In the battle

"Aaaaargh!" Soon right after the small battle, the army which Aiden was in moved to an even bigger battle. He then found himself… it's his hand that was lunging forward with the sword, stabbing one of the barbarians from the side of his body.

[Total of kill in the battle: 5]

As he was on the flank of the barbarian, he was on the offensive. The 18-year-old didn't want the enemy to rest, even for a bit. He soon charged once again and stabbed another man with his sword right on the side of the man's neck.

[Total of kill in the battle: 6]

Then, a barbarian came running toward him, Aiden kicked the man right on his thighs, which opened a gap for Aiden. Aiden used the gap and swung his sword, it hit the man right on the stomach, blood started pouring out from there.

The 18-year-old, once again, not wanting the enemy to rest, because he was on the offensive. He immediately slashed the man, over and over again, on the body, "I'm sorry man, but you would kill me if I didn't kill you!" In the end, the man fell to the ground while his soul leaving his body.

[Total of kill in the battle: 7]

Shortly after he killed that 7th man he killed on the battlefield, he turned around, sighing, some tears leaving his eyes, but the grip on his sword didn't weaken. Once he raised his head and wiped the small amount of tear on his face with his blood-covered hands, in front of his eyes, he saw one of his friend struggling against an enemy that was above him.

Aiden immediately charged toward the enemy and with his sword, he stabbed the man right through his stomach, barely saving his friend, Mike. He kicked the body of the man to the side and offered his hand to his friend, "Dude, you okay?"

Mike grabbed his hand and got himself up, "Yea, I'm okay, but earlier, I saw the three others are having some problem against the enemies! We should help them! This way"

They found 3 bodies, with familiar faces slightly crushed and covered in blood, Mike got on his one knee and closed his eyes for a few seconds and then getting himself up, "What already happened can't be undone, let's go help the others soldier for now!"

Well, the two men did their best, stabbing, slashing and killing their enemies and helping their allies. It might be dishonourable that they were ganging up against their enemies, but they did what they could just to survive the fierce battle ongoing.

But soon enough, they found themselves in a small hill made of the bodies from both the enemies and the soldiers on their side. At that point, most of the ground on the battlefield has been covered with dead bodies.

There were still small pockets of fightings, but it was mostly done, but right on the other side of the hill, Aiden found out, "It seems that this… battlefield is much bigger than I thought, I thought it was the end phase of the battle…"

Amongst one of the many men that could be seen from the hills of bodies Aiden and Mike were standing at, Mike pointed his finger to a direction and said to Aiden, "Aiden, you see that? That guy seems like he's more decorated than the others, I suspect that he is the leader or a high ranking in the army"

Aiden looked to the direction Mike was pointing at and saw a shirtless man, his muscular body could be seen from far away like the giant axe the man has resting on his shoulder. Around him could be seen men with chain mail armour and pot helmet.

"That man is their leader. Why would a normal high ranking have a dozen of guards using armour and helmets, which is rare things in their region" Mike nodded.

He then asked Aiden, "So, do you want to attack that man or something? It seems that it would be hard, but perhaps… if he were to die, we could end the battle earlier and save a lot of lives!"

Aiden looked at his surrounding, mainly near the man. He then pointed to a natural hill, "You see that natural hill near the leader? There're many enemies around there, but if you give me enough time, I would be able to land a hit to his neck with my bow"

Mike nodded and the two 18-year-olds charged toward their hill, slashing, stabbing and killing enemies in front of them, while at the same time, Mike shouted at the soldiers to follow him, which they did. Not long after, they almost reached the hill and were fighting on the enemies that are getting denser and denser.

But in the end, they prevailed, Aiden went up to the peak of the hill as fast as he could and equipped his bow once he was there.

[Equipped Gakgung bow]

[Equipped quiver]

[Quiver refilled with available arrows]

[Drawing speed has been increased to 100% because of the skill, 'Quickdraw']

He turned around, "Mike! Hold out against the barbarians for a bit! If you fail here, we all fail here!"

Mike turned his face around and nodded before continuing to fight the incoming barbarians with the small amount they gathered on their way to the hill. Aiden rubbed his index finger on his pants and placed it inside his mouth, 'The taste of the blood is still there…'

He then raised it and waited for a few seconds, 'Okay, there's barely any wind… and the distance is about 40 metres…'

He took a deep breath before slowly grabbing an arrow from his quiver and placing it on his bowstring. Gulping while maintaining his breath and drawing his bow, then raising it. Aiden aimed his bow as best as he could and then released it.

The arrow launched forward, barely visible to naked eyes and then…