Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (11)

"You're lucky to have him as your husband because he loved you so much. Ahh~ I also want a husband like him."

Every woman, young and old, was envious of See Weiling for having a loving and doting 'husband'.

See Weiling's feet rooted on the ground trying to process the situation.

How did the tables turn all of a sudden?

See Weiling looked up and saw Mo Zheyuan smiling at her gently on the surface while in reality Mo Zheyuan smirked in his heart.

She can't believe he had planned out everything. And everything was under his control.

"Honey, come. The doctor is waiting for us."

"No! Let go of me! Bastard!!! Jerk!! Help!!"

No matter how See Weiling shouted for help, no one came to help her. Everyone had witness her 'husband' love for her.

They just shook their head in amusement and continued what they're doing.

See Weiling was dragged by Mo Zheyuan to the attending doctor of the surgery.

The doctor led them to a room and asked See Weiling to get changed. He'll come back and take her to the operating room.

"Please get changed and lay on the bed. We will operate the surgery in ten more minutes."

See Weiling obviously not going to cooperate with them but what can she do? Her hand was handcuffed with Mo Zheyuan and she's not even strong enough to break it.

"Be good. It's going to fine. You'll have your beautiful face back after the surgery."

"Who said anything about getting my face back! I'm not going to have a surgery. I like my current face!"

Mo Zheyuan's face darkened. He did not want to see his Sister-in-law's face on his woman.

"It's not up to you."

Mo Zheyuan spoke coldly at See Weiling which made her shivered in fear.

What the hell did he suddenly get so scary?!

"Either you get changed yourself or I help you?"

See Weiling gritted her teeth in anger. There's no way she's going to let him change her clothes.

"I'll do it myself."

Mo Zheyuan smirked and unlocked the handcuff. He then threw the hospital gown to her and turned his back on her.


He's not going out? How was she going to change her clothes?!

"Why are you still here? How am I going to change? Are you trying to peek at my body?!"

"Shut up and change! I don't mind looking at body while you change."

See Weiling immediately shut up. She then warily wore her clothes and looked at Mo Zheyuan at the same time afraid that he'll turned around.

"I'm done."

Mo Zheyuan turned around and saw See Weiling wore the green hospital gown. It did looked quite good on her.

Just then, the doctor came back. When he saw his patient got changed. He instructed her to lay on the bed.

Under the warning gaze of Mo Zheyuan, See Weiling obediently laid on the bed.

In her mind, she had planned out an escape plan yet again. She never learned her lesson and dare to try again.

Her next plan was to escape from the operating room after the doctor pushed her in.

Unfortunately, Mo Zheyuan must have a mind reading ability to know what's she's thinking of.

He had already arranged for her attending doctor to inject Midazolam before pushing her to the operating room.