Another princess?

The guards muttered to each other, "Westerners?"

One of the guards, the same one that shouted toward Aiden and Oliver, nodded and shouted once again, "Westerners! Are you part of the delegation? Why are you leaving the city so early?"

Without even the two of them having the chance of responding to his words, another guard in the same type of armour whispered to him. It wasn't clear enough for Aiden and his teacher to hear it, but they were shocked when the guards unsheathed his swords, "I ASK YOU ONCE AGAIN! WHY ARE YOU LEAVING THE CITY?"

Aiden raised his hands, but Oliver slapped him in the back of his head and whispered, "Ya dummy studen'! The guy must've thought that we attacked the city!"

Aiden then dropped his hands and whispered back, "Mate, should I do the talking or you?"

Oliver whispered back, "Ya do the talkin, ya need to gain experience"

Aiden nodded back, and slowly, he spurred his horse forward. His horse trotted for a few seconds as the same guard shouted once again, "Don't get any closer or we will charge forward and take your heads to Sultan Arslam!"

Aiden smirked as he shouted while slightly raising his face, "Sultan Arslam is dead! The…. The…. The… Princess Jasmine's brother, what was that guy's name… Orslan? Oslam, oh yea! Osman!"

The same guard, only him, charged forward, with his arm extended to the right, gesturing so that none of the other guards charged toward Aiden too.

[Equipped normal steel broadsword]

Aiden pulled his normal steel broadsword and spurred his sword forward too. They both charged toward each other. And when he felt he was close enough, Aiden swung his sword and aimed for the man's head.

It was just a split second when he noticed the sabre coming right toward his throat. If he ducked down just a second too late, the sabre of the man would have slitted his throat. It was the same result for both of them, none of their weapons actually hit the opponent.

Right after that, they made a u-turn. The speed of the turn was so incredible that it looked as if the horses were drifting. But then, they both found themselves near each other, with each of their swords close to each other.

The fight on the horseback broke out, Aiden swung his sword at the man and the man did an active parry before throwing another attack of his own using his sabre. Just like before, it was barely in time that Aiden dodged the sabre.

(Active parry or defence is attacking the sword before it hits your body, at least from my understanding)

They exchanged attacks toward each other for a few moments, over and over again, blocking, parrying, counter-attacking and repeat. But it soon ended when the two of them swung their weapons right at the same time and have the same thought, 'I need to do an active defence!'

They both hit each other's weapons. The two of them were close enough that if they were to share a drink using two straws, it would be possible. But suddenly, the man, the guard said to Aiden in the middle of the long stare, "Yo-you must die for disrespecting his highness and his majesty!"

There, Aiden noticed what was very wrong and asked, "What? You are not part of Osman's plan? I thought you were the forces sent by him to kill me and my friend!"

The guard, even though still in confusion, realized it too, "Well… there's no way that you would be able to even take the city guarded by so many mamluks! They are too powerful for this kind of fighting power!"

Aiden slowly retracted his sword, but still cautious of the guard, "The mamluks? Oh, the one in the heavy armour just like you? For some reason, I was able to take down one… you are the best one I encountered so far!"

The guard was more shocked than before, "I-impossible! I'm the weakest one amongst all of the members! Wait… it all makes sense! Let me talk with her highness!"

[Unequipped normal steel broadsword]

Aiden nodded and sheathed the sword into the scabbard, 'I thank the system for letting me carry 4 weapons at once, even though they glitch through each other like those video games!'

The guard disappeared from Aiden's sight in an instant and made his way toward the carriage. Right in front of the carriage, he got off of his horse and got on his one knee and talked with someone inside the carriage.

Aiden raised one of his eyebrows with a smile on his face. He curiously thought to himself, 'I wonder what kind of 'her' highness would be? Is it like a beautiful, pretty young girl just like Jasmine?"

He soon ate his own words when a glass cup was thrown from inside the carriage, hitting the guard he just fought with right on his helmet, 'What kind of princess would throw cups at her own personal guard! Must be an ugly one'

Once again, he was shocked and ate his own words when a light-skinned with a little tan on her skin, long and black silky hair just like Jasmine, came out of the decorated carriage. He smirked as the guard he just fought with slowly brought the girl toward Aiden.

Aiden got himself down pretty quickly from the horse after that and slightly bowed to her, "Hello, her highness. What an outstanding, amazing beauty I'm able to witness in this beautiful day!"

She smiled but then sighed and saddened, "What kind of beautiful day is it? It's not the first time that I thought it the foolish little brother of mine would actually take the throne with that kind of method, I'm ashamed of him"

Aiden nodded, agreeing to her (SIMP). But she showed him a totally fake smile and asked, "Well, I still feel so honoured to meet a gorgeous, handsome man like you on this day. But I have an urgent matter, while my brother is still weak, I need to capture him before this kingdom break into pieces"