Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (4)

She went into the bathroom and wore the lingerie. She looked at herself at the mirror and applied some light makeup.

After getting ready, she smiled wickedly. She need to succeed in getting the key card from Mo Zheyuan in order to escape.

Since it's the middle of the night, Mo Zheyuan might be working. She opened the door and peaked outside.

She walked quietly to the living room and indeed, Mo Zheyuan was awake and working.

The light in the living room was dimmed as Mo Zheyuan was used to work in an atmosphere where there are a little light.

See Weiling saw he was back facing her and she tiptoed to get closer to him.

Mo Zheyuan sensed that someone was behind him and he knew that the only other person besides him in this suite was See Weiling.

He didn't know what she was going to do and he pretended not to notice her.

However, his body was then stiffened. Something soft was pressing against his back and delicate arms wrapped around his neck.


Sweet, gentle and coquettish voice was heard and was making his heart raced. Her breathe was fired into his ear while she called his name.

He gulped in thirst. He was a man after all and he was almost thirty. How can he not like it when the woman he likes want to seduce him?


He was still rational enough to think that See Weiling must have something plan out. He was sure that her motive in seducing him was to escape here.

He had some speculation such as she's after the key card or maybe she wanted some information from him about the place.

"Are you still working? How about stop working and rest for a while and accompany me?"

"What do you want, See Weiling?"

"Nothing. I just want you to rest."


"Yes. You've been working so hard. You need to rest well or you will collapse."

Although he knew she was tricking her, if he can get the opportunity of her initiate intimacy with him, he was fine with it.

"Okay. I'll listen to you."

See Weiling's eyes sparkled as she thought she succeeded in making Mo Zheyuan listened to her.

Mo Zheyuan then removed her hand from him and stood up from his chair. He turned around and saw the thin fabric that worn by See Weiling.

He was stunned to see her wore like that to seduce him.

He had to admit, her figure was good. It's a pity that her face was still Mo Zhexuan's wife.

See Weiling smiled to him sweetly and grabbed his hand. She lightly pulled him to the sofa.

Mo Zheyuan didn't resist and let her pulled him. He sat on the sofa and See Weiling went behind him.

"How about I massage your neck?"


See Weiling started to massage him and Mo Zheyuan felt comfortable. His stiffed neck was being massaged by her delicate hands.

"Is the strength okay?"


Mo Zheyuan closed his eyes and enjoyed being massaged. It's been a long time that he can be this relax.

She even massaged his head where all the stress and migraines were instantly gone.

Her massaging skill was excellent.

After a while, See Weiling saw how he was enjoying her massage, she secretly clicked her tongue in annoyance.