Giving Birth

"So, have you think of a name for your child? If you haven't, I have some names you could use."

Xu Wenwen was excited as she wanted to give suggestions to Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan about naming their child.

"We have not thought of it yet. What kind of name do you suggest, Wenwen?"

"Mo Ting for boy and Mo Tangning for girl. How was it? Cool, right?"

Lu Jingyi twitched the corner of her lips. Xu Wenwen read too much novel. She knew the names were from one of the novel they've read before.

"Um.... We'll just name our child ourself."

Lu Jingyi looked at Mo Zhexuan beside her as if she was asking him naming their child.

"If it's a boy, we'll call him Mo Zijin. If it's a girl, we'll call him Mo Zixin."

"Okay, we'll go with that."

"Aw...I thought the names I gave were perfect."

"You can have it yourself when you have your own child."

Lu Jingyi smirked at Xu Wenwen. Mo Zhexi then whispered to Xu Wenwen's ears.

"We'll have to work hard then."

Xu Wenwen blushed as she glared at Lu Jingyi for teasing her.

After celebration, everyone dispersed and left.

Mother Mo was the most excited one when she heard about her pregnancy news because she finally had a grandchild.

She had prepared everything a pregnant woman needs for Lu Jingyi.

In the first trimester of her pregnancy, she and Mo Zhexuan will live in the Mo mansion. Mother Mo will take care of Lu Jingyi while Mo Zhexuan was working.

Mother Mo prepared tonic, bird nest, and everything for her to know about and be careful about.

Under the care of Mother Mo, Lu Jingyi was healthy as ever.

After she knew she got pregnant, she decided to work from home to be careful. Her assistant will come to her if anything happen when she's not there.

She also had to be careful not to overwork herself. Mother Mo would also reminded her to rest a lot.

Mo Zhexuan would come home early everyday to accompany her.

And so, eight months later, Lu Jingyi's belly was huge and before that, she had a scan on her child.

The doctor confirmed that she had pregnant with twins. Mother Mo was blessed with two grandchildren. She was very happy.

Lu Jingyi was surprised as well. She never thought she would have to give birth to twins.

The time has come and Lu Jingyi have to give birth. Mo Zhexuan rushed from his meeting to the hospital.

Lu Jingyi was sent to the delivery room. Mo Zhexuan accompanied her inside.

In the delivery room, Lu Jingyi's crys were hurting Mo Zhexuan's heart. He can't bear Lu Jingyi to be painful.

If he could, he would like to replace her and took her pain.

The doctor and nurses encouraged her to give pushes while Mo Zhexuan on the side holding her hand tightly.

"One more push, the baby's going to come out."

Lu Jingyi gave all her strength and finally one came out.

"It's out!! It's out!! It's a boy!!"

"There's one more. Keep pushing, miss. You can do it."

Lu Jingyi once again felt really tired. But for the sake of her child, she used her final and last push to her other child.

"It's out!!! The baby's out! It's girl this time."

After giving birth to two adorable children, Lu Jingyi fainted due to fatigueness. Mo Zhexuan promised himself not to let Lu Jingyi suffered this kind of pain again.

Two children was enough.