*3 months later
Someone's P.O.V
It was early morning, the sunrise shone through the window of the car. It hit my eyes, causing me to wake up from my nap. I heavily opened my eyelids, realizing that I'm still in the car. I groaned after that 'cause man, my back and my neck hurt. Believe me, I never liked sleeping in the passenger seat. Never. Why can't I just sleep in the back seat like I used to when I was younger?
"Hey Mark," Someone called my name. I looked to my right and saw a man wearing a red and black plaid shirt. Of course, he was driving the car since I'm in the passenger seat and he's next to me.
"Hooaahhh...Morning, Uncle Tyler," I yawned before I answered.
"How's your nap? I bet it was good," He asked sarcastically before he chuckled.
"Oh yes, it was so good. So good that I hurt the back of my neck..." I answered sarcastically. He laughed after that. "We're still not there yet?" I asked.
"Well, the GPS says that we're pretty much 30 minutes away from our destination, so yeah. We're not there yet," He answered while looking at the GPS.
"Oh," I answered. I nodded and looked at the window, seeing multiple trees and cars passing by. I sighed while doing it. Uncle Tyler noticed.
"Hey, I understand that it's hard for you to leave home, but this is for the best, Mark," He told me with concern.
I sighed again. " I know, I know. It's just...even though we're not there anymore, it's still in my head. I just want to forget those bad memories, but I also want to keep the good ones," I said. Leaving home was hard for me, but like my uncle said, this is for the best.
"I know that, but moving to a different place might help you forget them. You can just cherish those good memories and forget the bad ones. Besides, you can create new ones there. I know it's a common advice, but it's true," My uncle explained.
I turned to him and smiled. He had a point. "Yeah, I guess you're right," I replied. I need to forget those bad things and cherish the good things. Besides, I'm moving to a new city, not a new neighborhood, so I guess this will help me forget those bad memories.
30 minutes away from our destination. This might take a while, or maybe longer. Maybe reading a book will help me pass time.
~Time Skip (15 minutes)~
I was still reading my book and read 12 pages already. When I decided to rest my eyes a bit after reading 12 pages straight, I look up and saw a sign that says "Welcome to Silver City". I mumbled reading it.
"Wait, are we here already?" I turned to my uncle and asked.
"Yeah, you could say that," He answered while still looking towards the road.
Honestly, I was a bit excited about this. I wonder what the city is like. My uncle told me that his friend offered him a job as a police officer in Silver City 4 months ago and gladly accepted it. My uncle was an officer back at home. Usually, cops are known for pretty much their bravery and heroics. Well, my uncle is literally famous for his driving style. Sometimes, I caught him doing drifts and brave maneuvers when he's in pursuit. He was doing great actually. Most of the people in town know him and some even named him "The Speed Enforcement". Heh. I gotta admit, that nickname is pretty cool. He moved to Silver since then...and I decided to stay with him while I-- Uhh...no, no. That's in the past. That's in the past.
I looked up at the road we're driving on. As we go on, I was starting to see small stores and a few motels around the area. We must be close. I saw the road up ahead. Looks like we're going downhill. When we're about to, I saw a glimpse of the new city. My eyes were widened. It was beautiful. For a city, it looks amazing. There were palm trees around the streets, a calm neighborhood close to it, tall but colorful buildings, but for me, the palm trees made it beautiful. I stared at the new city in front of me. My new home for a while.
"Now I see why you were excited to bring me here," I smiled, still in awe.
"The sunrise and the sunset here is amazing. I love it here," My uncle said with a smile. I smiled back.
~Time Skip~
"AARGH!!" I groaned. "It's literally six-thirty in the morning. How is there traffic already?!" I yelled. Seriously, it's still too early for traffic. Just why?!
My uncle chuckled. "Well...It's not a city if there's no traffic," He said to me. Well, he's right, though.
"Ughhh...." I groaned again. My butt hurts for Pete's sake!
~Time Skip (Again)~
After facing annoying traffic, thank goodness, we continued driving to my uncle's house. Yeah, I'm going to live at my uncle's place. Suddenly, we stopped. I looked around where did we stopped and saw what it seems to be like a diner.
"You hungry?" My uncle asked. I nodded in response. "Let's grab a bite. This diner has some good treats during breakfast times," He told me. We got off the car and went inside.
I looked around and it looks like it's a car-themed diner. There were paintings of race cars, racing drivers I guess, miniature cars hung on the wall. Heck, there's even a statue of a head close to one of the tables. I don't know if people would be comfortable with that. We went to the counter and saw a man wearing a white shirt with a black apron on it, blonde hair, wearing square glasses, and some freckles on his right cheek. It's not really that visible though, but I can still see it somehow. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled to his elbow. We sat at the counter as he noticed us.
