Mo Zhexi & Xu Wenwen (50)

Two months later, Xu Wenwen was pregnant. The whole Mo and Xu family were overjoyed.

Mother Mo was blessed with another grandchild. Finally, her second son had a child.

The Xu family were also happy to hear they have a grandchild. Mother Xu had been waiting for this day.

Just like Lu Jingyi, Mother Mo wanted Xu Wenwen also temporary live in the Mo mansion so that she could take care of her.

Unfortunately, Mother Xu refused. She would like to take care of her daughter herself. And so, both mothers argued which of them will take care of Xu Wenwen.

Fortunately, Father Mo had an idea. Both of them will took turn to take care of Xu Wenwen together.

For the first month, Xu Wenwen will go to Xu mansion and the second month, she will go to Mo mansion to be taken care of until the baby is born.

One months later, Lu Jingyi was about to give birth and was sent to the hospital. Xu Wenwen wanted to go too but was stopped by Mo Zhexi.

He told her that his brother will accompany her and she need to take care of herself and the baby inside her too.

He also told her not to worry too much. Once Lu Jingyi had given birth, he will tell her after he receive the news.

The thought about giving birth, Xu Wenwen couldn't help but imagined how painful it is.

A few months later, it was her turn to give birth. She was both scared and nervous. She was sent to the delivery room.

Mo Zhexi rushed from his work and went to the hospital. He immediately went into the delivery room and saw Xu Wenwen was in pain.

The doctor and nurses were helping her and encouraging her. Mo Zhexi went to her side and held her hand tightly.

She was sweating and she wanted to faint from exhaustion. But, she held herself up.

For the sake of her baby, she gave out all her strength and pushed.

The baby's head was finally out and the doctor encouraged her to give her best until the baby whole body is out.

And finally, the baby was born. It was a boy. The cry from the baby made Xu Wenwen teared up.

Her son was finally born. Mo Zhexi carried his son and looked at him. The only word came out of his mouth was 'ugly'.

Although he looked a bit ugly, he still loved his son because he was the proof of his and Xu Wenwen's love.

He then carried their son to Xu Wenwen. Xu Wenwen looked at her son and teared up again.

The Xu family and Mo family except Mo Zhexuan and Lu Jingyi, who was busying with work and taking care of their child, were delighted.

Not long after, Xu Wenwen was pushed to the VIP room and rest. The baby was being carried among the elders.

While the elders had their attention on the baby, Mo Zhexi bought food for Xu Wenwen.

A joyous day for the both family.


Five years later.

"Mommy, I want to buy a hair clip."

"Eh? What for?"

"It's a gift for Wang Xinlin."

Mo Wenbin blushed as he asked his mother. Mo Wenbin, unlike both of his parents, he grown up to have a gentle and caring personality.

He and Mo twins, the children of Lu Jingyi and Mo Zhexuan, are the same age.

Among the three of them, he looked like a big brother rather than both of them even though he was younger than them a few months.

He"s always take care of them. He was smart but unlike Mo Zijin, a genius. But he was more mature than them and thus, he began to look like their older sibling than younger sibling.