You see someone walking up a tower of glass, he is aiming for his prey. He was wearing a black sweater with cyan lighting on the edges. He also was wearing a mask, he had cyan eyes and cyan hair.
Adam narrating: My life wasn't the best, I was abandoned by my mother, I didn't know anything about my family. All I knew was, my family name was Lence, and they gave me the name Adam. When I turned 8, killing was all I knew, I was trained to kill Mob bosses, criminals, sometimes even innocents. I didn't know what I was doing at that age, I was stupid, that's for sure. Then, one time, I thought, is there a way to change my path to life? Can I escape this path? These voices inside my head said no, they kept saying "keep killing. keep killing." I couldn't stop killing people. All those people that I slaughtered, haunt me in my dreams, it's frightening. So, I'm just walking up those building, it's hurting my legs, my ankles hurt. But, hopefully a helicopter comes in, so I can jump on it and jump for the top.
Suddenly, a helicopter comes out of nowhere and shines a light at Adam. An officer from the helicopter says with a megaphone "Get down from here now! We're gonna shoot if you don't listen to my orders!"
Adam ignores them, The officer orders the soldier next to him to shoot. Adam says in his head "They forgot ammo." The soldier holds up the rifle and aims at Adam, The officer shouts "FIRE!!!" The soldier shoots, but the gun doesn't work. The officer gets annoyed " YOU FORGOT BULLETS?!!! HOW STUPID OF YOU!" The wimpy soldier says "I-I'm sorry sir.." The officer yells "HE'S GOING TO ESCAPE NOW!" Adam jumps off the building to the helicopter to the top of the building and says "Now that helicopter is going to crash into the wilderness area, just to be safe." The pilot lost control of the helicopter, the pilot says "We're losing control!" The officer already left with a parachute. The pilot and the soldier have a weird look on their faces, the helicopter crashes into the forest near by. It creates a huge wave of flames. Adam looks at the flames, the flames shine on his eyes "Damn, I said the wrong thing...should've said lake...Aw well! Back to my missio-" Bodyguards shout "Hey look! THERE HE IS! FIRE!!!" All 20 guards hold up a rifle and aim for Adam. Adam looks at them and says "Your guns are backwards." Just before he said that, they start shooting , all 20 guards shoot themselves. Adam yawns "Whoops. Said the wrong thing guys aren't my prey...why am I even speaking to you guys? You guys are dead." While walking to the door that lends downstairs. Adam says something in his head "Stairs fall. It lends me to the room where my prey is. 100 of more guards are waiting at the door. All of them are stupid and let me in." The things that he said in his head actually happens. Adam thanks the 100 of guards. Adam looks at his prey and walks up to him. "Hey! Mr.Mob Boss Of 59 cities! How's it going?" The Mob Boss looks at him with a menacing glare " BASTARD!" Aims a gun to Adam's head. Mob Boss says "Make one false move, and I'll shoot!" Adam says while holding his index finger up "I would to say someth-" The boss presses the gun to his head "SHUT UP!" Adam says it anyway "That's a toy gun." The mob boss looks at the gun and throws it out the window. Adam laughs "You like playing nerf guns with your guards?" The Mob Boss tries to punch Adam but Adam says "Your arm is gonna break in half." The Bosses arm breaks, the boss is shocked and yells in pain. Adam says "By the way, all of your buildings in those 59 cities are currently getting bombed by the police force. All of your money and grunts are going to be gone. You know why? Cause I said so." The Mob Boss yells "GET HIM!" Adam says "Those guards that let me through, they're all dead." The mob boss says shockingly "W-who...who the hell are you?!" Adam shrugs "I'm just a poor teen that needs the money, but I won't be killing you. Your heart attack is gonna kill you." The mob boss holds his chest and screams in pain, he collapses onto the ground and rolls all over the ground. Adam puts his finger on his lip "shhh. you're loud. why don't you quiet down a bit?" Adam pulls out a sword from his back and slices a piece of the boss's head.
