CHAPTER - 44 { Indigo League Part-3 }

"With two consecutive victories. Trainer Kota has won the match!, " The referee declared, which caused the loud cheers of the audience.

"Looks like the other competitors will have a very tough fight for the trophy!, " Desi smiled and looked at the file on the table.

Kota called Scizor back and left the stadium to take a short break.

His next match was around 9:00 p.m. in the night, so there was still few hours left.

Walking around the main road, Kota came across a small shop. There was nothing special about it expect that particular object.

Key Stone!

Kota immediately went inside the shop and called for the shopkeeper.

"What do you need?, " Asked the shopkeeper a indifferent voice.

"I need that thing, " Said Kota, while pointing towards the Key Stone used like a showpiece.

"That, it's a very rare Stone. But can you really buy it? I don't think you have enough money, " Said the shopkeeper with a frown on his face at Kota.

"How much is this shop for?, " Asked Kota, a smile visible on his face which looked quite scary.

The shopkeeper was a little stunned by Kota' reply but he controlled himself.

"Okay. Okay. That Stone is for ten thousand, do you this much money?, " The shopkeeper pulled the Key Stone and showed it to Kota.

"Cash or Card?, " Kota took out his wallet and asked, to which, the shopkeeper brother the swiping machine.

"You really have money, " The shopkeeper surprised at Kota, said it a high voice.

'Stupid! That's Stone is not worth ten thousand, " The shopkeeper grinned behind the back of Kota.

Kota looked at the glass window and saw the shopkeeper' grinning reflection.

"People who don't know the future are always happy with the present, " Muttered Kota, he didn't think of the shopkeeper much.

He might have done the same if he didn't know the worth of this Key Stone.

As for how he knew that this is exactly a Key Stone? Because there aren't any marbles like this in the Pokemon World.

'This can be used in future, ' Kota looked at the Key Stone in his hand and thought.

His next stop will be fixing this Key Stone on the platinum bracelet he is wearing.

"I was planning to do this but didn't expect it to happen so early, " Kota walked on the road, some people noticed him as he had to take pictures with them.

* * *


Sitting on the bed, Kota opened the laptop which he brought together with him.

It was a brand-new model, having an advanced cooling system.

The pokemon egg was on his lap, as he searched the latest trending video about Indigo League.

Not surprised by the fact that the number one vedio was his, Kota scrolled down.

"This kid, " One of the video that earned very high number of views was of Dipen.

"A Venusaur, " In the video, Dipen defeated his opponent with only one pokemon.

Venusaur, a grass/poison type pokemon. It is known as the Seed Pokémon.

It is also the last evolution or the fully evolved stage of Bulbasaur.

"He is strong, " Kota closed the laptop and got up from the bed.

It was about time, for his next match.

* * *

Two days later___

Kota successfully won his fourth preliminary, which mean, he can now advance to the real tournament.

And from this onwards, all the matches will have six verses sis pokemons.

Inside a restaurant, Kota sat in front of Gary as they were eating their lunch.

"You were doing great, " Said Kota, he looked at Gary and showed a proud smile.

"Thanks, big brother. If only I was stronger, then I might have a chance to fight you, " Gary lowered his head in disappointment, he was really sad.

"You will have that in future. Now what's your plan after this?, " Asked Kota, as he took a bite of a juicy meat piece on the plate.

"I plan to participate in the Johto League, " Gary replied, he nodded and confirmed it.

'Yes, in the Johto League. I will defeat both Ash and big brother!, ' Though Gary, he looked at Kota to see his reaction.

What Gary saw was a bright smile on Kota' face that was the realest ever.

"I expected that from you, " Said Kota, he petted Gary and encouraged him.

"How about it. If you can defeat me in Johto League, I will tell you a big secret of mine?, " Kota looked at Gary, he is waiting for the other to reply.

"Really? What could the secret even be? Is it that you lost your virginity?, " Gary was confused as he said many stuffs making Kota facepalm.

"I am still single and can never be more single than this, " Kota shook his head and ate the remaining pieces of the meat on his plate.

"But only if you can defeat me, " Kota got you and petted Gary on his head as he left the restaurant.

The weather was sunny, cool air making Kota feel lazy to the core.

'I have a match today, don't be lazy, ' Kota stretched his arms and legs before walking towards the hotel.

The four hours movie "I will rise: Pokemon Trainer", will be released in the cinemas next week.

The internet was going hot, everyone talked about the movie like there was no tomorrow.

Kota' fans were also increasing day by day, his social media followers reached up to 50k.

He was feeling happy because of this, he is getting closer to become famous through out the world.

But the problem was, he is not famous because of his title as a pokemon trainer.

"Ema, a trainer specialising in water types, " Kota read the informations provided on the Indigo League website.

The information was mainly based on the pokemons used by Ema till now.

So, Kota still didn't know if she had other type as well.

It was about time, for him to reach the stadium.

On his way, he was surrounded by many news reporters.

Escaping them, he finally arrived at the main stadium which will hold the rest of the matches.

'I will win…No matter what".