Naga Sirens

Alk White's Perspective.


***Previously from the Alk White's chronicles.

[Diamante wants to add you to his party?]

[Will you accept?]


My body slams once again on a rough sand floor, with the waves crashing over at my flank.

Looking at my side, I notice the shrub with its leaves transformed into charcoal with its pot dismantled into grains of gravel. Upon rummaging the bed of sands, my hand grapples an item akin to a crest I have seen before.

I hastily pick the object and check it for myself, only to find out a necklace with a gryphon standing in the middle. The image reminds me of Diamante, roaring majestically at his human enemies.

"Right! Where is Diamante?!" I hysterically screamed while searching far and wide my surroundings.

Unfortunately, I could only discern the wide beach with its waves ramming the lands, refreshing my limbs from the cool sensation of the tide.