*Third Person P.O.V*
Monday has arrived, as the sun began slowly to rise from the hills of the city. The morning wind blows as the palm trees began to dance away. The sound of chirping birds added soothing music to a beautiful and peaceful morning.
A day that marks the end of a weekend, meaning work and school will begin just a moment. Some have started, some haven't. A new week means a new semester for Mark in his sophomore year since his uncle signed him up in a public school in the city.
As his digital clock has the number 06:29, the 16-year-old teenager is still asleep in his bed, with half of his body covered with his blanket. His clock's numbers have instantly changed into 06:30, causing a loud beeping sound which woke him up, pretty much.
"Hmm...." He groaned, still half awake. He immediately tried to turn off the loud beeping of his alarm, failed multiple times, but soon managed to do it. He sits up from his bed half-awake for 2 minutes to gain his energy. He stretched his arms up to release the tiredness in him, yawning while doing so.
He looked at the clock beside him, seeing the number 06:30 on it. His eyes widened as he realized, "SHOOT!" He shouted. "I'M GONNA BE LATE!". He instantly jumped out of his bed, grabbed a towel and the clothes he prepared for the day the night before. He rushed to the bathroom, lucky enough that it was close to his room.
As he was done, he came out with messy wet hair, wearing a golden yellow long-sleeved t-shirt that had black stripes on it and a pair of blue jeans. He ran back to his bedroom while drying his hair with his towel. He grabbed a comb and used it on his hair quickly.
After a few minutes of preparing, he went to the kitchen and decided to grab 2 toasts since he was in a rush. As he got there, he saw his uncle sitting on the island, drinking a cup of coffee while reading a police guide. His uncle greeted good morning but soon noticed the quick and rushed behavior from his nephew.
"Uhh...What's the rush, buddy?" He asked his nephew.
"I can't believe I forgot to set the alarm last night!" Mark said as he took a glass from one of the cabinets. His uncle just sat there confused as to what's happening right now. "Now I'm gonna be late for my first day of school, dang it!" He exclaimed while pouring orange juice.
His uncle immediately walked to him and placed a hand on Mark's shoulder to get attention. "Woah, Woah, what do you mean by late?" He asked.
"It's six-thirty and school starts in 30 minutes!!" He told as he turned to his uncle while drinking his juice. Uncle Tyler just blinked twice for a few seconds until he chuckled and laughed. Mark was confused by this. "Why are you laughing? Come on, I'm gonna be late" he stated.
Tyler shook his head with a small grin on his mouth and patted Mark's shoulder twice. "School starts at 8, Mark," He smiled at his nephew then returned to the island and took a sip of his coffee.
Mark just stood there, surprised that school starts in 90 minutes. "What?" He asked blankly. Uncle Tyler just chuckled again. "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?!?!"
"I wanted to test your discipline and see if you can react to something quickly. Looks like you passed," He said as he turned to his phone. "Also, I wanted to see your reaction if you're late to something, so... yeah. It was worth it," He smiled innocently.
Mark still stood there, giving a 'seriously?' look to his uncle. "I hate you," He said.
"Heh, doubt it," He snickered before he took a sip of his coffee as Mark continued to make his breakfast; a peanut butter toast and a bowl of cereal.
~Time Skip to 7:30~
Uncle Tyler was driving Mark to school. He decided he should drive him instead of taking the bus, since Mark was pretty new to the city, even though he did some exploring 2 days before. After facing annoying traffic, they arrived at Mark's school with 35 minutes to spare. This should give Mark some time to ready up for his classes.
As they arrived, Mark turned to see his new home of learning. It had crimson red colors, with 2 other buildings at the further back, centering the main building. There's also what seems to be bridge-like hallways that connected each building. The front yard was so wide, with plenty of benches to sit on and a small water fountain in the middle of it. There were also small palm trees on the sides lining up. There were students all around the area talking to each other, some just arrived by taking the bus or driven by their parents.
Mark just stared at the building worried that his first day could be a mess. He thought of the worst possible scenarios that could happen. His uncle noticed his nephew's worried look. He patted his shoulder to call his nephew.
