[Title at the end]

"5th Gate Tom…" – Guy

Before he could finish up, Kakashi flickers into the middle and yells at "STOP, that's enough."

Rai pulls back his punch, powers down and sits down on the floor in exhaustion. Guy is in a better state but can still be seen panting.

(AN: Sorry for trolling. Lol.)

"Guy, this is only a spar, why the hell are you going up to the 5th Gate." – Kakashi asks seriously

"Haha. I got carried away a little. I've not had such a good spar in a long time. It would be unbecoming of our Youthful exuberance if we did not go all out in sparring." – Guy replies with a sheepish smile

"You. If the kid got hurt, we'd be in serious trouble. I was assigned by Hokage-sama to keep an eye out for him." – Kakashi

"Oh, by the way who is he? I haven't heard of someone so young and this talented in Taijutsu." – Guy

"Sigh. He's the son of the current Raikage and the grandson of the 3rd Raikage." – Kakashi

"WHAT?" – Guy

Before they could carry on with the conversation.

"HAHA. Man that was intense. Guy-san, thanks for that. I have never fought someone this good before. This was very helpful. We should do this again if possible." – Rai bows slightly to Guy

"Oh well. It's not like you're the only one who enjoyed the battle. So, it's all good." – Guy replies with a sparkling smile on his face.

"Oh and thanks Kakashi-san. You didn't have to go out of your way to help me in finding Guy-san." – Rai

"It's alright." – Kakashi waves it off

"Well in exchange, how about I show you something awesome?" – Rai

"Hmm. Something awesome you say? Are you telling me what you showed just now wasn't enough to classify as awesome?" – Kakashi asks dumbfounded.

Rai doesn't say anything and simply formed a golden Raikiri on his arm. Unlike the Black one which is silent and the bird chirping sounds of the normal one, the golden Raikiri creates a loud buzzing sound almost like the friction with the air is causing the sound.

Kakashi stood there wide-eyed at what he just saw. This was his technique.

'No, this one is superior to mine. Mine is pure lightning element. This one is different. It's using the same lightning that he formed his Lightning Cloak with. My Raikiri is an S-Rank technique but this one is even better. This Kid, just when I thought he was monstrous enough already. Not only can he almost keep up with Guy in his Eight Gates state, he also has such Ninjutsu as well. And he's not even Eight years old. Just what the hell have they been feeding him in Kumo? And they used to call me genius. What kind of word should be used for him then? This is beyond the level of a genius. This is a complete Monster.'

"Hehe. Well, that should be enough no? I think that counts as something cool. I won't teach you how to do it but I'll give you a hint. Yang Release. Oh and better be very careful or you'll definitely burn yourself." – Rai

Before Kakashi could say anything "Alrighty, I'm going to head back now. Thanks again Guy-san" Rai disappears from there full speed back towards the commercial district.

"Kakashi, was it really a good idea to have a spar with him. I mean, technically we're signing a peace treaty and it'll be ok for a while but when conflicts start arising again, we'll have to eventually go up against him. And who knows how strong he'll be by then." – Guy asks in seriousness

"Sigh. I know. I'll make a report to Hokage-sama about this. Don't tell anyone about what happened here today. Someone like Danzo will definitely plot something sinister and if war breaks out again we'll be in real trouble. I'll let Hokage-sama make the decision on what to do." – Kakashi sighs in exasperation.

Rai has already made it back towards the Kumo accommodation, he was gone for a little over an hour and looks like everyone else has already left for the Council Meeting. Rai seeing that he has nothing else to do takes a shower and then heads to Ichiraku for food. He was walking towards the place when he saw a commotion take place.

"Damn you, you demon Brat. Get the fuck out of here. You're an eyesore. I don't want you anywhere near my store." – Mob A

"Tsk. That fucking kid is making trouble again. Why the hell is he not locked up somewhere?" – Mob B

"Honestly, I don't know what Hokage-sama is thinking by allowing this demon to walk freely on our streets." – Mob C

The one who is at the receiving end of this tongue lashing, a little yellow haired boy walks away dejectedly.

'Holy Shit. That's Naruto. And damn he looks malnourished.'

'He's still only 3 right, shouldn't he still be in an orphanage. Or did he get kicked out already. My memory regarding this is very blurry. And it is not exactly mentioned how bad he was treated. As far I knew, he was simply excluded from everyone and had to resort to pranks to get attention. But, how the hell could he have survived without any food. He looks like he hasn't eaten in days.'

