
After breakfast, Mo Zhexuan continued to work until they arrived in Japan while Lu Jingyi just rest on the bed and slept.

Five hours past in a blink of an eye. They finally arrived at Japan most famous island, Okinawa.

Mo Zhexuan woke Lu Jingyi in a very gentle way.

"Wake up, wife. We're here."

Lu Jingyi once again woke up and rubbed her eyes. She looked out the window and her eyes brighten.

Looking at the excited Lu Jingyi, Mo Zhexuan's lips curled up.

She got down the bed and Mo Zhexuan held her hand and unboarded the plane. Their luggage were on Mo Zhexuan's hand.

They first went to the hotel Assistant Yan booked for them. Luckily for both of them, they both speak Japanese.

Lu Jingyi watched animes and learned from them but not completely knew it all. At least she knew the basic and could listen.

Mo Zhexuan had learned Japanese for his business and would come in handy when he's in Japan.

They checked in and went into their room. They put the luggage aside and had a showered.

After that, they changed into comfortable clothes and went to the beach.

They walked hand in hand enjoying the moment at the beach. Wind blowing their hair and footprints on the sand.

They spend their whole week in Okinawa for their honeymoon. They tried local delicacies, went to shrines, wore kimonos also soaked in hot springs.

At night, they will have their own 'little party' which made Lu Jingyi became more perverted than usual.


One week's time flies fast. Their honeymoon had come to an end. They went back to Country A.

They continued their life as husband and wife. They worked and loved. Spend each and every time together when they had the chance.

One month later, Lu Jingyi was pregnant. Everyone was happy and congratulated them.

They gathered everyone and celebrated for Lu Jingyi's pregnancy.

"I'm going to be a Godmother to your child."

Xu Wenwen gently touched the belly of Lu Jingyi to feel the child inside her.

"Then, I'll be the Godfather."

"You can't. You will be the uncle of the child. How can you be the Godfather if you're the uncle?"

Xu Wenwen retorted back on Mo Zhexi's statement. Mo Zhexi chuckled at her.

"If you marry me, you'll be the aunt rather than Godmother."

"Hmph. Who's said I will marry you?"

"The only man you're going to marry is me. You had no other choice."

"What if I have?"

"I'll eradicated him."

Lu Jingyi laughed as she saw Xu Wenwen and Mo Zhexi bickering at each other.

Chen Lili and Chen Liwei as doctors checked her pulse and her child. They were here to congratulate them but also forced by Mo Zhexuan to check on his wife and child.

They confirmed she is healthy and so was their child.

"What will the gender be of the child?"

Ye Ruyi who was sitting beside Xu Wenwen wondered.

"She'll have to go to the hospital to have a scan to know."

Chen Lili answered and Chen Liwei nodded in agreement to his sister's statement.

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl, I will still love them."

Lu Jingyi touched her belly and gently stroked. She smiled gently and lovingly. Mo Zhexuan, who was on her side, hugged her and stroked with her.