Chapter 6

Previously On The Heiress:

John: I think you'll be pleased to know I've invited your Lord Radcliffe to doe with us tonight.

Kitty: You did what?!

John: Goodness, Katherine. What an outburst.

Kitty: Oh, well...

John: Is there a reason you don't want your betrothed to dine with us?

Kitty: I don't think my hair looks right.

John: Your hair?

Kitty: Yes. If you look close, you can see the ends puffing out. I think i need to take a month to try and get it together.

John: Enough with the games, Katherine. Lord Radcliffe will be dining with us, so I suggest you go get ready.

Kitty: But we don't dine for another two hours?

John: You're lucky you have two hours. Lord Radcliffe is a very important person in Derbyshire and we would do well to put our best foot forward. Now get to it.

Sighing LOUDLY, I walked up the stairs into my room.

Angelica: Oh, good you're here.

Kitty: Angie? What are you doing here?

Angelica: I'm here to help you get ready for dinner.

Kitty: Here's an idea. Let's skip the dinner and run away. I'm sure between us we could scour up enough money to become sheep farmers on the Scottish Moors.

Angelica: Katherine, what do you want to wear? And I'm not becoming a sheep farmer.

Kitty: Nothing, because I don't want to go. Why don't you help me hide for a few hours? Or say my monthly arrived early and I'm hunched over in extreme pain!

Angelica: Kitty, it'll be fine. Just go down there and eat. It'll be done in an hour or two tops.

Kitty: An hour or two too long.

Angelica: Just think, dessert will be something to look forward to.

Kitty: I think it'll do the job well enough.

Dinner was in full swing soon enough as the five of us drank and ate to our heart's content. I was acutely aware of Dante near me as he quietly ate the food in front of him.

John: So, Lord Radcliffe, what males you think you're worth my eldest daughter?

Dante: I don't think I am. But I hope to one day prove myself worthy of her.

John: Well, that's certainly admirable of you, My Lord. Don't you think so, Kitty?

Kitty: Be still my heart. I can barely think from how hard it's pounding now at the idea.

Anne: Oh, would you look at that it's pitch black outside.

Emilia: The sun is still out, though, Mama. And it's April so it'll stay light for a while.

Anne: Emilia, I think you might need your eyes checked. Remind me to make an appointment for you with Doctor Daniels. As I was saying. Lord Radcliffe, we would be delighted if you stayed the night.

Kitty: Pardon?!

Anne: It clearly isn't safe out there at this time of night. What if you were eaten by a wolf? Or worse: Attacked by a rogue villager?!

Kitty: Say yes and you'll regret it.

Dante: I would love to, Mrs. Hawthorne.

Kitty: I cant stand you.

Dante: Well aware, Love.

Anne: It's settled then! You can stay in our best guest room. It has the best view of the garden.

Dante: It sounds lovely, Mrs. Hawthorne. Thank you.

Later that evening, after Angelica had helped me get ready for sleep, I stood near my bed contemplating whether to sleep or write for an hour or two. Instantaneously, my door opened and in walked Dante.

Kitty: What do you think you're doing?!

Dante: Shit!

Kitty: Quit staring and get out!

Dante: I will, naturally. There's just one issue.

Kitty: What, Dante?

Dante: I cant find my room. Your mother isn't the best at directions. No offense.

Kitty: None taken. She's also not good at respecting boundaries.

Dante: I did notice that now that you mentioned it. Kitty?

Kitty: What?

Dante: Will you show me where my room is? Unless you'd like me to stay, of course?

Kitty: Let's go.

Dante: Perhaps you should put a gown on? Not that I'm opposed to your current state if dress- But it is a bit chilly tonight.

For some odd reason I felt a blush creep up my chest at his words, before quickly throwing a gown over my night dress.

Kitty: Here we are. It's our nicest guest room apparently. Do enjoy the view of the garden while it's pitch black out.

Dante: Thank you.

Kitty: You're welcome, Lord Radcliffe.

Dante: Kitty...

I watched his eyes lower down to mine. before softening some. He seemed ready to say something else, before clamming his mouth shut for a moment.

Dante: I want to kiss you.

His voice came out as a low murmur as he kept his gaze on me while i let out a barely audible gasp. But he must have heard me because he simply chuckled.

Dante: But I wont because I value my life.

He pressed a sweet kiss to my cheek, lingering a bit longer than necessary, before heading into the room- Leaving me more confused than anything.

Authors note:

Evangeline is the name of the girl in Kitty's book. Continue my lovelies.

I sat on thee edge of my bed after Dante and I parted ways, my nose in the pages of my manuscript as I read it over.


My feet pound in the hard ground as I race towards salvation, but still his breath is hot and heavy on my neck. He cannot be near me. He cant. I took the long ways around through the briar and bushes so he would thrown off. But still footsteps echo behind me. Are they mine or his?

At the same time, I heard a bang from outside. What was that? I should investigate. I got up and padded my way to the door and peered out, before stepping out into the hall to see Dante who looked panicked.

Kitty: Dante?

Dante: Quick.

He said while grabbing my wrist and dragging me to my room, locking it after.

Kitty: Dante, I demand you tell me what's going on this instant!

Dante: Damn it, Kitty, let a man catch his breath.

I tapped my foot impatiently as I watched him take slow breaths.

Kitty: Well?

Dante: Has anyone ever told you how impatient you are?

He let out a small chuckle, before looking at me rather seriously.

Dante: Someone tried to stab me in my sleep.