Chapter 10: Ray Origin

I've been told that I'm very smart for my age. They moved me up to college at the age of 13. I'm 17 currently. My name is Ray Vixen. And I'm the new cure for this world, I'll make this planet a better place once I turn 21. My past is a bit complicated. I never knew my mother, I only had my father, and uh..he's gone too. He past away a while back. But I didn't let that bother me. I rented an apartment, just for a place to live for the time being. I'm usually studying or meditating on my free time.

We see Ray meditating in his living room, he has a very beautiful living room space. In his head, we see him in a blue void. This is his happy place.

Ray walks around the blue void for a couple of minutes, he doesn't have a reason why. Ray then gets surprised by something, he saw a figure right in front of him. The figure was a woman, she had light blue skin, and long cyan hair. She wore ripped clothing and a ripped scarf. Ray speaks to her "Who are you?" The figure speaks, but, her voice glitches out each time she spoke "I am Virus, I'm here to do something." Ray questions "What are you here for?" Virus says "I am here from the afterlife. I am, your guardian Angel. Some would say. I just need to ask permission to fuse ours souls together." Ray said "What? No." Virus says "If you deny, your percentage of dying will increase. Do you want death to strike again?" Ray struggles with the question "this is all so sudden, will you give me time to think?" Virus replies "I can only give you 5 minutes." Ray says "What?! That's not enough time!" Virus says "4 minutes and 50 seconds." Ray returns to the real world and sits down on his table, frustrated. "Why. Why is this happening right now?" Virus appears in the real world "Because, I was sent here." Ray looks at her "By who?" Virus looks into his eyes "I can't tell you that. It's a secret." Ray sighs "So. What if we combine our souls? Why would do that?" Virus says "If I combine my soul with a human, that human will have knowledge of the universe and strength that's almost godlike. Why would I do that? Because, it's my destiny. You could say." Ray doesn't seem intrigued "Destiny? Pretty weird destiny you have." Virus says "You have 60 seconds, Vixen. Yes or no?" Ray thinks about it quickly "Hm...great knowledge about the universe...strength that's almost god-like...after what happened..I have nothing left..." he gives Virus a glare "Sure." Virus is glad, she gives a little smile. She says "This might hurt, so don't scream." She puts her hand on Ray's face, Virus whispers Hyūzu. Ray then starts travelling all through the universe, his eyes shine. He sees everything in the universe. Stars, black holes, supernovas, planets, galaxies, and many more. Ray's right side starts to to get infected with dark blue balls. Ray screams, his screams glitched.

Everything is silent.

Virus says "The fusion is complete. Ray Vixen. Awaken." Ray opens his eyes, the screen is his vision. We are his eyes. Ray seems different. He looks at his clothing, he is wearing all cyan clothing. His skin is also cyan, his eyes are cyan. "What did you do?.." He said with concern. Virus replies "This is how the human body reacts when fused with a soul like me." Ray continues looking at himself "I see. So, what now?" Virus smiles "Maybe try your abilities." A cyan keyboard floats towards Ray. Virus explains "If you type a word, it'll appear as in object. Try typing something. If you type a weapon, test it here." She replaces the apartment with a blue void. Ray grabs the keyboard and looks at the letters placed on there. Ray types Atomic Bomb, and it appears right in front of them, he's amazed. Ray figures out the keyboard right away and types in Max defence. Ray and Virus can no longer take damage from anything. Ray then sets off the bomb. Creating a massive explosion, enough to destroy an entire island. Virus looks at Ray "Fun. Isn't it?" Ray nods "Yeah. But, why did you do this?" Virus sighs "I'll tell you the truth. My world is under attacked by Rage Demons. Rage Demons are individuals that let their rage swallow them. Making them unstoppable. Plus, I knew your father." Ray says "I, are we going to go to your world?" Virus nods "But first. There's a list menu on your keyboard that should show someone's profile." Ray sees the list menu, clicks it and thousands of names. He reads someone's profile "Blood Cexus: Age, 16. Power, Yūyake. Weakness: Relies to much on strength. Interesting." Virus nods "Now, search up Rage Demon King." Ray searches Rage Demon King. He reads "Rage King: Age: Thousands of years. Power, Rage. Weakness: His core." Virus gets excited "Yes! Let's go!" Grabs Ray's arm. She warps both of them to Planet Rage. The planet is purple and dark. An army of rage demons notice them. They go charging at them. Virus stands in front of Ray "Allow me." She creates an orb of blue. She launches it at all of the demons charging at them. They all screech and melt out of existence. Virus looks at Ray "Type something useful." Ray thinks for a moment, he types "Demon Repeller" it appears in front of Ray. It was small. He increases the size by 100x. Ray says "It worked. Now, begone!" He makes the repeller explode all around the small planet. Every Rage demon melts out of existence. The planet's purple sky disappears. Virus hugs Ray then stops "Ahem! Thank you Ray." Ray nods, but in his head, he said "This all happened so fast..."

We hear a slam in the distance. Approaching closer and closer. It was the Rage Demon King.

He roars in anger. He creates a huge wave of purple energy. Ray walks toward the wave and uses a glitch shield. The King approaches Ray and swings his axe at Ray. Ray maxes out his attack, speed, and defence. Ray decides to dodge. He was so fast that you couldn't see him. While he was dodging, he took out the kings core. The king roars in pain, and explodes. Ray looks at Virus "Is this the power of a god?" Virus nods "You are the chosen one. Just, don't turn on us." Ray chuckles "I won't"

A couple minutes later

Ray is back on Earth. In normal form, he was walking around the city. His narration speaks. My name is Ray Vixen, with godlike abilities, and have knowledge of this universe. I choose the path to learn everything. So I can make this world, my home, peaceful again.

The End. This one is different then the other chapters. Hope you enjoyed it. Now, with all 10 chapters out of the way. We can finally begin the guardian competition.