The Kept Man Was His Boss?

Lu Jingyi stood up and faced Lu Jingshan and Bai Liancheng.

"First of all, if you're not going to dine here, I suggest you to show your way out. Second, please do not disturb my dinner time. Your existence ruined our appetite. And third, do not and I mean do not poke your nose on my private life. It has nothing to do with you whether I kept a man or not."

Lu Jingyi's voice was soft but strong and cold. They could feel the pressure she gave them.

"If there's nothing else. Please disappear from our sight. The two of you made us want to puke our food we ate."

Lu Jingyi coldly eyed them and sit down. Then, Mo Zhexuan lean his back on the chair and turned his head to them.

Mo Zhexuan looked at them coldly with a hint of disdain in his eyes. The moment he eyed them, they felt the whole atmosphere's temperature dropped and they were freezing.

If looks could kill, Mo Zhexuan probably would send a thousand cold daggers and kill them instantly.

"Since you have the nerve to interrupt our dinner, you should have the guts to face your consequences."

His words sent chills through their spine. Mo Zhexuan then signal a waiter to escort them out and ordered to blacklist them.

Mo Zhexuan donated a lot for this restuarant. He was the VVVIP. The owner was grateful to him for supporting him.

The bitch and the son of the bitch was livid. How could a mere kept man blacklist them?!

"Miss, Mister. You have interrupted our guests' precious time. We have to ask you to leave as to not disturb our guests."

"Who do you think you are ordering us like that? Get me your manager!!"

Lu Jingshan was not going to back down. She put both hand on her hip and shouted at the waiter.

The waiter then quickly fetched the manager because he didn't want to speak with a crazy woman. Soon, the manager came.

"Manager, how could you let someone like him, a kept man, dine in this restaurant?! It's a disgrace to the reputation of the restaurant."

Lu Jingshan pointed her finger towards Mo Zhexuan.

If she couldn't trigger Lu Jingyi to make a fuss, she will target her kept man instead.

The manager frowned. Was this woman crazy? Did she know Mo Zhexuan was the VVVIP here?

"Excuse me, Miss. This man here is our restaurant's VVVIP and he is the the one and only CEO of Mo's Group, Mo Zhexuan."

Hearing the name Mo Zhexuan, Bai Liancheng was the first one to hear his heart crumbled.

The kept man was actually his boss? He really screwed up. His career was over. Not only did he not regconized him, but he also insulted him by saying he was a kept man. His life was over.

His face was paled like a ghost and his kness went soft. Why? Why did this happen?

Lu Jingshan was also surprised and she did not know he was Mo Zhexuan, the richest bachelor of Country A. She stood there frozen like a statue unbelieving of what she had heard.

Bai Liancheng then went and knelt in front of Mo Zhexuan pleading and kowtowing.

"I'm sorry, CEO Mo. I shouldn't have insulted you and disturbed your dinner time. Please forgive me. I need this job."

Mo Zhexuan did not look at him and proceeded to enjoy his meal.

"Get out of our sight before I decide to do something to you."

Mo Zhexuan coldly spoke and signalled the manager to drag them out.

The manager called two bodyguards to drag the both of them and throw them outside.

"Rest assured, Mr Mo. They are blacklisted and are forbidden to dine here ever again. Please enjoy your meal. Your dessert will arrived soon."

Mo Zhexuan nodded and the manager left as to not disturb them. His heart was racing when he saw two idiots offended Mr. Mo.

Who in the hell would dig their own grave? He just hoped that the same incident will never happen again. Amitabha ~