"Hey," He called. Mark turned around as a result. "Are you okay?" He asked with a warm smile.
"Yeah, just... worried," Mark answered. "What if I messed up or I do something wrong immediately? What if I blurted out something that I shouldn't say?" He exclaimed. "What if I did something embarrassing?!?!"
"Nothing bad is going to happen. I know you've changed, Mark. I know that you'll make a great first impression. You did well with Jerome last time. This won't make a difference, I guess," His uncle reassured.
Mark smirked. "You guess?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
"Hey, I'm trying to cheer you up," He shrugged. "But I'm serious, you're going to be fine. Trust me," His uncle said to him. "Look, if something bad happens, just call me, okay?"
Mark nodded and smiled happily to know that his uncle will help him and will always be there for him. He hugged him and his uncle gladly accepted it. As he breaks the hug, he took a deep breath.
"Okay, I'm ready," He said with slight confidence.
"That's the spirit!" His uncle exclaimed. "Okay, I gotta go to work. I'll text you if I can pick you up."
"10-4, officer," He imitated an officer speaking. His uncle just smiled at his behavior.
Mark got out of the car and immediately smiled as he waved at his uncle. His uncle waved back and smiled as well, then drove off to the department. He turned around to face his school, ready to face whatever challenge he's going to deal with throughout the rest of his high school years.
*Marks P.O.V*
I took a deep breath and breath out. I started walking towards the school entrance, passing people who were talking to their friends. I made it to the entrance and pulled one of the doors. As I made it inside, my god It's crowded as heck. This feels like a marketplace. I immediately start searching the principal's office to get my schedule and my locker.
~5 minutes later~
Guess what? I got lost. Maybe I should ask someone for directions. I was walking in the hallways when suddenly I bumped into someone
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see-" I bumped into a boy as he turned around and cut me off with a surprising look.
"Mark?!" He shouted. He wearing a dark blue long sleeve shirt, with black pants, and a pair of white shoes with blue trails on top. Yep, just like the last time I saw him. He was holding 2 books with his left hand as he looked at me. I was surprised to see him.
"Nathan?!" I exclaimed. "Wha- what are you doing here?!" I was so surprised to see him here.
"I- I study here!" He told me with a smile. "What are you doing here? Wait-" He stopped. "Are you transferring here?!"
I nodded with a small grin. "NO WAY!" He shouted. "Dude! Welcome to Silver High!" He gave me a manly handshake. I shook back.
"Thanks. Well, at least I already know someone here in this school," I chuckled.
"Yeah," he said. "Oh! What classes do you have today? We might be classmates!" He asked excitedly.
"Ummm..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I haven't got my schedule yet. You see, I got lost for like, 5 minutes straight. I can't find the principal's office, seriously," I complained. Seriously, this place didn't look that huge from the outside.
"Oh really? Don't worry, I'll help you!" He offered.
"Yeah, besides I just got my stuff for my first class and it's the same direction to the principal's office. Come on," he told me.
I smiled. "Thanks, Nathan," We then started walking to the principal's office.
Soon enough, we finally made it to the principal's office. As we got there, I thanked him and appreciated his help.
"Hey, anytime. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go. I've been holding it until we got here" he told me. I didn't understand at first, but then I immediately did.
"Ooohhh, right, right, okay," I said.
"Okay, see you later, Mark!" he said as he ran off to the bathroom. "See ya' Nathan," I shouted as I waved at him. He turned around and waved back.
As he was out of my sight, I opened the door towards the principal's office. "Excuse me," I said. I saw a middle-aged man with a dark grey suit as he was writing something on his desk. "Come in," he simply said. I walked towards the principal and stood in front of his desk.
"Good morning," He greeted. "What can I help you with?" He was wearing a black pair of glasses and had grey hair. He didn't really look that old so I assumed it's probably some kind of genetic thing.
