You Look Beautiful**

Mo Zhexuan went into the fitting room to change. Although Lu Jingyi herself had tried her dress, she changed into it as Mo Zhexuan wanted to see.

After changing into the suit, Mo Zhexuan came out like a prince charming or more precisely domineering king charming.

The employees of the studio was mesmerizing the king in front of them. It was magnificent. They were proud of their boss's design and they made it.

Just then, Lu Jingyi came out from the fitting room. She looked like a goddess descended from the heaven.

Oh gosh! Their boss was beautiful as hell and pair up with the magnificent king beside her was a sight to see.

They may cherish these beautiful scene in their memories forever. They are a match made in heaven.

Mo Zhexuan's eyes were glued to Lu Jingyi after she came out. She looked gorgeous in the wedding dress.

He went and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his embrace.

"You look beautiful."

He looked at Lu Jingyi with much tender and love. His deep enchanting eyes were sucking her in while looking at her.

"You look handsome too."

Lu Jingyi in fact was also attracted by Mo Zhexuan's handsomeness. He looked great in the suit she designed.

Lu Jingyi's assistant, Xiaoyu, being smart, she made all employees including herself to leave the room and let the two of them have their time together.

Of course, Lu Jingyi didn't know because she was back faced them and also all her attention was on Mo Zhexuan.

Mo Zhexuan knew since he saw Lu Jingyi's assistant had them leave. He proceeded to bent down to give her a kiss.

"W-Wait, there're others here."

"They're gone."


Lu Jingyi turned her head and saw there's nobody. Did they leave and didn't tell her?

"Your employees are smart enough to leave us alone."

Mo Zhexuan chuckled as Lu Jingyi was surprised by her own employees' action.

"Since we're alone, let's continue."

Mo Zhexuan cupped her face and captured her lips. He slowly slipped his tongue inside entangled with hers.

After a long kiss, Mo Zhexuan's manhood was bulging inside his pants and was poking Lu Jingyi.

She blushed hard as she felt his manhood's heat even through his pants.

"I can't wait anymore..."

Mo Zhexuan lifted her and went into the fitting room. The fitting was quite big and can fit two people.

He then started kissing her again. His hand was roaming at her back and found the zip to her dress.

He unzipped it and the dress fell down to her feet. Without soiling her dress, he picked up the half naked Lu Jingyi who still had her inner wear intact on her and put the dress on the side.

His lips didn't removed from her and let her leaned against the wall. His hand then went down unhook her bra and massaged her breast.

He then sat down and let Lu Jingyi sat on his lap. He bent down and licking and sucking her twin peaks while his fingers slipped inside her undies were rubbing her secret entrance.

Lu Jingyi moaned softly as she didn't want others to hear. She can't help but feel good as Mo Zhexuan was pleasuring her.

Mo Zhexuan then thrust his fingers inside her. Lu Jingyi gasped and cried a sound. Mo Zhexuan continued to kiss her whole body while pleasuring her until she reached her climax and orgasm.