CHAPTER - 14 { Many With The Same Dream }

"Charizard, Punch!"

Ordered Kota, who stood on the side watching Charizard face off against a Johto pokemon.

Sentret, a normal-type pokemon. It is known as the 'Scout Pokemon'.


Roaring out red flames, Charizard punched down at the tiny Sentret. Unfortunately it dodged the punch and slipped between Charizard's legs using its size advantage.

"Sit down!"

Kota's command appeared weird, but Charizard still decided that he would follow. So, he sat down.



The huge weight on its back caused Sentret to cry in pain, its face paled and it then fainted.


Charizard stood up and looked down at the tiny body deep in the ground. He then lifted Sentret up with his fingers and shifted his eyes towards Kota.

"Is this strong? Hmm, I don't have any particular preference… I don't see a loss in catching it."

Kota pondered for a while before he convinced himself to get himself a new pokemon. Sentret could be used as a scout in any unknown location.

He pulled out an empty pokeball and captured the Sentret in it.

"Okay Charizard. We are going on top of that mountain to search for stronger pokemon."

Kota pointed towards the tallest mountain in the mountain range, on to his left.


Charizard nodded his head and lowered down for Kota to climb on his back.

"Let's go."

Flapping his wings, Charizard flew up in the sky with Kota on his back.

Charizard was not only abnormally stronger, he was very agile and fast in air as well. But, when it's about running, or ground movement, he isn't winning any medals.

* * *

"No! Stop!"

The voice sounded to be a boy's, it was heard near the edge of the mountain which was the very same mountain where Kota and Charizard were heading.

Soon, the owner of the voice came out running from the dense pack of thick trees.

A boy not much older than 13, short hair in azure blue, 1.4 meter tall, a little famine facial structure and a slim body.

"I can't run anymore! Stop!"

The boy was chasing after a green pokemon with two flowers on its head.

Bellossom, a grass-type pokemon. It is known as the 'Flower Pokemon'.

As the boy was running after Bellossom, he got distracted for a second there. His leg hit a tree root, making him trip and roll forward towards a section of the cliff.


His scream echoed in the mountain, some of the bird pokemon were startled as they flew away.

"Help! Someone!"

With a single tree root, the boy was hanging on the cliff. His life might face the end if his hands slipped or his grip loosened.

"Mommy! Daddy! Help!"

Tears rolled down his eyes, he tried his best but his arm strength wasn't enough to hold on for long. He at most had three seconds left before his hands would give up on him.

"No! No! NO! Ahhhhhh!"

As his fingers slowly slipped, his body started descending down as well as his heart.

The body wished that he shouldn't have come to the mountains to catch pokemon.

* * *


It seems that he stopped midair, the boy opened his closed eyes and looked around.

"Kid, the hell were you doing?"

It was a new voice, someone who he had never heard before. Looking up, his eyes widened and then he realized.

He was saved!

A huge Charizard, many times bigger than average ones, was holding him while flying in the air.

And, on its back was a boy, not much older to him with the appearance.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I am Joseph."

The boy, Joseph, introduced himself to Kota as he waved his hand and a smile on his face.

'This kid…'

Kota stared at Joseph and frowned. Sighing, he gestured to Charizard to get on the mountain top.


Flying quickly up, Charizard landed on the mountain and threw Joseph on the ground without any care.

"Ouch, slowly dude."

Rubbing his but, he got up from the ground and commented with slight anger. He was still grateful to them for saving his life though.

"Next time, see where you're going. You get that?"

Kota then turned to leave but as he walked for a while, he noticed that Charizard wasn't the only one with him.

"Why are you following?"

Asked Kota. He still had his back facing towards Charizard and Joseph.

"Em, I, I wanted to repay you for saving my life so I thought maybe I can help you? I can, right?"

Replied Joseph with a hesitant smile. Right beside him, Charizard had a scoffing look on his face.

"Help me? Okay, I will take that."

Kota nodded his head, then continued walking forward in the dense forest followed by Charizard and Joseph.


Joseph smiled and closely followed. But unfortunately, he had to see something very unexpected.

* * *


Charizard sent a huge rock pokemon flying. It crashed on a huge boulder and fainted directly.

Golem, a rock/ground type pokemon. It is known as the 'Megaton Pokemon'. They don't come out from their caves much.


Charizard roared and a burst of flame shot out of his mouth in the sky. It was the declaration of victory.

"You still believe you can help me with anything?"

Standing behind the trees, watching the finished battle between Charizard and Golem, said Kota.

On his left, Joseph licked his dry lips and remained silent. From what he had seen, Charizard was unstoppable.

No wonder Kota had an indifferent attitude towards Joseph when he heard him talk about help.

"I am sorry, I just wanted to repay you."

"It's fine. Sometimes, one helps not to get something in return."

Joseph's shoulders dropped down and his head lowered in defeat. Seeing this, Kota sighed.

"Hey, what's your dream?"

He asked with a smile. How long was it that Kota talked to someone about their dreams?

Joseph raised his head and looked at Kota, he hesitated but then finally shared.

"I want to become a great pokemon master…"

"I see. It will be tough, very tough. I know many trainers who have this same goal, this dream of becoming a great pokemon master."

Kota placed his hand on Joseph's shoulder, he took in a deep breath and then said:

"If you want to achieve this dream of becoming a great pokemon master, then you must start to train harder, no, train smarter."

"Listen to yourself, you are capable of becoming what you dream of. You just need a strong determination. Live it, your dream."

"Here, take this. And promise me, when we meet next time. You will become stronger, then return it to me."

Kota pulled out a small pendant and handed it to Joseph with an encouraging look.

"I, I will do my best! This pendant, I will return it to you no matter what!"

Saying so, Joseph clenched the pendant in his hand tightly and turned to leave.

Charizard walked and stood beside Kota, their eyes stared at Joseph's disappearing figure. A sigh of relief escaped from Kota's mouth.

"Thank god he left. I was fed up with him following us."

Said Kota, Charizard nodded his head in agreement then the two went back to catching some strong pokemon.

* * *

After coming out of the forest, Joseph returned back to his home with a pendant on his neck.

'Kota, some day, I will beat you and give you this pendant back. It might not be now, but definitely in a few years!'

Joseph entered the corridor where a small pokemon was waiting for the entire day.

"Sorry, Lee. I got stuck in the forest."


Eevee, a normal type pokemon. It is known as the 'Evolution Pokemon'. The reason was because Eevee could evolve into various types. Such as fire type, water type, etc.

It threw a torment and kicked Joseph on his stomach. But well, it didn't have enough strength to send him flying.

"Ouch! Lee, I am sorry. Next time I will definitely take you with me. Please forgive me, just this once! Please!"

Joseph kneeled on the floor and held Eevee's forelimbs while asking for forgiveness.


It took him quite a while to convince Eevee. Joseph was about to start his pokemon master's journey next year.

But after meeting with Kota and seeing his monstrous Charizard, his mind changed.

If he wants to become a great pokemon master, he must start it from now!