Getting Caught

The chauffeur died. He died so suddenly that Lu Jingyi froze on the spot. Did Lan Xing prepare to kill her if she escape?

The chauffeur may have been shot on purpose. But she didn't hear a single gunshot sound. How was that possible?

The chauffeur was not that far from her when he ran. Did they use a gun silencer?

Crap! She didn't have time to think so much. She had to run away and call for help. Before she could move, something was pointing her head.

Then, a man's voice was heard.

"Where do you think you're going, little missy? You don't want to end up like that guy, right?"

Lu Jingyi bit her lower lip and slowly raise both of her hands up. She didn't dare to move or else she would die.

"Cat got your tongue? Let me tell you, our employer told us to standby if you escape. That way, we will catch you back. See, now you got caught."

The man pointing his gun behind Lu Jingyi kept staring at her back while talking. Even with full clothes covered Lu Jingyi, he could still see how beautiful her figure was.

He and his pals often kill people at night. It could be said that they had slowly develop a sense of night vision. Because he could see clearly at night, he was sexually attracted by Lu Jingyi even if it's just her back.

Looking at Lu Jingyi with full of lust, he almost couldn't control himself. His employer promised them that they could play with this women after she deal with her.

He couldn't wait and wanted to start ravishing her. The man licked his lips to express his thirstness and lust. Lu Jingyi felt shivers on her back.

"How much did she give you? I can triple the amount if you let me go. I won't go back on my words if I promise you something."

"Hmm....I have principle, little missy. If I accept a job, I will fulfill them."

"Then I will hire you to let me go."

"That won't do. I have to get the job done first before I accept a new one. But, yours was impossible. The employer of mine wanted you dead after we play you. How will you hire me If you're dead? Just give up, little missy. You can't escape from me."

Lu Jingyi was frustrated. She knew martial arts but she couldn't apply to it as the gun was pointing at her. Or else, she would have send him flying and beat him to death.

The man called out to his friends to tie Lu Jingyi's hands and legs, dragged her to the car that parked nearby.

She was also taped to the mouth preventing her from making a sound. They drove her back to the abandoned factory.


"What?! She's been kidnapped?!"

"Yes, boss. We saw her getting in Mr. Mo's car which had been hijacked by a man. The real chauffeur was knocked fainted and dragged to the back of the alley."

"Hurry and inform Mo Zhexuan. Don't tell him who I am."

"Yes, boss."


"Happy cooperation, Mr. Mo."

"You too, Mr. Hou."

Mo Zhexuan was just about to get off and leave when he received messages. The moment he saw the content of the message, his face instantly darkened.

"Assistant Yan. I thought you arranged people to protect Jinyi. Why is she kidnapped?!"

Huh? Miss Lu has been kidnapped? Assistant Yan immediately called and confirmed. But none of the them picked up. He tried again and finally one got through.

The more he listen, he more his face become paled. Mamamia!!! They somehow fainted after smelling something and let the enemy had the chance to kidnap Miss Lu.

When he told Mo Zhexuan what happened, Mo Zhexuan punched his fist to the wall.

Damn it!! He was supposed to protect Lu Jingyi and not letting her get kidnapped.