Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (49)


Xu Wenwen woke up due to the blinding sunlight. When she wanted to move, she realized she had no strength.

She pursed her lips as her lower part of the body was the most painful. The guy beside him was a monster.

How did he have so much stamina in him?

She felt like her body was going to snap into two. She decided to order Mo Zhexi around since he made her can't get out of bed.

Mo Zhexi, who just woke up, greeted by Xu Wenwen's cute glare. He ignored the glare and smiled at her.

"Morning, Sweetheart."

He then made a fly kiss to her which Xu Wenwen rolled her eyes.

"I can't move."

"Shall I carry you, sweetheart?"


Mo Zhexi lifted the duvet and got out of the bed stark naked.

Xu Wenwen forgot that he was completely naked and immediately she closed her eyes with her hand while blushing.

"It's not like you never seen before."

"Shut up and carry me to the bathroom!! My body is sore."

Xu Wenwen glared at him and reached her arms to him coquettishly. Mo Zhexi naturally was delighted.

He told her to wait for him while he filled the bathtub with water in the bathroom. After that, he carried her and put her in the bathtub slowly.

The warm water touched the body and she instantly relaxed. It hit the spot.

Mo Zhexi then went to take a shower. After that, He went downstairs and asked the chef to prepare lunch.

When the lunch was ready, he took it upstairs to Xu Wenwen.

Xu Wenwen, who was relaxing in the bathtub, wanted to get up since she's finished but she didn't have the strength to.

She indeed felt lesser pain than before but it didn't mean her strength recovered quickly.

Just when she wanted to call Mo Zhexi, Mo Zhexi himself entered the bathroom.

"Are you done?"

Xu Wenwen nodded. He then carried her out of the bathtub and wrapped her with a towel. He carried her and place her sat on the chair.

He brought lunch in front of her. As hungry as a wolf, Xu Wenwen quickly picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Mo Zhexi, on the other hand, dried her hair with a hair dryer and gently ruffled her hair.

"Sweetheart, Wife, where do you want to spend our honeymoon?"

"Anywhere is fine by me. I don't have anywhere particularly want to go. As long as I'm with you, I'm fine with anywhere."

Xu Wenwen looked at him lovingly and smiled brightly. Mo Zhexi was lucky to have her for the rest of his life.

"Okay. Then, I shall arranged it for us."


"Call me hubby."

"H-Hubby. I want to have a child."

"What about your career?"

"I decided to stop two years of modeling before continuing."

"Okay. If you want a child, we'll have to keep up the good work."

Mo Zhexi smiled at her seductively. He bent down and kissed her earlobe.

"S-Stop. I'm tired."

"I'm just kidding."

"Hey, what name should we name our child?"

"Wow, sweetheart. You're thinking ahead of future. Hm... Let me think. Ah. How about Mo Wenbin for boy and Mo Wenxi for girl?"

"I love it. It's a nice name."