Learning the bow

Right after he picked up (stole) the bow from the ground (from someone he obviously didn't know), instead of running, he looked at his surroundings for a few moments.

[Equipped normal bow]

[Equipped quiver]

[Quiver refilled with arrows available]

He took a deep breath, gulped and looked around his surroundings once again before grabbing an arrow from the quiver on his back and placed it on the bowstring before pulling the string itself. Within nanoseconds, the arrows got launched into the sky and slowly descended and hit the ground far away from him.

Before he got a chance to celebrate, a stomping could be heard from afar, approaching toward him while the person shouted with a heavy accent on his voice, "Oy cunt! Whose bow's that! Did ya steal ma'bow?"

When he turned his head around, he saw a bright blonde moustache and haired, handsome man, at least in his mid-forties, approaching him. He quickly unequipped the bow and quiver and place it all onto the ground and raised his head to the skies.

[You lost a normal bow]

[You lost a quiver]

[You lost 29 normal quality arrows]

Aiden stood there silently, with his hands on the skies, while the man stopped in front of him and picked up the bow and quiver, "Oy cunt, do ya thought ya can go 'round the town and steals…"

He stopped mid-sentence and slowly walked past the confused 18-year-old. A few seconds have passed and Aiden was curious about what made the man silent, he slowly turned around and saw the man looking at a single arrow on his hand.

The man raised his head to Aiden and shouted as he slowly made his way toward the 18-year-old once again, "Ey, did ya shot this arrow? Didn' knew there were a great archer here"

Aiden nodded to him and the man smiled for a few seconds, "A'right, follow me to ma'house, I'll teach ya some bows technique if ya are interested in it,"

[The great bow-master, known as Oliver, wanted to teach you about the bow, even if it was only the basic of it]

[In case you rejected, Oliver will see you as a stupid, idiotic person that doesn't want knowledge. Penalties might include the sudden change of language to the system to minecr*ft enchanting table language]

[Message from the god-king: Hahahaha, how you felt that?]

'This… is this a system or the god-king himself… even threatening me with the update of the language… I have no other way to accept then' He sighed before he followed the bow-master toward his house.

The house of the bow-master was located near the forest, but still in the wide grassland around the town. When they both arrived, the bow's master shouted as he approached his simple and small wooden house "A'ight, wait fer me here, Imma get some barrels and targets fer ya to shoot"

About a minute later, Oliver returned to the field with two wooden barrels on his shoulder. He placed the barrels on the ground, "Here's your target, now, here's the bow and arrows, shoot the barrel 3 times with this three arrows"

[Acquired normal bow]

[Acquired 3 normal quality arrows]

"Now go far away!" The man shouted and Aiden turned around and walked 10 steps.

"Is this far away" The 18-year-old shouted back and soon got a reply.

"Nay! 20 more steps!" And so, the 18-year-old complied.

When he was on the spot, he took a deep breath and turned around, but when he saw how small the two barrels is from his position, he was having some doubt, 'What… how the heck do you expect me to shoot this far, the only I shot an arrow are when I was 20 and you expected me to shoot this far after I shot an arrow at a completely random position?'

He sighed, but he already received the order, shoot the arrows and hit all of them, was all he need to do. He took a deep breath once again before he grabbed a single arrow and placed it on his bowstring, then raised his bow and…

[You do not possess the skill, "Quick reload" to shoot an arrow without quiver]

[Level in archery are not enough to use the skill, "Quick reload"]

And with embarrassment n his face, he walked back toward the man and explained, "Uhh, sir, can you please give me a quiver, I… want to practice reloading skill…"

The man smiled as he went back to the house and returned to Aiden with a quiver on his hand which he handed over to him, "Y'know, I was unimpressed when ya said ya need a quiver. But now I knew, ya were so obsessed with archery and all the skills, a good thing!"

[Equipped quiver]

[Quiver refilled with arrows available]

Aiden just nodded before returning to his spot 30 steps far away. This time, he took a deep breath, took a single arrow from his quiver, placed it on the bowstring, raised his bow and aimed it at the sky after some calculations and...


The arrow was successfully launched to the sky.


In a matter of seconds, the arrow descended from the sky and hit the barrel, the bow-master was impressed, 'This kid got some natural talents! succeeding at the first try… there's no need to continue the phase one…'

The man shouted then shouted to Aiden, "Oy! Come here! I'll give ya a test fer ya now, if ya succeed, I will take ya as ma'disciple!"

Aiden, knowing the consequence, has no other choice and complied to the bow-master's words. While he was walking toward the Oliver, the man could be seen moving the barrels and organizing it.

He ended up making it lined up to each other with a distance among them, "Ey! Ya see? Now what ya gotta do is shoot the arrows to the barrel on the back, without hittin the barrel on the front!"

[Message from god-king: Hihihi, the same penalties apply if you fail!]

At this very moment… 'Dude… I'm just some old man wanting a peaceful life, please don't make my life miserable!'