Is She Trying To Cover Something?

After she went in the company, See Weiling looked back to see Mo Zheyuan hadn't leave.

She felt something weird about him. But she threw that thought aside because she really didn't care about it.


"Sir, we found out yesterday that Miss See bought several tools from the tool shop."

"What did she bought for?"

Mo Zhexuan think that See Weiling try to scheme against them.

"To built a kernel."


Did his prediction goes wrong? She wanted to build a kernel? Can she even do it? Is she trying to cover something?

"Did she had a pet dog?"

"Yes, she had."

"She built the kernel herself? Without help?"

"She had the servants to help her in building the kernel."

"Ok. Keep watching her and report to me."

"Yes, sir."

Mo Zhexuan still doesn't believe she changed. He had to be careful. He wasn't convinced that a person had a change of heart in such a short time.

He massaged his temple and leaned back his chair. He looked at the picture where Lu Jingyi was smiling brightly beside him.

His lips curled up. Two more weeks and they're finally husband and wife. He can't wait.

He wanted to see her even though they're just been apart for one hour after lunch.

He's so obsessed with her. Can't get enough taste and smell of her.

Meanwhile, Lu Jingyi sneezed like a kitten when she drew her design. She wondered who talk back at her.

After designing her new piece, she put it aside and started sewing her wedding dress. That's right. Her wedding dress and Mo Zhexuan's wedding suit were designed by her.

Her employees were super excited to make their boss and boss's fiancé wedding dress and suit.

Throughout this week, they had to quicken their step in the progress of making the wedding dress and suit.

Although it was busy, they had fun with it.

The whole week was quite busy, it will be busier the next week where their wedding held.

See Weiling would come and observed sometime.

"Sister Jingyi, I had to go to Country K with my friends next week. I will back by your wedding day."

"Oh, have fun."

"I promise to come back before your wedding started."

Lu Jingyi nodded not giving too much respond to it. After that, she continued to work. See Weiling would just observed and leave when her times up.

During the whole week, she and her employees successfully finished her wedding gown and Mo Zhexuan's suit.

She looked proudly at her design. Her dress was beautiful and white pearls to go with. Mo Zhexuan's was also white suit with black shirt, white tie and black pants.

Except for her heels that Mo Zhexuan promised her he custom made it for her.

The whole week gone just like that and welcoming the upcoming week. Their wedding was near.

Six more days to go.

Lu Jingyi asked Mo Zhexuan to try his suit design by her and he agreed. He took a day off just to accompany her.

They went to her studio. Her dress and his suit were hanging beautifully with the mannequins.

Mo Zhexuan was proud of her design and he really like it.