"Tyler! Good Morning!" He greeted my uncle with a bit of a British accent. I guess he's half British.
"Morning, Jerome," My uncle greeted back.
'Okay, in my opinion, with a name and a look like that, he suits more in a cafe than a diner,' I thought. I looked around the diner again and, 'Oh What the heck. This place doesn't even look like a diner. It almost looks like a cafe,' He then turned to me.
"And who do we have here?" He asked while looking at me.
"Marcus Careen. Nice to meet you," I said while giving him a handshake and he received it. He looks like a nice guy.
"Nice to meet you, Marcus. I'm Jerome. Let's just say, I am the senior cook of this diner," He smirked while putting his pointer finger to the table. I chuckled a bit. My uncle responded while smiling and shaking his head
"Jerome here is the owner of this diner," I widened my eyes with impressiveness. "He's an old friend of mine since high school. Sometimes, I used to visit him and learn how to cook. I also helped him cook new dishes. My favorite will always be the Creme Brulee," My uncle told me before he made that gesture when people use if the food is delicious.
"Well, you should wait, my friend. I have some plans for the future. So just wait..." He winked. My uncle smirked and raised an eyebrow in response. I just sat there.
"So, what can I get you two?" He asked after he took a note and a pen.
We took our orders and ate there for like 15 minutes. I ordered a stack of waffles while my uncle ordered some bagels and a cup of coffee. Well I mean, he's a cop.
~Time Skip After Breakfast~
We continued our trip to my uncle's house. I put my earphones on and listened to music while passing time.
After several minutes, we entered a small neighborhood. It was uphill so of course, we went up. There were some houses with similar designs. I hope my uncle's house is different. I don't want to create confusion for me.
"This seems like a nice neighborhood..." I said.
"Yeah, this place is really nice. Wait 'till you see my house," He told me.
"I hope your house isn't similar to these ones," I chuckled.
"Hoho, don't worry, it's not," He chuckled too. We continued passing several houses until we stopped in front of one.
"Here we are!" My uncle exclaimed.
I turned to see a dark gray house with a small front yard and a small porch. It had a garage next to it. I looked up and noticed that it was a one-floor house. Well, my uncle lives by himself, until now. So I guess it's ideal for us both.
"What do you think?" My uncle asked me. I turned to the house, then at him.
"I think it's... nice," I said as I smiled a bit. I went out of the car, carrying my backpack behind my back, and took 2 of my suitcases from the back seat. I took out my boxes of clothes, books, and other stuff from the trunk.
My uncle took his house keys from his pocket and opened it, revealing a small hallway, leading towards the kitchen, I think. The living room wasn't that big, but it wasn't small either. Just like Goldilocks' story. Since it's a one-floor house, I'm guessing my room is pretty much close to the living room. For a one-floor house, this place is actually pretty big.
My uncle guided me to my room. It's pretty close to the bathroom. Looks like I won't have to worry about toilet issues. He opened it, revealing my room. It wasn't huge, but I think it's alright. Close to the door is a studying table I assume. Then, there's a wardrobe facing back the wall. There was my bed with 2 small drawers on each side with a lamp on it. Then my window, showing me the view of the small backyard. Close to the window was a spare space I could use. Maybe a small bookshelf would be good. The wall was painted with a mixture of white and dark blue colors. I can dig this.
"So..." My uncle turned to me. "What do you think?" He asked.
I smiled. "I think it's alright," I responded.
My uncle grinned. "Great! Now let's start unpacking your stuff," He told me before he punched my shoulder playfully.
~Time Skip After Unpacking~
After what was felt like 3 hours of unpacking and tidying, my room was tidied....sort of. I still got some books I need to organize, a few of my utensils and stuff, and a few boxes I haven't unpacked. I decided to take a break. I saw my uncle wearing his police uniform in the kitchen. I walked to him.
"Oh Mark, you done?" He asked before he drank a glass of water.
I shook my head. "I wanna take a break," I answered. He nodded in response.
"Okay, then. Welp, it's almost 12 and I told them I'll be at work by then. You don't mind staying here alone?" He asked me with concern.
"Relax, I'm already used to," I answered.
"Well, if you say so," He said as he took his car keys. He walked towards the front door before he turned back to me. "You know, if you want to do some exploring around the city, spare keys are behind this flower pot," He told me before he pointed to the specific flower pot. I nodded. "Okay, be careful, Uncle Tyler,"
He smiled. "Heh...I will. See ya' Mark! Spare keys are behind the pot!!" He exclaimed as he went out towards his small SUV. He waved and I waved back while smiling.
