Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (13)

Her food taste heavenly. It's delicious. The soup noodles was authentic and delicious. The toasts were toasted just right.

After eating and drinking some tea, his whole body felt refreshed. He was happy to get to eat Ye Ruyi's homecook food.

He felt that having a girlfriend who can cook definitely a blessing for him. A capable and beautiful girlfriend too.

He proposed to Ye Ruyi that he will washed the dishes. Ye Ruyi nodded and gave him the task of washing dishes.

A few second later, while Ye Ruyi was wiping the table clean, she heard crashing sound from the direction of the sink.

Wang Jiasi looked at the broken bowl on the floor. He gave an awkward and guilty smile to Ye Ruyi.

Ye Ruyi was utterly speechless. He can even broke a bowl while washing.

"You'll have to pay me a new bowl."

Wang Jiasi nodded. Ye Ruyi took the broken bowl with a rubber gloves and put it in a plastic bag.

Wang Jiasi wanted to continue to wash but he was stopped by Ye Ruyi. She told him to sir at the sofa and leave the rest to her.

He had no choice but to obey her. Ye Ruyi wanted to prevent another bowl to be broken by him.

He sat at the sofa obediently and watched Ye Ruyi done the work herself.

He wanted to help but he's afraid of making more trouble for Ye Ruyi.

Then, an idea popped up in his head. Since today was the weekend, he could take her out on a date and buy a new bowl to compensate her.

"Ruyi, let's go on a date. I'll buy you a new bowl too."

Ye Ruyi pondered for a moment before agreeing to Wang Jiasi. Since she gave him a chance, she will definitely let him have the chance to make it up to her.


After Ye Ruyi was done cleaning and washing the plate, she went to her room and got changed. She changed into a pink t-shirt and a short jeans with sneakers.

Coincidencely, Wang Jiasi wore a light red polo shirt with a jeans that Ye Ruyi bought for him and was like a matching outfit to hers.

Ye Ruyi was an capable assistant and she knew perfectly well that he liked all Polo brands.

He was satisfied and delighted that she bought the clothes for him. He shall cherished this one and only clothes that Ye Ruyi bought for him.

After that, they went down and boarded Wang Jiasi's car. He drove to the mall. They went to the hypermarket inside.

Walking side by side, Wang Jiasi was hesitating and pondering if he should take the initiative to told her hand.

He wouldn't want his hand to be flung by her when he touched her.

Ye Ruyi didn't notice his worries and she kept looking at different bowls to choose.

This must be the first time that he had to bow down his head a lot of times and lower his pride for a person.

And that person was his girlfriend, Ye Ruyi.

She the only person who can make him do that.

After Ye Ruyi chose a bowl, she wanted to ask his opinion of it. She turned her head and saw Wang Jiasi was looking at her.

"Something wrong?"


"Is that so? Whatever. Take a look at this bowl. What do you think?"

"It's nice. There's another color of it. Take this one too. I'm paying."

They could have a couple bowl together. Hehe...

Ye Ruyi saw his smile and probably knew what he was thinking but she didn't expose him.