"Umm... Good morning, sir," I greeted back. "I'm a new student here, and I was wondering if I can get my schedule and my locker number." He looked up and faced me with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, you're the transferee from Greenlight county-" He paused as he took a paper and read it. "Marcus Careen?" I nodded. "Hmmm, I say, you have really, really interesting school records here, Mr. Careen..." I chuckled sheepishly as I scratched my head.
"Yeah..." I replied nervously.
"But, I won't review it back since I still have a lot of work to cover..." He went to a shelf and took blue a folder. He opened it and took a paper which I assume it's my schedule. He went back to his desk and sit back. "Okay, here is your schedule for the whole semester..." He said as he handed me the schedule. "Your locker number will be 56 on the second floor, close to the science lab. Here we use keys instead of combinations. Don't lose them!" He explained as he showed me a small key and gave it to me. "Now since you're new here, I would like to say a few things you need to know during your time here. First, every student is required to join a certain club, extras, or sport. It is very important for your school report so don't mess it up. Second, My name is Principal Hunch. If you have anything to ask or you have something to report, go to my office and report to me, or you can report to Vice Principal Joseph, whose office is next to mine. Lastly..." He paused as stood up. "As your principal, I would like to welcome you... to Silver High School. I hope you can enjoy your time here and have good high school years," He gave out his hand for a handshake, and I, of course, being a good student, received it.
"I will," I responded to that last part. "Thank you, Principal Hunch," I smiled.
"You're most welcome. Now, why don't you go find your locker and ready up? the first class starts in 20 minutes."
"Right, of course, thanks again Principal Hunch," I said as I started to walk back to the door. Principal Hunch nodded and smiled in response.
*Third Person P.O.V*
As Mark left the principal room after he received his schedule, Principal Hunch sit back and took a glimpse of Mark's school record. He read it back as he was... slightly worried yet confused at the same time.
"Huh," He looked up to the door where Mark went out of the office and looked back at the paper. "But he looks like a good kid."
*Mark's P.O.V*
After I left the office, I walked to the second floor to find my locker. My first class won't start for 20 minutes so I still have time to pack up. As I got to the second floor, I searched for the science lab since principal Hunch said it's close to it. I immediately found it after I found a sign that says 'Science Laboratory'. I instantly went searching for locker 56. After following the numbers, I finally found it. I immediately opened it with the key and put my stuff in it. I looked at my schedule to see what's my first class
I just stared at it for a while, surprised. "Great. Just great," I mumbled. I can't believe I have math for my first class. ON A MONDAY!! Ugh. Whatever. What's the point of complaining anyway? I don't have a solid reason to request a change. I folded my schedule and put it in my pocket. I took my notebook, the textbook, and my pencil case with me. As I was done, I closed my locker, locked it, and put my key in my pocket. As I turned around, I bumped into someone. Again.
I fell on my butt afterward, so as the person. As I looked up, I saw who I bumped into.
A girl
She was wearing a dark blue outer shirt with an orange t-shirt in it, a dark blue skirt to match the outer shirt, and an orange headband on her head. I think I also saw a necklace that had a sun symbol at the end of it. She still got her backpack on so I think she just arrived at school.
I stood up and gave her a hand to help. When she saw me, she gave me an annoyed look. She slapped my hand and stood up on her own.
"UGH! Watch where you're going, idiot! Don't you have eyes?!" She shouted while pointing at me.
I apologized. "I-I'm so sorry, didn't see you there,"
I saw 2 other girls behind her. One of them had black curly hair and was wearing a blue tank top with her jacket I assume tied to her waist and white skirt. The other one was a blonde girl that got her hair tied up in a ponytail, wearing a long-sleeve shirt that has black and white square patterns on it and dark blue jeans. The blonde girl approached and pushed me towards the lockers.
"Yeah, you better sorry! Watch where you're going next time, stupid!" She exclaimed. "Come on girls, just leave this....loser.... alone..." She said with disgust. I noticed it of course.
'You disgusted much? I'm disgusted to that dog face of yours' I thought. She left with the black curly-haired girl.
