Hacking Skills

Five years later.

"Mommy, look. I've got a perfect score on the test."

"Really? That's great. That's my daughter. How about you, Zijin."

"I've got extra twenty marks for a full score."

"Since both of you done very well in your test, Mommy's gonna cook a feast tonight for my smart dumplings."

Mo Zixin and Mo Zixin were five years old. As they grew up these five years, Mo Zijin had his father's cold personality.

He mostly behave like an mature adult. But in Lu Jingyi's eyes, he's still a child. He could behave like any other child but chosen not too.

He didn't talk much but he was an obedient child. Sometimes, she doesn't know what he was thinking.

Mo Zixin, on the other hand, was a cheerful and bright child. She's a little naughty but also a well-behaved child. A lovely child indeed.

"Yay!! I want to have cake too."

"Sure, sure. How about you, Zijin? Is there any food you want Mommy to make?"

"I want to eat prawn."

Mo Zijin being the mature one looked at Lu Jingyi with sparkling eyes indicating he really want to have prawn.

Lu Jingyi smiled gently at her two children. She patted their heads and hugged them.

"Okay. Now, go and do your homeowork. We'll eat after your father come back."

"Come on, brother."

Mo Zixin grabbed Mo Zijin wrist and dragged him to their room and do their homework. Kimchi followed behind as well.

In their room, instead of doing homework, they were doing something else. About homework, they had finished it ages ago.

"Brother, I want to hack into Daddy's laptop to give him a surprise. Can you help me with it?"


Mo Zijin doted on his sister which he was sister complex that will do anything for her as long as it doesn't go in a bad way.

Mo Zijin had learn this hacking skills from his uncle, Mo Zhexi. Mo Zhexi didn't know that his hacking skills was learnt by him because Mo Zijin was a genius.

He observed Mo Zhexi hacking before and learned it with his brain. He keep it a secret from their parents but not from his sister.

But today, Mo Zixin wanted to surprise Mo Zhexuan and Mo Zijin, the sister complex, will naturally do it for her.

Meanwhile, in the office, Mo Zhexuan was looking at some documents. He then saw his laptop was flashing.

He looked at it for a while and the laptop suddenly turned pitch black. Then, the screen changed and he saw the twins in it.

"Daddy? Daddy!! Are you there? Can you see us?"

Mo Zhexuan was shocked. He heard his precious daughter's sweet voice calling for him. He didn't know how they were able to hack his laptop.

"Hm? I can't see Daddy. Brother, are you sure it's working?"

"It's working. Maybe he's busy."

Mo Zhexuan, who sat on the side which the camera of the laptop didn't caught him on camera, listened to the twins conversation.

"Aw..... I wanted to surprise Daddy. Let's just wait for him."


Mo Zhexuan shook his head speechlessly. He then move the laptop and faced him. The twins was startled but delighted to see him.


The twins were happy to see him.

"Daddy!! Surprise!! Brother learned to hack and we wanted to surprise you first. Mommy didn't know."

Mo Zixin said happily because she thought she surprised her daddy.

"Yes, Daddy's surprised. Who taught you to hack, Zijin?"

"I learnt it by myself."

Surprised flashed through Mo Zhexuan's eyes. Really?? His son was quite a genius.