Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (14)**

WARNING : MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. KEEP OFF UNDER 18. Although you won't listen...

Just when he's about to shut his eyes, something soft was pressing against his back.

Xu Wenwen saw Mo Zhexi had climbed on the bed but he wasn't facing her. She then moved closer to him.

She wrapped her arms on his waist and stuck closed to Mo Zhexi's back. She also pressed her head against his back.

Mo Zhexi, who was stunned by her sudden action, frozen in place and didn't dare to move.

More importantly, he could feel her softness on his back. He somehow can't think straight.

Damn!! It's so soft and he wanted to touch it.

"I'm sorry."

Just when he wondered what to do next, Xu Wenwen spoke and apologized.

"Why apologize? It was my fault to begin with. I didn't ask your permission. You're not wrong. I didn't know you feel uncomfortable all these time."

No! It's wrong. She did not feel uncomfortable at all.

She then clutched his shirt tightly which made Mo Zhexi thought if she was fine. He wanted to turn around but Xu Wenwen didn't let him.

"Mo Zhexi, I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. It's me. I'm just being too sensitive. I felt very happy to be with you. I love you."

Mo Zhexi then removed her hand from his waist. Xu Wenwen was kind of shock.

Did he not want her to touch him?

After that, Mo Zhexi turned around and faced her. What surprised him was Xu Wenwen wore her nightgown and he saw her cleavage.

When he looked up to her face, she was red all over her face. She was adorably cute.

"Wenwen, thank you for loving me. I love you."

He reached his hand and touched her face lightly.

"You look incredibly beautiful."

Mo Zhexi leaned closer to her. He kissed her forehead then her nose and finally her lips. He cupped her face and deepened the kiss.

He prayed opened her lips with his tongue and went in swirling with her tongue.

His hand went from her face to her waist. He then slipped his hand inside her nightgown. He stopped for a while and asked her.

"May I?"

Xu Wenwen was kissed until she was numb and she subconsciously nodded.

She was not sure what he meant but she gave him permission.

Mo Zhexi pulled her nightgown upwards. He cupped one of her breast and started massaging.

He flicked her pink nipple and play with it. He then went down and sucked and licked her breast.

"En.. Ah... Mn...."

Xu Wenwen couldn't control her voice and moaned. Mo Zhexi loved her sweet voice.

She grabbed his hair and her body trembling due to pleasure.

Mo Zhexi then got up and pressed her down. He moved on top of her. After that, he bent down and captured her lips while his hand massage her breast.

After a while, he put his forehead against her and panting.

"Touch me, Wenwen."

He guided her hand to his shaft. It was bulging inside his pants. Xu Wenwen suddenly shock herself when she touched it through the frabic.

It was big and thick and hard. She gulped and keep touching up it without Mo Zhexi's guiding. Her hand moved on her own.

She looked at Mo Zhexi while touching him. His face was slightly red and was looking at her too.