He started the SUV and drove off to the department. I went back inside the house and looked around. I immediately thought, 'Yeah, maybe some exploring would be nice'. I took my wallet from my backpack, my phone, my brown jacket, and the spare keys behind the pot. I locked the door and went out.
The scenery is actually nice. Even though it's pretty late in the afternoon, it's kinda peaceful. I walked passing people's houses. I saw a few kids playing soccer, riding a bike, skateboard, a man walking his dog.
After a few minutes, I quickly realized I wasn't in the neighborhood anymore. I was in one of the districts of the city, with stores lining up on the sidewalk, cars, and bikes parked in front. Most of the stores were pretty much car stuff. I honestly don't know why, maybe it's a street theme thing where everything is related to that specific theme.
While I was walking passing stores, "Come here, you little punk!" I heard loud talking in one of the alleyways.
"What was that?" I said.
I hid behind a wall while peeking from the wall, finding out who was it from. I peeked and saw 3 people. I guess they were jocks since their body was pretty much big. They were cornering something and then I heard someone said,
"Come on guys, leave him alone," It wasn't one of the three teen jocks. There was someone else. I couldn't see who it was since the person was blocked. I moved forward to take a closer look and immediately hide behind some trash cans. Finally, I could clearly see the person, a teenager that looked my age. He had an undercut hairstyle, wearing a dark blue shirt, with his sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of black long pants.
"Come on dude, you wouldn't want to do this. Now step away from the kid, or we're going to do this the hard way!" One of them exclaimed to the teen.
'Kid?' I thought. Suddenly, I saw a child around 9 years old behind the teenager. Looks like he's scared of those 3 jocks.
"Oh, no, YOU..."The teenager pointed to the jocks. "Step away from the kid, or we're going to do this the hard way..." He continued with an angry tone while moving his finger to himself and the jocks back and forth.
"Heh, guess we're gonna do this the hard way..." One of them cracked their knuckles. They started to walk closer to the teen.
I need to help.
"HEY!!" I shouted. I came out of my hiding spot revealing myself to them. They all turned to me with a surprised look. "Yeah, you guys! Leave those two alone or you're going to face the power of a new fresh kid in town!" I shouted with bravery. They all pretty much looked confused for a second there. Swiftly, the teenager immediately punched the three jocks and they fell while groaning in pain. I guess the punch was pretty hard. He immediately took the child's wrist, pulled him, and ran towards me.
"Go! Come on!" We ran out of the alleyway, running away from those jocks.
We finally stopped at a minimarket and saw a woman.
"Mom!" The child shouted.
"Conny!" She shouted back. The child ran to his mother and hugged her.
The teenager was next to me and started to walk towards them. "Your son is okay, Miss Chase. They didn't do any harm," He told them.
"Thank you, young man. Is there anything I could do for you?" The woman asked.
He shook his head. "No need, ma'am. Besides..." He immediately held both of my shoulders. "This guy right here helped me protect your son." He smiled at me.
"Well...I wouldn't say--" I was immediately cut off.
"Oh, thank you for your help! Both of you!" She shook my hands then the teenager next to me. "Well, we got to go. Conny here wanted to get a new game at the game store. Goodbye," She waved his hand to both of us. Conny did the same.
"Thanks for your help!" He said. We waved back in response. They entered their car and left, leaving me and this teenager with me.
"Hey," He turned to me. "Thanks for the assist back there, even though you only distracted them...." he chuckled.
"Don't mention it. Happy to help," I smiled. "Say, what were you doing back there?" I asked.
"Oh you see, I was leaving the minimarket when I saw those 3 jocks confronting Conny. I didn't want to confront them, so I sneaked up. I made a distraction and immediately took Conny, letting my feet took us to somewhere, and of course..." He sighed. "It took us to that alleyway," I chuckled in response. "Then you came in and boom! Here we are now," He explained. I nodded to his explanation.
"Oh and by the way, I'm Nathan Moon. Nice to meet you!" He gave me a handshake and I accepted it.
"Marcus careen. You can call me Mark," I replied. He smiled.
"Let's get some drink, shall we?" He motioned his head telling me to go inside.
I shrugged. "Sure,"
Third Person's P.O.V
While Mark and Nathan were talking, they didn't realize they were being watched. A creature was watching the two from afar.
"Hmh, Interesting..." It smirked. Suddenly, it spread its wings and began to fly away from the area, leaving a fiery yellow trail behind.
Phew! This one is pretty long. I wonder what was watching them? Find out on the next episode of The Owl Ho-- DANG IT NOT AGAIN!