quickly pierced his heart with a Black Raikiri and killed him. He immediately put the body into his inventory and left back to his quarters.

Now, Danzo would really think that someone was able to break free from the seal and will put the blame of the stolen items on him as well.

All in all a good day for Rai. He entered his room and went to dreamland with a gleeful smile on his face.