Wang Jiasi & Ye Ruyi (15)

When they reached the floor of Ye Ruyi's home, they saw an old man accompanied by two men in black, probably bodyguards, standing in the doorway of her place.

Wang Jiasi also saw them and stood in front of Ye Ruyi protecting her from them. Ye Ruyi herself guarded up against them.

She then remembered the two bodyguards was the two men in black that tried to stop her before.

Of course, Wang Jiasi noticed and recognized them as well.

"Who are you? Why are you standing in front of my house?"

Ye Ruyi, who was behind Wang Jiasi, frowned and spoke up to them in suspicion.

"Hello. Are you Ye Ruyi?"

"I am. You are?"

"I am your grandfather."

Both Wang Jiasi and Ye Ruyi were shocked after they heard what he said.


She's an orphan. Where did this her so-called grandfather come from? Was he a con artist?

"What evidence you have to prove that I'm your granddaughter?"

"How about let's talk inside. I'm an old man after all. I don't have much stamina standing here all day and talk."

Ye Ruyi gave a suspicious look at the old man. She then instinctively looked at Wang Jiasi.

Wang Jiasi gave her a reassuring look and indicated that he will be by her side which gave Ye Ruyi a sense of security.

She was grateful that Wang Jiasi was here.

"Okay. Please step aside. I need to open the door."

The three of them stood aside and let Ye Ruyi unlocked the door. While she do that, Wang Jiasi gave the three of them a cold and warning look.

His eyes indicated 'If you make a move at her, you're dead'.

The two bodyguards shivered at his cold eyes except for the old man. They investigated the man before.

He was a playboy and often skipped work. His personality was cheerful and friendly. When it comes to business, he was strict but not ruthless unless he had to.

But recently, he stopped skipping work and have been working hard.

That look that he just gave them was not someone who had a cheerful and friendly personality.

The look he gave them was like he's going to kill them. It was murderous.

After opening the door, she invited them in. The old man seated at the sofa and the two bodyguards stood behind him.

The old man looked like he's the owner of the house instead of Ye Ruyi. Wang Jiasi put the things on the table before he went to the living room.

Ye Ruyi sat opposite the old man and Wang Jiasi sat beside her.

Before she spoke, the old man spoke first.

"This is the DNA test result indicated that you and I are grandfather and granddaughter relationship."

He instructed one of the bodyguards to present the document to her.

Ye Ruyi looked at it and saw the result was 99.99%. He's indeed her grandfather according to the result on the paper.

"How can I trust that this is the real result? Did you took my hair or something that I've touched? I won't trust this result unless you have a solid evidence that what you test was from me."

"Of course. We got your hair in that morning. I must apologize that I've got my man broke into your home to take your hair that was on your pillow."


What the f*cking bloody hell did he just said?!