She Was Just A Tool

Outside the restaurant.

Lu Jingshan and Bai Liancheng was kicked out from that restaurant and had been blacklisted.

Lu Jingshan was still shocked about that man was Mo Zhexuan. She couldn't believe it.

How could it be? How did Lu Jingyi know Mo Zhexuan? Why was she so lucky? How did she make Mo Zhexuan stand by her side?

She must have seduced him. She must have some tricks up her sleeves. Lu Jingshan must find evidence and show Mo Zhexuan about Lu Jingyi's calculating side.

Bai Liancheng was still on the ground after being thrown out. He really, really screwed up.

All his hard work for the first four years to get a promotion as the most youngest marketing manager will end with Mo Zhexuan's one word 'fired'.

He should have not insulted and humiliated him. He did not know Lu Jingyi could hook up with Mo Zhexuan. If Lu Jingyi have said anything, he would not say stupid things.

No. It was Lu Jingshan's fault. She was the one who started it. She was the one who want to humiliate Lu Jingyi and eventually also insulted Mo Zhexuan.

This was all her fault. He should have not followed her. Bai Liancheng glared at Lu Jingshan with hatred.

He got up from the floor and slapped Lu Jingshan with full of hatred. It was her fault that his career would end.

Lu Jingshan was dumbfounded and couldn't believe her eyes. Bai Liancheng slapped her!?

"Why? Why did you slapped me?"

Lu Jingshan was heartbroken and cried. The pain on her cheek was burning.

"Why, you said? It's because of you that I will lose my job. The one you insulted was my boss!!! How do you expect me to survive from now on!?"

Lu Jingshan eyes were red and tears kept falling quickly.

"I don't know. It was Lu Jingyi that bitch's fault. She purposely hid who he really is.

How could you blame me!? I love you so much. If I knew he was your boss, I will never offend him."

"No. It's because of your jealousy towards Jingyi. We could have ignored them but you dragged me to their table and started insulting both of them."

Bai Liancheng was full of rage. His future was on risk because of her jealousy.

"How do you expect me not to be jealous!? You never even said you love me sincerely. You always look at that bitch's photo on your phone. You still loved her. You are my boyfriend but you keep thinking about other woman. What about me? I loved you so much. I gave you everything. Am I not worthy of your love!?"

Bai Liancheng was not touched at all. He never liked or loved her. He was just using her.

"Yes, you're right. I still loved Jingyi and forever will. The one who's in my heart will always be Jingyi. No one can replaced her even you. I dated you just to let Jingyi jealous and come back to me. Apparently, it did not work. And your love. Pfft. Not worth it."

Bai Liancheng was heartless as he stared at Lu Jingshan with disgust. He then walked away and left Lu Jingshan behind.

Lu Jingshan's heart broke into pieces. Shattered. In his heart, she was just a tool. He never even have a slightest bit of love for her.

She loved him so much as a return for his hatred towards her. Why? Why won't he look at her? Was she that bad?

Then, she stood up and looked up at the sky. If she couldn't get Bai Liancheng's love, she will destroy him. As for Lu Jingyi, she will get her revenge on her.

Lu Jingshan tidied herself up and went home.