Chapter 5

"So what happened? Why is this sword so important to you?" I asked the ninja.

"The tale is long, and one day I will tell you. The sword belonged to my family, I was betrayed and imprisoned. The sword must have....what it needs...or it will take it from you." MashaMura replied solemnly.

I accepted that he didn't want to talk about it. There would be other times.

"Well, I'm glad you will be joining me. I'm headed to that village over there. Do you know where you are?" I asked.

MashaMura looked around, taking in his surroundings for the first time since waking.

"Oh! I know this place! I grew up here! This is perfect! By the time we reach our destination, I will have regained my strength!" He exclaimed, exuberantly.

"Oh yes, this elusive destination.." I muttered sarcastically.

He ignored me and continued, " Yes! This might work! You will stay at the outskirts. I will go retrieve our supplies. "

"Hey! " I exclaimed, "You are being awful demanding! Aren't you supposed to be coming with me? You never even asked me to save your kingdom!

MashaMura's face grew dark and cold.

"How do you know of my kingdom?"

"I don't! I just guessed, but you are acting like I'm your servant!" I yelled, getting angry.

"I am a Lord. Though I may not be in my kingdom, my Title remains. You will call me master or Lord when in public. "

"What!? I will not!" I yelled defiantly

He grinned at me. "Fine, let's see. If you can land one hit on me, you can call me what you want. If you will call me master."

Oh, so he wants to fight. Well, I'm game. I have a super awesome sword.

"Fine, let's do this. " I said while pulling a shuriken from my inventory.

MashaMura just grinned and waved his hand towards me in a taunt.

The fool didn't even have any weapons. One hit would be easy.

Suddenly I couldn't move. It felt as though incredibly strong invisible hands held me in place. I was trapped, unable to move a muscle.

That turd! He has a skill like this! What do I do? Think!

Wait, invisible's like telekinesis..but much stronger....and so many....there's like ten hands...

MashaMura stood there grinning.

"Well, come on. Why haven't you moved?".

Damn him. I guess I have no choice...

I looked up over his head and widened my eyes in fear. " Look out! " I yelled.

He turned to look, and I activated telekinesis and sent the shuriken flying at his face.

Game over yo.

Suddenly, the shuriken stopped in mid-air. I could feel a force much stronger than mine stopping it.

MashaMura turned back around and smiled. He calmly, "Lord is not just a title. I have earned it with my strength. You have potential. Come with me and I will teach you. I have decided you will call me sensei."

I had to admit defeat. He was giving me an out too. Sensei isn't that bad. Plus, he is super it can't be that bad. At least he asked me...

I decided to change my tone.

I hung my head and said, "Yes, sensei. If you will teach me I will follow you."


MashaMura has become your mentor!

As a Mentor, MashaMura can now teach skills/spells.


You have earned the title [Lords Apprentice]

"What is your name, not strong warrior?" MashaMura asked after he released me.

What is my name? I looked at my character information.

"Fox, Fox Mccloud"