Chapter 7

Previously On The Heiress:

Dante: Has anyone ever told you how impatient you are?

He let out a small chuckle, before looking at me rather seriously.

Dante: Someone tried to stab me in my sleep.

Kitty: That's ridiculous. Who would try to stab you?

Dante: I don't know.

He pulled his shirt over his head revealing a toned chest and abdomen as he did so- Before pointing to his side where a long scratch was present.

Dante: They obviously don't have the stabbing part down, but is that enough proof for you?

I nodded as the colour drained from my face.

Kitty: What do we do now?

Dante: I think the logical thing would be to go tell your father. If there's a stranger with a penchant for stabbing guests he night want to know about it.

Kitty: And yet you're the first guest they tried to stab.

Dante: Was it you?

Kitty: Yes, Dante. Clearly. I assure you if I ever attempted to stab you, I wouldn't miss.

He looked terrified before chuckling. 

Dante: Come on, let's go tell your father.

He took my hand and I kept my hand in his as his fingertips traced along the inside of my palm. I shivered slightly as he kept his gaze on me for a moment, before finally letting my hand go and motioning towards the door to remind us both of what we needed to do.

John: Kitty, Lord Radcliffe? What is it?

My father looked between the two of us, clearly irked, as we stood in front of him.

Dante: Sir, we hate to wake you, but we thought you needed to know.

John: Know what?

Kitty: Someone tried to stab Lord Radcliffe, Papa.

John: Pardon?

Dante: I was woken up, sir, by a strange figure hovering above me. They were clearly holding a knife.

John: Ah. I think the two of you need to head back to bed. Your imaginations are clearly running wild.

Dante: Wait... Damn it.

Kitty: Come on. 

I lead him back to the hallway where our rooms were, before pulling him into mine.

Dante: Ah, so you do want me.

He waggled his eyebrows as he moved closer. 

Kitty: Like I want the plague.

Dante: Wounded, Miss. Hawthorne. You know it wouldn't kill you to flirt back.

Kitty: I don't have to time to flirt. Now shut up and listen.

Dante: Yes, Love?

Kitty: Emilia and I saw the figure too.

Dante: What?

Kitty: We've both seen it twice now. The second time it pushed Emilia down.

Dante: You're telling me you've seen it too?! And you acted as if I was mad!

Kitty: Yeah, yeah, I know. I just though the stabbing was a bit farfetched. For a ghost I mean...

Dante: Well, for starters, I don't think it's a ghost. Unless they've started wielding weapons.

Kitty: Then who is it?

Dante: Some angry servant? Has your father angered anyone in the household lately?

Kitty: No! Papa is always most kind to all who work here.

Dante: An angry tenant?

Kitty: He's never told me about anyone being upset with him.

Dante: Then I'm at a loss. 

He stretched some, making his muscles ripple a bit before taking a deep breath. I couldn't help but let my eyes trail over him curiously. I'd never seen a half-dressed man before this night. Though, I didn't know quite what I'd been expecting.

Dante: Staring is rude, Kitty.

He startled me from my thoughts as I quickly pulled my eyes up to his to see him laughing.

Dante: You can come get a closer look if you'd like.

Kitty: No, thank you. 

Dante: Spoilsport.

Kitty: That's me.

Dante: What would you like to do now?

Kitty: Sleep, so get out.

Dante: Cruel mistress.

He pouted before pressing a kiss to my cheek, though this one landed too close to my mouth.

Kitty: Dante...

My warning came out shakily as I looked into his eyes.

Dante: Sorry, my lips slipped.

He stared at my mouth as he bit his lips, before pulling back and winking at me.

Dante: Goodnight, Kitty.

Leaving me with my heart pounding in my chest.

The next day, Emilia and I stood in her room while I gave her the details of the night before.

Emilia: I think you should leave it alone, Kitty. If it is an angry person, they could hurt us.

Kitty: They've already hurt us. They hurt you.

Emilia: 'Twas merely a scratch.

Kitty: Perhaps. But it could have been way worse.

Emilia: Did Lord Radcliffe get home alright?

Kitty: I assume so. He wasn't at breakfast.

Emilia: Mama probably scared him off. You should have heard her giving him directions to his room last night.

Kitty: She gave him directions for my bedroom.

Emilia: You're jesting!

Kitty: I wish I was.

Emilia: Did he see you..

Kitty: In just my dress shirt? Yes.

Emilia: Good for him.

Kitty: Emilia! 

Emilia: What? I'm sure he wasn't complaining.

Kitty: I'm going for a walk.

Emilia: Would you like me to join you?

Kitty: Not now, Em. I need to clear my head.

I sighed in relief once the fresh, fragrant air of the gardens surrounded me. There was something so calming about being within the peace and quiet of nature. Walking further down a quiet and remote zone of the garden, I witnessed a maid and a man-servant.