CHAPTER - 13 { Forest Fire }


"I only have Charizard with me so I must hurry and catch some Johto pokemons."

Said Kota as he walked along an empty road beside a park.

His eyes glanced at the small kids who were jumping and playing around the park.

Their parents watched from the side with smiles on their faces.

Shaking his head, Kota concentrated back on his journey.

His destination for now will be the forest before Goldenrod City.

As he walked on the road without taking a cab, he encountered many fans.

Some were bold enough to even put their hands on his shoulder like old friends.

But a single glare from Kota made them almost piss their pants.

That's the effect of the title, "The Monster".

Buying some utilities which are necessary for surviving in the forest, Kota finally was ready.

By the time Kota reached the forest area, it was already dark.

Calling out Charizard for fire as well as protection, they camped on a plain land.

* * *

The stars were sparkling in the sky, the moon was bright in light.

"Hey, isn't it beautiful?"

Kota sat on the ground and looked up while asking Charizard who was beside him.


Charizard nodded his head and he also admired the sky which made one feel happy even without knowing.

"Do you think my training is too hard?"

Suddenly, Kota turned to look at Charizard. His eyes were full of curiosity.


Not afraid of getting a beating, Charizard released a small puff of red flame and nodded his head.

"I see."

Kota just showed a light smile and faced back to the sky. Unknowingly, he was changing.

"Go start running. And don't stop until I tell you to."

His voice dead serious, that made Charizard almost burst into tears.

* * *


Kota walked out of the tent which could be folded into such a small size, similar to a wallet.

Charizard was still sleeping as his stomach face up, his claw scratching his butt.

"Get up. Time to prepare for breakfast!"

Kota kicked Charizard on his butt.


Startled by the sudden kick in his sleep, Charizard roared loudly.

"Keep quiet! Are you planning to invite the whole forest for breakfast!"

Kota glared at Charizard as he pulled out a bag of pokemon food.

"Here! Not make a fire!"


Taking the bag of pokemon food from Kota, Charizard placed it carefully on the side.

He then stood up and went into the woods to bring some dry branches.


While he was collecting the fallen branches, Charizard heard some noises.

It came from behind.

When he turned, there were five figures standing.


The figures were of the same kind, two huge horns on their heads.

A hard body with a big vertical mouth in between. Two eyes above them with no nose.

Pinsir, a bug type pokemon. It is known as the Stag Beetle Pokemon.

They mostly are aggressive towards other pokemon as well as humans.


Facing five Pinsirs, Charizard just let out a short growl and continued to collect dry branches.


The two horns on their head clenched and their expressions hardened.

It was a warning to Charizard. They were asking him to get out of their territory.


With a sigh, Charizard straightened his back and faced the Pinsirs.

He knows that he wants to deal with these pokemon, all he needed was one move.

After all, no matter how big a bug is. He will still die if plays with fire.


Charizard waves his hand indicating the Pinsirs to piss off unless they want a fight.


The five Pinsirs looked at each other, then spread around circling Charizard.


Limited vision, Charizard could at most see three but the two fill always be behind his back.

His fists clenched, black smoke slowly started coming out of his closed mouth.

"Chaa Chaa."

He opened his mouth and gave them the last chance to back off.

Embers would come flying from his mouth as the black smoke didn't stop.


The Pinsirs didn't care anymore as they launched their attacks on Charizard.


* * *

"What the hell is he doing?"

Seeing the black smoke rising in the air and hearing the loud explosion, Kota muttered.

His hand immediately went to his waist belt to grab a pokeball.

But then he realized that all those pokeballs were empty because he didn't catch a single pokemon yet.

Neither did he bring one, except Charizard.

"I will have to find it out myself."

Standing up, Kota walked towards the direction of the black smoke.

* * *


A claw slashed at the Pinsir that tried to resist Charizard with his horn.

Behind, the rest of the Pinsirs were either burned or dead from the fire.


The last and remaining Pinsir struggled to escape Charizard's monstrous grip.


With a loud roar right of its face, Charizard scared the Pinsir to make it faint on the spot.


As he released his grip on the Pinsir, it fell on the ground loudly.

"What's going on?"

Kota's voice came from not far. Charizard turned and saw him standing next to a tree.


Charizard pointed his finger at Pinsir and showed his displeasure.

"So you need to burn the forest for that."

Kota said while looking at the trees that were burned and the black ashes on the ground.

The flames were reaching high. One might be able to see them from far.

"Now do something!"

Seeing Charizard silent, Kota shouted. He could at most contact the fire fighters.


Charizard realized his mistake and rushed at the trees which were on flames.

"Fuu! Fuu!"

He blew air but there was no effect of the fire lessening.

"Idiot! Use your wings! Damn wings!"

Cursed Kota which he normally doesn't.

If the fire is not stopped. It might take the whole forest in it.


Kota went next to the fainted Pinsir and pulled him away from the burning hot flames.

The pokemon in the forest were already in panic and were escaping.

On top of that, there was no lake or river, not even a natural water resource nearby.

"Hello! There is a fire in the forest near the city! Yes! Hurry! I don't have any water pokemon!"

On the call, Kota replied anxiously. Lots of sweats started forming on his forehead.

"Come on! Charizard, give your best!"

Image or character, now was not the time to maintain that.

Who knows, he might die because of this fire.

* * *

Minutes later, the firefighters came with the fire trucks.

But not ordinary ones. These were especially made for running in the forest.

"Bring it down!"

They fought for hours while saving as many pokemons they could.

Kota did his best in helping together with Charizard, who was the culprit.

And so, by night the fire was successfully taken out with three fire trucks and 20 firefighters.

"How did it happen?"

The leader amongst the firefighters, asked as he wiped off his sweats.


Explaining everything without hiding anything, Kota felt a little embarrassed.

"Is it so. Next time you better be careful. You are lucky that such cases are not that rare."

The firefighter didn't scold or shout at Kota, he just nodded and gave his view.

"Our work is done. Let's go!"

Then the three fire trucks left with the firefighters in the moonlight.

Kota and Charizard stared at the burned part of the forest which now looked devastated.

"Remember what the firefighter said. Next time be careful."

Kota, with his tired body, walked towards the camp to get some rest.

They didn't even get to have breakfast. Charizard was very sad with how the event turned out.

Charizard sluggishly walked behind Kota as he dragged his tail along.

Only a few pokemons were burned in the fire without any deaths other than the three Pinsirs.

At the camp, Kota laid his body on the soft green grass as his eyes closed on its own.


Releasing a breath, Kota went into slumber. It's been years since he last had a dream.

Not disturbing Kota, Charizard sat next to him and held his knees.

It seems that he was affected by the fire. But well, this wouldn't last forever.

Maybe the next day they might forget and regain their happy mood.

Slowly, the night passed away with the first sunshine falling on Charizard.