Chapter 6

Something about our duel had changed MashaMura's mind regarding my talent level. This made me curious.

"What made you decide to train me?" I asked.

He answered without skipping a beat.

"God's hand. I have never met another who could use it. The Almighty one shows you favor. "

Gods hand? Is he talking about telekinesis? Almighty he's religious. Wonderful. Then again I guess I could be too, I don't remember.

MashaMura was done with wasting time. He was anxious to begin our journey, and let me know about it.

Ten minutes later, I was standing at the outskirts of the town while he gathered supplies. I was told to train and to feed my sword. Before he left, MashaMura taught me a few things which prompted...


Quest Accepted-Training-Breathing Exercise

Dodge 100 times while controlling breathing.

Attack 300 times while controlling breathing.

Defeat 20 monsters

Rewards- N/A

Time limit- 1 hour.

I stood before a very unusual monster. Masha calls it a training monster. They spawn right outside of town.

Flower Monster[Level 4]- Consists of a main body[hp-50], which is four feet tall with tough bark as a tree for its skin. It appears as a small tree with a sunflower head that can swivel. In the center of the flower is an eyeball.

Abilities- ||Grow limbs(grows underground arms that pop up surrounding enemies. These tubelike arms can each shoot a dart that deals 1-3 damage)||, ||Beam attack-charge time 5 seconds- low accuracy unless "locked on"||, || Lock on- damage dealt by this monster will give it a " lock on" counter. Five counters will activate "Locked on". || Locked on- Next attack has 95% accuracy. ||

As MashaMura and I had traveled towards the village, he had explained the " Training monster". He had also taught me a breathing technique that I will have to learn to use while fighting.

He stressed the importance of maintaining focus, like a lot.

I had mastered the breathing technique while traveling. This was out of combat though.

I asked him about Maki, but he said it would come with time. Fundamentals! He was all about his basics.


You have temporarily gained the skill ||Shinobi Breathing Technique||

-50% increase to perception. 50% increase to mana regeneration. Must maintain focus.

Alright, just do like he taught me.

Focus on breathing...

Imagine the magic inside flowing through my body...

Trace the flow and allow it to circulate through my body...

Allow the flow of mana to move faster and faster...


You have activated Breathing Technique!

I faced the Flower Monster and rushed forward.

As soon as I moved within range, the flower monster began to charge its beam attack. The eye began to glow red.

This field was the same type of flower-covered area, but now I thought differently about it. The herbology memory cube changed the way that I looked at the plants. I could now tell them apart, although I had no time to harvest anything useful yet.

Still, combined with the awareness from the breathing technique, I was able to distinguish the monster's five arms amongst the flowers.

Masha told me the monster starts with five arms. It will grow a new arm every few seconds to a maximum of ten. Each arm only has one HP, which is shared with the main body.

My task is to dodge the darts or use telekinesis to redirect them. Masha requires that I kill the monster by only attacking the arms. So, one HP at a time.

I replayed the words of my new sensei as I prepared my attack. "Once you have control of the flow of your magic, you can extend your awareness outside of your body. You must feel the world around you.".

Following his advice, I reached out with my mind, towards the hidden arms.

I could feel them!!

I could sense them preparing to attack, turning towards me, aiming...

All four were in front of me. All I needed to do was step to the side to dodge.

Easy Peasy.

The arms shot up from the foliage, instantly firing at me.

Thunk! The darts flew at me and I dodged as planned. I was surprised to feel pain in my back.


You have taken 1 damage!

Flower Monster gains lock on counter.

What? Oh, snap, there were five! What was I thinking?


You have lost focus, breathing technique is deactivated.


Suddenly, the clear picture of the world around me vanished.

I angrily slashed at the closest arm with my sword.

It dropped back down in the foliage.


Thunk! Thunk! Three more darts hit me.


You have taken 1 damage!

Flower Monster gains lock on counter.


You have taken 1 damage!

Flower Monster gains lock on counter.


You have taken 1 damage!

Flower Monster gains lock on counter.


The little thorny darts hurt.

Not good! Four out of five counters.

Can't afford anymore... Focus! I could feel my adrenaline surging.!!!


You have activated Breathing Technique!

Yes! Something had clicked! Suddenly I understood!

This time, I sent out my mind in all directions while focusing on anticipating the movements of the arms.

I could see them in my mind...

This must have been why MashaMura didn't fall for my trick. With this ability, you can have eyes in the back of your head!

There was six had grown another arm...

Four in front, two behind.

I could see the trajectory of the darts...

I they fired...

Thunk! Thunk!

I activated telekinesis as I attacked with my sword. I used the "third hand" to try and redirect the path of one of the darts. Now that I could see the path, it was a simple matter.


You have dealt 1 damage! [0/1]


You have dealt 1 damage![0/1]

My sword easily sliced through one of the arms. I could feel that the redirect had been successful.

Two of the arms withered and died.

The monster grew a new one...

I could sense the monster was about to release its beam attack and dove into a roll.

A bright beam of red light passed harmlessly by where I had just been.

Thankfully, I had managed to control my breathing.

Alright... Two Arms in front of me...

Two behind...

You can do this!

Man, this is gonna be a long hour...