The Beginning After the End

'But now the question is, how should I create light?' a question mark springs on top of my head, critically thinking the answer to my question.

Regrets cramp my mind after forgetting to listen to my Science class. All I have remembered is that-light energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength that the human eyes can see. This terminology is what we call the "Visible light".

'System, can I create light out of nothing?'

[It is possible to generate light, especially with the means of heat.]

'Then, can you tell me how I should produce light with my arcane?'

[Unfortunately, you do not have the criteria of an S. Class magician to construct light.]

The artificial intelligence replied with the texts inscribed on the blue window.

Everything that my system has said makes sense to me. After all, light is an atom-that cannot be created or destroyed. These atoms generate light because of the excited electrons.