Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (3)


What did she say?

What's his name? What's his name?? What's his name?!?!

How could she forgot his name?! The entire time that he's with her, she didn't even remember his name?!

This is outrageous!!

"You don't remember my name?"

"Is there a problem? It's normal for people to forget the name of the person that they only met once."

See Weiling was not guilty at all. After all, whether she remember his name was not her problem before.

Mo Zheyuan's face darkened as the girl he love at first sight didn't even remember his name or rather didn't want to remember his name.

Mo Zheyuan then stood up and walked towards her with a gloomy yet mischievous expression.

See Weiling's heart skipped a beat. Was she scared of him?

He stood in front of her and looked down at her. He was at least two heads taller than her.

He bent down to her eye level and looked at her in the eyes.

"My name is Mo Zheyuan. Remember your future husband's name from now on."

"Who's my husband?! Damn you!! You're not my husband and will never be!!"

See Weiling stepped back and pushed him away. She glared at him with hatred and embarrassment.

She then rushed back to her room with anger inside her heart.

Since she had already knew his name, there's no need to talk to him anymore.

And that, See Weiling forgot what she wanted to do. She was too angry to remember what she was supposed to do.

After See Weiling was gone, Mo Zheyuan shook his head in helplessness.

What was he going to do with his future wife?

Once See Weiling was back to her room, she realized she had forgot what she had to do. Should she go out now and seduce him?

No. No. No. He would be suspicious of her sudden change.

She'll wait for a few more days.

And thus, one week had passed.

That one week, See Weiling didn't make a fuse or throw a tantrum. She just didn't talk to him and observed him closely.

In that one week, she discovered that Mo Zheyuan likes to smoke. He smoke once every night after dinner.

She also discovered he has a good cooking skills. His food was incredibly delicious. It's different from the chef at home.

She was born with a silver spoon. She never ate something so simple yet so delicious. She's also a picky eater.

For some reason, his food will always aroused her appetite.

She also discovered he mostly work at night in the living room instead of his room and will slept until afternoon.

This was because she saw breakfast was ready for her even before she wake up.

And Mo Zheyuan would come out with his 'just woken up' expression and got ready to make lunch.

She basically a freelancer that enjoys free food but also a prisoner that can't get out.

Alright, she decided to seduce Mo Zheyuan tonight. She must try and escaped.

See Weiling rummaged through the luggage and found a sexy lingerie. This was supposed to be for her to wear for Mo Zhexuan.

But because her plan was ruined, she didn't get the chance to wear it to the man she loved.

To escape from this place, she will bear with it.