Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (14)

To be honest, she has started developing feelings for him. It's just that she didn't want to tell him so soon or he'll be smug.

"Okay. Let's buy two."

After selecting the bowls, they also bought some other things too.

When they were done shopping, Wang Jiasi paid for it. The female cashier who in charge of their stuffs kept looking at Wang Jiasi and blushed shyly.

Wang Jiasi didn't notice her at all and just kept looking at the bowls that he'll used in the future with Ye Ruyi.

Thinking of that, his heart was overwhelmed with happiness. He was in a good mood and smiled to anyone.

In which the female cashier mistaken him in flirting with her.

The female cashier thought her spring has come and kept sending flirting signal with her eyes to Wang Jiasi.

Ye Ruyi, who was beside Wang Jiasi, saw their 'flirting' interaction and was furious inside her heart.

She eyed coldly at Wang Jiasi, who was paying. After paying and got the receipt, the female cashier intentionally brushed her hand to his hand.

"Here's your receipt, sir."

Wang Jiasi then felt like there's something wrong with the female cashier and eyed her weirdly.

Is the female cashier seducing him?

Unfortunately for her, his heart already set with Ye Ruyi. He then turned his head and looked at Ye Ruyi with a bright smile.

The moment he looked Ye Ruyi, his smile faded instantly. This is due to the cold expression on Ye Ruyi's face.

Did he do something wrong?

Oh! Is it because of the female cashier seducing him and she's jealous?

She's jealous?

Which mean, she had feelings for him?

If that's the case, he would be elated. He would be place in an important place in her heart.

After receiving the receipt, Ye Ruyi tugged at his left sleeve and dragged him out. Wang Jiasi was dragged by Ye Ruyi forcefully but he won't complaint.

Ye Ruyi dragged him until they reached outside the mall.

"What's wrong?"

Realizing she had done an action that was out of her character, she immediately let go of his sleeve.

Wang Jiasi felt disappointed. He wanted her to hold onto him for a while longer even if it's just his sleeve.


"No. It's okay. Maybe is my imagination but are you jealous just now?"

Wang Jiasi lowered his head and looked at Ye Ruyi in the same level eye. He showed a pleased smile to her.

Ye Ruyi felt like she's exposed and turned her head away from him. Her face was flustered red and she was irritated at his smile.

"No. I'm not. You're imagining things."

"Okay, if you say so."

Wang Jiasi wanted to laugh at her embarrassed expression but he suppressed himself.

Just as he expected, she must be jealous. Maybe not long after that he will finally be forgiven by her and have her love too.

Ye Ruyi saw his overly excited face and wanted to punch his face. She roughly knew what he's thinking.

After that, Wang Jiasi drove her home. Still having that smug smile on his face, he was in a very good mood.

Ye Ruyi was too lazy to look at him. She looked out the window and didn't want to look at his pleased smile.

When they reached at her apartment, Wang Jiasi offered to help her took the things into her home and she agreed.