The guards from downstairs come in and found the mob boss dead. Adam is no where to be seen. Adam is at the entrance door, looking at a woman with a huge chest and says "How big can they get? She comes to me and invites me for a drink. The woman comes up to Adam and says "Hey~. Are you old enough to have a drink?~" Adam says in his head "Oh great. A slut." He speaks "No. Go away, prostitute." The woman walks away in anger. Adam just stands there, waiting for the right moment. A bodyguard points at him "PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Adam says "I move in silence. You couldn't see me. The fire in the forest starts to spread more. It connects with the building. The building collapses into the ash. And me, I enjoyed myself, a little bit." The thing that he said, happened. Adam was looking from afar, the flames shine on Adam's eyes "This feeling...I feel like something good...or bad is going to happen." Adam ignores his feelings and jumps on buildings to get to his location.
While Adam is getting to his location. 2 people were waiting for him, Blood and Hope. Blood was being Blood, Hope was just dancing. Blood looks at Hope "Hey. What does this guy do? Predict the future?" Hope jumps on Blood "YEAH! Isn't it cool?" Blood turns red "Y-yeah. But, get off of me." Hope hugs Blood "You enjoy my hugs!" Blood nods slowly.
Adam arrives at the location and looks at 2, Blood says "Oh look! He's here!" Hope's eyes sparkle "WOW! SO COOL!" He grabs Adam's hoodie "How do you make your outfit like that?" Adam looks at Hope with an intense glare. Hope says in her head "Why...why am I shaking?....Is he really that....strong?..." Adam says "You step back, both of you go back where you came from. And leave me alone." Blood says "What?" Adam is shocked "I-impossible! did he decline my words? Did I change my tone of my voice?" Blood says "I'd rather not. We came to give you an invitation. Or we came to pick you up." Adam stays silent and waits for the right moment. Blood says "Not talking? Fine." Grabs Adam's arm. Adam takes that as a threat and gives a threatening glare. Blood sticks his tongue out "you don't scare m-" Right at that moment, Adam stabbed Blood in the chest with his sword. Blood smiles and kicks Adam but he dodges so quickly, Blood didn't even realize.
Adam stays silent and slashes Blood 10 times and kicks him. Blood gets sent flying, Hope yells "Blood!" then she looks at Adam "You're pretty fast...but I know I'll beat you." Puts on headphones and turns the music to rap. Adam looks at her in disbelief. Both dash out of the area, they're so fast you can't even see them fighting. Adam kicks Hope in the stomach and punches her into the ground. Blood is in a wall and says "...What the hell just happened..." Hope crashes into Blood. Blood was laying on the ground and Hope was laying on top of him. Blood looks away, Hope smiles and gets off him "C'mon! You're stronger than me! We can beat him!" Blood says "Guess we could." He activates his energy "Time to kick some ass." Blood dashes to Adam and headbutts them, Adam is surprised and gets knocked out for a bit. Blood says "Was it that easy?" Adam gets up and slashes Blood, Blood blocks with his arms, his arms don't get cut off. Blood pushes them back and summons a sword. Blood says "Blood Rush!" Both Blood and Adam slash their swords together till one hits them. Adam says "Silence!" he knocks Blood into the ground and leaves a huge crater, Adam lands on the building where he is supposed to be in "People like you bother me..." He tries to walk into the building but Blood creates an energy ball and throws it at Adam. Adam gets hit and slams into the ground. Blood says "Enough playing around. My mission is to bring you with us. Why can't we take this the easy way?" As he powers up. Adam gets up and glares at Blood "WHY DON'T YOU...." Raises his hand, charging an attack "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Hope goes behind Adam and hits him on the neck. Adam falls to the ground unconscious, Hope says "Phew! Thanks for distracting him, Bloody." Takes off her headphones. Blood has a surprised expression on his face " problem." Hope throws Adam to Blood, he catches him. Hope says "We should get going!" Pulls up a suitcase "I got his reward money. So we're ready." Blood gives a thumbs up.
Both of them start walking back to the guardian competition with Adam.
Adam's mind: Where are these people taking me?...My body....I can't move it....I...I didn't even get a chance to show...what I'm made of.....
To Be Continued....
Adam Lence/Silent
Blood Cexus
Hope Ongakun
Boto Okane/Mob Boss