Thank You For Giving Birth To Twins

After that, Lu Jingyi was sent to the VIP ward.

The two babies were in the arms of Mother Mo and Father Lu. They were super duper happy to able to carry their grandchildren.

Mo Zhexuan didn't even look or carry them. He was worry about Lu Jingyi and had been sitting the bed looking after her.

"Zhexuan, come and look at your babies. They are so cute. Zijin is the brother and Zixin is the baby sister."

After Mother Mo spoke, she pushed the baby in his arms followed by Father Mo.

Mo Zhexuan's both arms were carrying the twins. He looked at them closely and they were sleeping soundly in his arms.

His gaze turned gentle. They were the proof of his and his wife's love.

How he wished Lu Jingyi could wake up now and see their adorable babies.

After that, the twins were carried back from their father's arms to their grandparents arms.

While the grandparents were taking care of the twins, Mo Zhexuan will take care of his wife until she woke up.

By the time Lu Jingyi woke up, it was night time. She opened her eyes slowly and was a little daze.

She then turned her head and saw Mo Zhexuan was working on the couch nearby.

She opened her mouth wanted to speak but it was too dry and she coughed instead which heard by Mo Zhexuan.

Mo Zhexuan immediately got up and gave her a glass of water while patting her back after she got up.

Lu Jingyi took the glass of water and drank it in one go. She instantly felt refreshed in her throat.

Mo Zhexuan then took the glass and put it elsewhere. He sat beside her on the bed and stroked her cheek.

"You have suffered pain, my wife. Thank you for giving birth to two healthy children for us. Are you hungry? I'll get someone to order porridge for you."

Lu Jingyi nodded her head and smiled sweetly.

"Where's our babies?"

"They're with our parents. Mo Zijin is the brother and Mo Zixin is the little sister. You'll see them tomorrow."

"A boy and a girl?"

"Yes. We're blessed with two children. One boy and one girl."

Lu Jingyi was surprised yet happy to hear. She gave birth to twins and it was a boy and a girl.

"Rest first. The food will be here soon."

Lu Jingyi nodded and laid down on the bed.

Soon after, the food arrived. Lu Jingyi sat up and ate the porridge. Mo Zhexuan didn't let her ate herself and went to feed her himself.

The scene were romantic and sweet.

After eating, Lu Jingyi felt tired again. She's still felt her body sore over.

Lu Jingyi laid on the bed and asked Mo Zhexuan to sleep with her. Mo Zhexuan immediately agree.

He closed his laptop and put it on the side. He then slipped inside the duvet and hugged Lu Jingyi.

The bed was big enough for both of them together. Mo Zhexuan kissed her forehead and embraced her gently.

"Goodnight, wife."

"Goodnight, hubby."

Lu Jingyi hugged back and slowly she felt asleep. Mo Zhexuan, on the other hand, was looking at his sleeping wife.

He tucked her hair behind her ears which covered her face and gently stroked her cheeks with his fingers.

He spoke softly while looking at her sleeping face.

"Thank you for being my wife and give birth to to twins for us. I'll make sure to make us the happiest family in the world."