Gitchee Gitchee Goo

The next day.

Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan had already woke up and eating breakfast. Lu Jingyi couldn't contain her excitement in seeing her babies real soon.

After finished eating breakfast, she rest on the bed and waited. Mo Zhexuan waited with her while doing his work.

Mo Zhexuan had texted the whole family about Lu Jingyi's awake and told them to bring the children to see her the next morning.

Soon after, the door opened and all of them came.

Lu Jingyi immediately sat up on the bed and welcomed them.

"Jingyi, my dear, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Father Lu went to her side and asked her current condition. He was worried about her since yesterday.

"I'm fine, Dad."

"Here comes the babies."

Mother Mo and Father Mo each carried a baby in their arms. They then gently let Lu Jingyi's carried them with her arms.

"This is your son, Mo Zijin and this your daughter, Mo Zixin."

Mother Mo showed her on her right with blue cloth was her son while on her left with pink cloth was her daughter.

She looked at them lovingly and observed. They are so cute. Her lips curled up the moment she saw the adorable twins.

They are now sleeping soundly in her arms. She gave a kiss on their forehead and murmured 'I love you'.

After that, the doctor came and checked upon Lu Jingyi. He confirmed she had no health issues and suggested to have more rest.

She can be discharged by tomorrow.

Lu Jingyi was delighted. By tomorrow she can go back.

And so, she spent another night in the hospital and was discharged the next day.

She went back to their home.

As a mother, she decided to work at home for three months. After that, they would sent their children to the Mo mansion when they're working.

She had been busy being a designer and a mother of two. Mo Zhexuan would also come back early to accompanied in raising them.

She brestfed the two little dumplings, changed their diapers, bathed them and made them sleep.

Mo Zhexuan would also helped her and sometimes she laughed because of his clumsiness.

A few months later, the twins started to crawl and mumble. They started to understand langauge bit by bit.

Mo Zijin was an obedient child while Mo Zixin was quite a naughty one.

Sometimes, Lu Jingyi had trouble cleaning up her mess.

No matter how hard it is, she would take care of them with full of love with her husband together.

Mo Zijin and Mo Zixin mostly had Mo Zhexuan's looks. They had her eyes and nose but overall had Mo Zhexuan's genes on other parts.

She was sure her son would become a lady killer with his handsome look and her daughter to be gorgeous with her beautiful looks that would attract a lot of men.

She'll have to make sure to teach them basic manners to prevent them becoming an arrogant and selfish person.

When she carried the both of them, Mo Zhexuan helped her carried one of them. They then heard mumbling from them.

"Gitchee gitchee goo."

Both babies were mumbling and they knew it meant 'I love you' to her.

They both smiled at the twins.

When they grew up, they would become a great person like their parents.