Mo Zheyuan & See Weiling (12)

See Weiling looked at the doctor who's holding a injection needles coming towards her. Her heart skipped a beat.

Why did she need to have injection?!

Mo Zheyuan then came towards her and gently pressed her down.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Be good. It's just an injection."

Wasn't she supposed to be having injection in the operating room before surgery?!

Why was it she needed to be injected now before going to the operating room?!

See Weiling wanted to get up and escape but she was pinned down by Mo Zheyuan.

The doctor was having trouble giving her injection to her because she moved and did not stay still.

Mo Zheyuan then bent down and kissed her lips. Again, See Weiling was stunned and her mind suddenly went blank.

The doctor took the opportunity to inject her while she was relax and distracted.

After that, Mo Zheyuan let go of her and she felt dizzy. Gradually, she closed her eyes.

She was then sent to the operating room.

After three and a half hours, the surgery was a success. See Weiling's face was wrapped like a mummy.

She was then sent to the VIP ward where Mo Zheyuan asked the hospital arranged for her.

Mo Zheyuan stayed by her side until she wake up. After four hours, See Weiling opened her eyes and blinked a few times.

She then remembered that she was forced to take a surgery to have her face back.

She touched her face that's wrapped with bandages. Looks like the surgery had been done.

She wanted to cry. All her hard work in being the woman for Mo Zhexuan instantly gone just like that.

Why can't she have him?!

All the frustration and sadneea inside her heart that pent up for days have finally burst out.

She cried and sobbed. Why was God so unfair to her?! She just wanted a man who's worthy for her.

Mo Zheyuan was lying down on the couch in the VIP room resting, woke up when he heard a crying sound.

Mo Zheyuan immediately rushed to her side. He gently wiped her tears away but his action made her cried even more.

"Don't cry. You'll ruin your beautiful face."

What beautiful face? If it's beautiful, Mo Zhexuan wouldn't ignore her at all.

Now that her face was back, she can't even compete to get Mo Zhexuan's affection.

She slapped his hand away and sat up. She saw a water bottle beside on the drawer beside the bed. She wanted to reach it and quenched her thirst.

Before she could touch it, Mo Zheyuan took it and opened it for her.

See Weiling sniffed and took it.

What's done was done. She didn't want to get a third surgery on her face. She didn't want to ruin her face.

At least she's still beautiful.

Mo Zheyuan saw that she had calmed down. He then sat on the bed and faced her. He knew she was upset because she was being forced to.

But it was necessary.

"Are you still angry?"

See Weiling glanced at him and turned her head away from him. She didn't want to talk to him.

"I know you're upset. You were being forced by me and couldn't do anything. But, do you want to live your whole life with someone else's face? You parents gave birth to you and your beautiful face was inherited from them. If you're not satisfied with it, are you going to blame your parents' genes?"

See Weiling didn't even think about her parents when she said she didn't like her face just because Mo Zhexuan didn't like her.