"I'll catch up, girls! Need to put some of my stuff!" She shouted to the 2 girls. When those 2 were out of sight, She immediately approached me with a worried look.
'Woah, that escalated from 0 to 100 real quick'
"Umm...Yeah, I'm fine?" I answered, still confused by the girl's sudden change of behavior.
"I'm really sorry I acted that way," She apologized.
"Uhh... I guess it's okay. I'm just wondering why you were like that," There was a moment of silence after I asked her that. Soon, she answered. "Umm... i-it's complicated."
I nodded in response.
"Say, I think I've never seen you here before," She said as she tilted her head. "Are you a new student?"
"Uhh yeah, I just transferred here," She then made a small smile.
"Ooo really? Welcome to silver high!" She said. "I guess this was a bad first impression, huh? Sorry, I'm Amelia. Amelia Cruz. My friends usually call me Amy," She gave me a handshake and received it.
"Marcus Careen, nice to meet you. You can call me Mark,"
"Nice to meet you too, Mark!" She gave me warm smile.
"Well, it's nice meeting you, Amy. I gotta go find my class before I get lost again," I chuckled.
"What is it? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Math," I answered blankly.
"Oof, math on a Monday and first subject? Poor kid," She chuckled. "Don't worry, I can help you,"
"Oh, you don't have to, Amelia. I can just find it on my own," I replied with no hesitation.
"You sure?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah. Besides, you told your friends that you'll catch up with them after you put your stuff. They're waiting for you. I don't want to hold you back," I told her.
"Well, if you say so," She shrugged as she opened her locker.
"Okay. Welp, See you later? Amy?"
She turned around and smiled. "Yeah. See you later, Mark."
I smiled back and waved at her as I left the area. She waved back and continued to put her stuff.
~Time Skip (10 minutes)~
Finally! I found it! I found my math class! Maybe I shouldn't reject Amelia's offer to help, dang it. I went to find a seat in the back 'cause I'm still quite shy. Also, I didn't want to be chosen to answer a question by the teacher. I learned that those who sit in the front row have a high chance of being chosen. I spent the rest 10 minutes just preparing my stuff and scrolling through Instantgram. Soon, the bell rang and the teacher instantly came. 'Holy shoot, why do math teachers gotta be so fast?' I thought.
The rest of the day went smoothly I suppose. I guess most of the teachers don't realize I was a new student. I wasn't told to introduce myself in front of the class. And of course, I got lost several times today. What'd you expect? I'm new here and this school is huge! Honestly, I was hoping to see Nathan again, but I didn't see him throughout the day. The same goes for Amethyst. Oh, wait, sorry, Amelia, Amy. I guess they were in the other buildings and I was in the main one for most of the classes.
I was currently on my way home on the bus since my uncle texted he was still at work. There wasn't a destination directly to the neighborhood so I took the nearest one. Once it arrived, I immediately got off and started walking. While I was walking, strangely, I heard whispers.
"Marcus~," It said. I stopped in my tracks and looked around. I shook my head and forget about it. I was probably hearing things. But as I resumed walking, I heard it again. I started to feel creeped out. Not only because of those whispers, but I was also wearing earphones. Earphones! And those whispers sounded so clear!.
I looked at my earphones, feeling scared so I unplugged them and put them back in my pocket. Then, the whispers stopped. I sighed in relieved knowing it stopped. Turns out it was just my earphones having weird issues. But I'm still a bit confused.
'If it was my earphones, how did it called my name?' I thought. I shook it away and continued my journey home peacefully, but that doesn't mean I'm letting my guard down though.
*Third Person P.O.V*
"It didn't work," A figure said from afar.
"Looks like we have to find another way to lure him and the others," another one responded.
"I may have an idea." It turned to the other figure. "Call an intelligent back in the spirit realm. We may need some brains to execute this idea."
'We need to lure them as soon as possible.'
'Scorch will come for this realm...'
'And they need to stop him before it's too late.'
Phew, this one is really long, I tell you. Sorry if it's boring. I'm trying to deliver this as detailed as possible before the juicy parts come in. But not too detailed of course :)