As Rai sees Naruto walk away he decides to at least treat him to a meal. Rai knows that he won't be there to help him later on. It wouldn't hurt to just show a little kindness right? Rai decides and follows after him.

"Hey Kid! You with the yellow hair." – Rai

Naruto slowly turns around and asks "Are you talking to me?"

"Yea. You want to eat some food. I'll treat you." – Rai

Naruto's eyes opened wide as if disbelieving what he just heard. "Are you serious? You're really going to treat me?" Naruto asks with such pure sparking eyes.

'Damn, this look is killing me. How could anyone be so pure? Ugh. I really want to say no to see how he'd react but I'm not that cruel and I'd hate to see him dejected.'

"Yup. Follow me. I'll treat you to the best place for food in all of Konoha." – Rai

He starts walking towards Ichiraku with Naruto literally skipping in joy behind him. Rai sees multiple dirty glares coming towards Naruto and by extension towards Rai as well. He just ignores them completely and carries on forward.

'It's honestly hard to imagine how a 3 year old kid can live being ostracized by society. It's a miracle that he didn't end up dark. It would have been so easy to allow hate to fill you up but instead he held on to a hope and the determination to make all these people acknowledge him. It'd have been so much easier to say 'fuck it all' and let it be. I know I would definitely do that. No way would I ever help save fools who treated me like dirt. Honestly, not killing all of these fuckers for it after getting stronger is itself a mercy.'

Getting out of these dark thoughts, Rai sees that he's already got to Ichiraku. He goes inside and motions to Naruto to take a seat.

"Teuchi-san. 2 bowls of Miso Park Ramen please." – Rai

"Sure thing. Rai-sama." – Teuchi

"Ah. Drop the sama please. Right now I'm but a simple customer of yours here to enjoy some good food." – Rai replies with a bright smile.

"Haha. Sure thing. Young man." – Teuchi decides to just go with it since Rai seemed very genuine with his request.

"Ah. Also give the 2nd bowl to this kid." – Rai

Teuchi says Ok and after about 5 minutes two bowls of piping hot awesomeness was in front of them. They ramen was devoured in a matter of minutes. Naruto was alternating between looking at Rai with puppy dog eyes and his empty bowl.

Rai chuckles and asks Teuchi for 2 more bowls. Naruto's eyes lit up like Christmas lights.

They went at again and again. Rai was really hungry after his spar with Guy and so he could eat 10 bowls before he was bloated and satisfied. But, Naruto had a voracious appetite, for the size of the guy, he sure can eat. It was only after the 13th bowl that he was finally done. At this point he looked like a balloon with his bulging stomach.

"Hehe. Thanks Nii-san. I haven't had a proper meal like that in a week." – Naruto

"It's alright kid. I'll get going now. See ya." – Rai

Rai pays for the food, gave a generous tip and left the place.

"Oh shit. I didn't even ask that nii-san for his name." – Naruto

"Hmm. I hope I see him again, then I'll get him to treat me here again. Hehehe. Ramen. Ramen." – Naruto

Naruto left the place cheerfully humming a ramen song. All the while ignoring the hostile looks he was getting. Probably too gleeful to even notice them.


[Hidden Quest Completed]

[Introduction to Ichiraku]

[Get Naruto addicted to Ichiraku Ramen]

[Reward – 4x Communication Jade]

'Well, that was a surprise. A communication jade huh, well the rewards are kinda lousy for a quest but then again i didn't even have to put in any work for it. I guess i can still find some use for it.'

Rai waited until Naruto left the area and then headed back to his room. He hadn't really planned on meeting Naruto at all. It would be very suspicious if someone saw someone from Kumo hanging around the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails. Especially after the failed attempt to kidnap the previous Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina. But, it seems like no one was even keeping an eye out for Naruto. No Root agents and no Anbu either. It is baffling to say the least that they show no concern whatsoever for him. This has Danzo's schemes written all over it but Rai expected to at least see a Root agent monitoring him. But, it looks like no one from Root is outside today.

'The letter I left in old man Hiruzen's office must have already caused Danzo some problems. Or maybe he's fuming about losing all his stuff. Whatever. Not like I care what happens to the Sewer Rat.'

Rai got back to the building and was surprised to see an ANBU agent waiting for him there.

"I've been instructed by Hokage-sama to take you to him."

"Hmm. And where is he right now?" – Rai

"He's with the Third Raikage-sama in the Hokage office."

"OK. Then lead the way." – Rai

Title: Uzumaki Naruto