Who Wants Such An Evil Woman From Inside Out?

"Immediately search for her. Jingyi sent me the location where they're headed. It's not the final destination. Search for all possible places as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir."

Mo Zhexuan received two messages regarding Lu Jingyi's kidnapping. One was Lu Jingyi herself sent it. She sent the location where she was being taken on the south road but not the exact place. So he needed to search it.

The second message was sent by an unknown number. It said that Lu Jingyi boarded his car but the chauffeur was knocked fainted and a man hijacked.

Mo Zhexuan thought Lu Jingyi wouldn't board the car if the man didn't know the code they used. But it seems that the man hijacked the car knew. Or maybe he threatened the chauffeur who supposed to pick up Lu Jingyi.

How did they know they used code to confirm a person who they can trust? Did someone watch their every move everyday?

While he was thinking, his phone rang.

"Zhexuan, did Jingyi send you a message that she might be kidnap?"

"Yes, Uncle Lu. I'm sorry for not protecting her. I promise to bring her back safely."

"Okay. We need to find my daughter first. The Xu family is also helping in finding her whereabouts."

"Okay. I'll contact you if I find anything."

Mo Zhexuan hung up the phone and switched on his laptop to search for her. Lu Jingyi texted that she had turned on her phone GPS mode. He would be able to find her using the satellite.

Bingo! He found it. If Lu Jingyi didn't mention about her switching on the GPS mode in her phone, they would need more time to find her.

Mo Zhexuan proceeded to call Father Lu the news. He then called Assistant Yan to prepare a car immediately. He also told Assistant Yan to bring more people.


Lu Jingyi was dragged inside the abandoned factory. She was then tied to the chair.

After being tied up, she heard a woman's voice from not far.

"Is she here? Did she escape?"

"She's here. We caught her back from escaping."

"Good job. You all can play with her after I deal with her, I will double the amount of money."

"Wow, thank you boss."

Lu Jingyi couldn't see them because her back was facing them. But from the voice alone, she could tell that it was Lan Xing.

She knew Lan Xing would hate her to the core after the humiliation she gave her. She's seeking revenge on her.

Lan Xing slowly walked towards to Lu Jingyi accompanid by the sound of her high heels. She stood in front of Lu Jingyi and gave her a big slap.

After a slap, she gave another one to satisfy her anger. Lu Jingyi's face got handprints on both side of the cheeks.

Lu Jingyi glared at Lan Xing very coldly. Lan Xing could feel Lu Jingyi's murderous gaze and she startled for a while. For one second, she was intimidated by Lu Jingyi. Therefore, she gave one more slap.

"What are you looking at me like that? You deserved it. You should have not come close to Brother Xuan. Without you, Brother Xuan would already have chosen me. Why? Why did you come between us. I known him more than you do. You don't deserve to be Brother Xuan's fiancée!!"

Lan Xing shouted and complaint in front of Lu Jingyi. Even her saliva got on her face. She was looking for death for kidnapping her. She'll make sure Lan Xing sees hell if she could broke off the ropes.

"Even without me, Zhexuan will never be with you. Who wants such an evil woman from inside out? Do you think my disappearance would make Zhexuan choose you? If he wants to choose you, he would have already chose. Why would he chose to be with me when you were still by his side? That's because he doesn't love you. He sees you as a friend only."