Might Guy

Rai woke up the next day refreshed and in a jovial mood. Today is the meeting with the clan heads and the council before signing a peace treaty. Rai planned to not attend since he really didn't want to get stuck in a room with stubborn old fools. And the less contact he has with Danzo the better.

Rai certainly isn't afraid of Danzo, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to steal from him. But he never has been the kind to go seeking trouble. Trouble would inevitably find him anyways so why bother looking for it.

(AN: Damn right it will. How am i supposed to write this novel if it doesn't.)

He finished his daily torture session with Scáthach where he again failed to get a hit on her, but Rai did start looking into the Scroll of Seals that he got from Danzo the day before to see if it's legitimate or not.

He created a clone before starting the spar with Scáthach so that it could try and learn something from it. And lo and behold he successfully learnt Naruto's lifesaving technique the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu. He tried looking into the others but without adequate knowledge about Fuinjutsu, it was like reading quantum mechanics without knowing even basic physics. He eventually ended the session, freshened up and left the building after informing his grandpa.

Rai had some plans made for today. He wanted to find Guy and maybe get a spar with him in pure Taijutsu. He felt like this would give him a good idea of where he really stands. In technical terms, no one will ever get close to how good Guy is in Taijutsu, so a spar with him will surely help Rai and maybe he can even learn something.

But first he has to find Guy. It was often mentioned that he often trained in the forest, but that really isn't saying anything. Konoha is kinda huge and searching here will be a huge pain in the ass. As Rai was contemplating how to go about with this, he noticed that no one from root seems to be following him today. He wonders if Danzo has already got to know about the theft and the 'betrayal'.

The Anbu who is following him also seems to be Kakashi. Knowing that this is his ticket to finding Guy faster, he just decides to go for it. He turns towards where he feels the presence coming from and asks

"Kakashi-san. Can I ask for a favor?" – Rai

After a couple of seconds, Kakashi comes out with his Dog Mask and asks "What do you want Rai-san?"

"Could you take me to where Might Guy is? I want to spar with him. I've heard he's the best when it comes to Taijutsu, so I wanted to compare with him." – Rai

"I can't help you with that. How am I even supposed to know where he is." – Kakashi

"Ah don't be like that Kakashi-san. I'm sure you'd at least know that much about your eternal rival. Fufufu." – Rai

Rai can feel the internal grimace on Kakashi the moment he said eternal rival. Rai was struggling to keep a straight face throughout, he really wanted to laugh out loud.

"Ahem. Where did you hear that from?" – Kakashi

"Hehe. Well it wasn't that hard. Guy-san is pretty loud and most of his proclamations are well known among the civilians you see. I don't really need explain further right? So can you take me to him? I mean no harm, I just wanted a spar that's all." – Rai says with a bright smile

Kakashi finally relents and leads Rai into the forest behind the mountain with the Hokage's faces. After about 10 minutes. They could finally hear Guy from afar. He was doing some push-ups with a huge stone on his back.

"7456, 7457, 7458, 7459, 7460…." – Guy

"Guy. Someone wants a spar with you." – Kakashi yells at him

"Kakashi. My eternal rival. Let's compete to see who can do more push-ups." – Guy

"Honestly. Did you even hear what I said? This guy here wants to spar with you." – Kakashi

"Ho. Young man, you want to spar with me? Are you ok with me being the opponent and not Kakashi?" – Guy

"Haha. Of course Guy-san. What I want to compete in is pure Taijutsu and I don't know anyone better than you." – Rai

"This is YOUTH. Come on then young man, let us showcase our youthfulness and have a spar." – Guy

"Sure thing. Oh by the way my name is Rai." – Rai

"Glad to meet you Rai. It's always nice to meet a man filled with youth and passion for training." – Guy

"So, can we get started right now?" – Rai


Rai and Guy stand a bit further apart from each other and take a fighting stance.

Rai was the first to make a move. He used pure speed to get to Guy's front and unleashed a flurry of strikes. Punch, Kick, Elbow strikes, Knee strikes. He gave it everything. Guy was on the defensive the entire time. In terms of speed Rai has a complete advantage since Guy still seems to be wearing those weights on his feet. After another couple of rounds, Rai finally saw an opening and threw a palm strike right into Guy's abdomen. Guy fell back and coughed a little, felling winded.

"Guy-san. You should at least take off those weights that you're wearing. You can't keep up with my speed otherwise." – Rai

"You're right. I'm sorry for underestimating you." – replies Guy and he continues to take out the weights on his legs.

He dropped them onto the floor and it caused a massive booming sound when it fell. That had to have been around 200-250 kilos each. Guy looks like he's getting serious. Rai also replies in kind and disables the Gravity seal on his body. He reckons that they'd be about even with this in speed. Now it'll be more about technique and fighting instincts.

This time Guy starts on the offence, he starts with a roundhouse kick to Rai's side. Rai was caught off guard slightly and could only block with his arm, he responds back with a punch since Guy's off balance, but that too is blocked. They continued trading blow for blow without anyone getting a clean hit. Technique wise Guy is vastly superior but Rai using his Observation Haki to the limit is able to read the fight better and is able to keep up with Guy.

Kakashi POV

'The spar has been going on for almost 10 minutes now. I expected this to be finished rather quickly. Never would I have imagined that an 8 year old kid can compete with Guy to this level in a pure Taijutsu matchup. Ugh. Another genius.'

'It is obvious that Guy's fighting style is more streamlined and complete but the kid has terrifying battle senses and is able to dodge or block everything. Guy has been attacking more and more but is still unable to hit him and it looks more likely that Rai will strike him down with a counter.'

They suddenly split and created some distance.

"Let's get serious now. Guy-san" – Rai. He then turns on his Golden lightning cloak.

"You read my mind. Rai-kun. 3rd Gate Seimon (Gate of Life) Open." – Guy

'Are you kidding me? Why is Guy using his Eight Gates technique right now and what's that Golden Lightning Aura? The one used by the previous and current Raikage's are all Purplish Blue. Is this something new that the kid came up with?'

They both disappeared from their spots and clashed in the middle. They still look pretty even in speed. But, now Guy's advantage in having more battle experience is starting to show. Rai is finding it more and more difficult to block and dodge hits. He has never been in such a high intensity spar before and that is starting to show. He observes Guy's body positioning and his footwork every time he makes an attack or a dodge.

Rai is getting more and more excited as the battle wears on. He is clearly losing ground in the battle but he knows that if he can keep holding on he can get to see more and the more he sees the more he learns. This single battle has helped Rai to get better by leaps and bounds. Guy picks up the intensity but, Rai still holds on. Slowly, little by little, Rai is starting to adapt to the battle. His movements are becoming sharper and his dodges are getting smoother. The momentum of the abttle was starting to shift ever so slightly.

Guy seeing the tide of battle turning, uses the Reverse Lotus technique and in a blur makes it to Rai's front. Rai can see the punch coming but it is impossible to dodge. So he has no choice but to channel the swift release chakra for a major boost in speed. Guy's punch seems to have hit Rai but it was only an afterimage, Guy quickly turns around to see a punch coming to his face, he doesn't seem to be able to dodge either. Guy decides to go further and open the 5th Gate Tomon (Gate of Limit).

"5th Gate Tom…" – Guy