Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (15)**


Mo Zhexi groaned as she touched him.

He bent down and captured her lips and gave her a passionate hot kiss as he continued to massaged her chest.

Just as his shaft was suffering in his pants, he took it out and let Xu Wenwen touched it as she likes.

The sensation was different from when she touched it through the fabric. She was in awed.

She can't believe what she's touching. As curiosity struck her, she wrapped her palm on his dragon and gave it a squeeze.

"Argh..... Gentler, sweetheart."

Mo Zhexi looked at her pleading for his life. Xu Wenwen took this opportunity to tease him. She then went up to his tips and rubbed it with her hand.

"Are you trying to make me suffer? No matter how shy you are, in this aspect, you're quite bold. Shall I teach you a lesson?"

Mo Zhexi turned her to the side and then he went to the other side wrapped his hand on her waist behind her back.

He took off her panty in a swift and threw it on the ground.

His dragon thrusts between her legs and rubbed against her secret entrance. He didn't entered her but it was enough to make her wet.

While thrusting, he massaged her breast and licked her neck behind.


She was flustered in red. She felt too good that she can't stop moaning.

What is happening to her?

Just before she said she wasn't ready but now, she felt incredibly good. She was drowned in pleasure that she didn't want to stop.

After a long time, they almost reached their climax. A few more thrust and they climax together.


They panted after they were done. Mo Zhexi turned her around and pecked on her lips.

"Wenwen, I love you so much."

Mo Zhexi had been confessing his love for her all day. She was glad to have him by her side.

"Zhexi, I'll never leave you."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled up to his chest. Mo Zhexi smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Let's take a shower together."


What did he just say?

Upon didn't her response, he looked at her and asked again.

"Wenwen, let's take a shower together. You don't want to sleep with sweats on your body right?"

"B-But we don't need to shower together, right?"

"What are you embarrass about? We have already seen each other naked."

Mo Zhexi chuckled as he saw her shocking yet adorable expression.

"D-Don't push your luck! I'm going to shower ALONE."

Xu Wenwen then removed herself from his embrace and rushed to the bathroom. She immediately locked the door after she went in.

Mo Zhexi laughed and laid on the bed looking at the ceiling.

Ah~ Just now their sexual interaction was magnificent. How he wished he could make her his immediately.

He then got up of bed and put back his pants on. After that, he made a call to the hotel management to change the bed sheet after he cleaned up the mess.

The hotel management was quick. They came and changed the bedsheet in a mere five minutes. Such proficiency.

After the hotel's staffs done with their work, they left.