CHAPTER - 18 { Surprising Encounter }

"Holy Shit! I almost peed my pants dude!"

"That Charizard, why is it so big and strong? I have never seen such a strong Charizard in my life."

"Those stupids really thought they could capture pokemon while the tournament was ongoing."

"Hey, isn't that Kota! Why's he here?"

The talks circulated throughout the audience, soon more and more people realized that the Charizard belonged to Kota.

The famous rookie star, The Monster, and the Indigo League Champion.

Meanwhile on the battlefield, Dragonite got up and hit Tauros with Thunder, knocking the exhausted pokemon out.

Now, both Ash and Drake were on their last pokemon. Dragonite and Pikachu.

The battle between Pikachu and Dragonite was full of sparks, one after another moves were used.

Minutes passed, and finally Dragonite started showing signs of falling down. Unfortunately, Pikachu was not much better.

'This, did my presence affect the match? Shouldn't Dragonite be down by now? What's going on?'

Kota focused his eyes on the battle, with each passing second, his mind was filled with different thoughts.

'Should I do something? But why do I interfere? There's nothing in for me…'

Pondering about it, Kota decided to not make any unnecessary actions.

* * *

"Pikachu, this is our last resort! Use Thunder with all your remaining strength!"


Ash and Pikachu seemed to create a connection with each other, their thoughts merged together.


Pikachu gathered all its energy and locked on Dragonite, sparks flew around it.

"Dragonite, Hyper Beam! Give your everything!"

Shouted Drake, his eyes reflected Dragonite's back. Memories resurfaced of their first encounter.

'We can do it!'

Dragonite opened its mouth, a ball of dark yellow energy condensed between its jaws.

Pikachu released the Thunder, the ground around it ripped and split apart with the sheer force.

The Thunder move was like a bright dragon, traveling throughout the air and heading towards Dragonite with its claws ready.

Dragonite pulled its head backwards slightly, and prepared to counter back with a powerful Hyper Beam, it was then did it sense something.

Its eyes quickly shifted from the incoming Thunder, to the left on the bench side. Two red glowing eyes glared at it.

Dragonite felt danger from Charizard, much more than Thunder that was just a few inches away from it.

It can definitely survive the Thunder, but Dragonite felt that when faced against Charizard, it might not see the sun the next morning.


The Thunder struck down at Dragonite, a deep crater formed afterwards with black smoke rising.

Hundreds of eyes stared at the fallen Dragonite. Then they shifted to the panting Pikachu.


"He won! He really won!"

"I can't believe it!"

The Pummelo Stadium erupted in cheers as the undefeated Drake finally met his match.


Muttered Drake with confusion and worry, he ran towards Dragonite and saw its state.

Sighing deeply, he recalled Dragonite back to his pokeball with a bitter smile.

* * *

Ash made his way over to the podium with his pokemon behind him. Drake gave Ash the coveted Orange League Winner's Trophy and congratulated him on the win.

Along with Ash receiving the trophy, Ash, Pikachu, Squirtle, Tauros, Lapras, Bulbasaur, and Charizard were given the honor of being inducted into the Orange League Hall of Fame, with their footprints and Ash's hand-print immortalized in concrete, and a group photo taken to commemorate the victory.

"... Haah!"

Kota exhaled sharply, he clenched his fists and walked out of the stadium with a cold expression.

He had done it, making Charizard intimidate Dragonite from the bench and helping Ash win the Orange League.

Looks like he was still soft, Kota had to punish himself for doing something this cheap.

'The only way to recover from this is to defeat Ash in the Johto League.'

Putting on the hood, Kota disappeared in the crowd outside the stadium. He had already bid farewell to Ash, Misty and Tracey so he could leave anytime.

Carrying his luggage, Kota headed for Airport and went to his plane. His destination was Violet City.

In about fifteen hours he arrived at Violet City Airport. Booking a room for two days, Kota rested until it was morning.

* * *

Violet City, located in central Johto. It is the third city encountered in Johto. Pokemon Trainers often come to Violet City in order to win the Zephyr Badge from Falkner, the Violet Gym Leader, who specializes in flying-type pokemon.

This city is also known for the Sprout Tower, which is a large pagoda located in Violet City in Johto.

The tower itself is over 100 feet tall and is held together by a giant flexible pillar that shakes from side to side.

Walking along the road, Kota observed the city and found it to be quite peaceful and pleasant.

From the records, Ash encountered some children here and attended the kindergarten school.

"How silly."

Since the Gym here specializes in flying-type pokemon, he had to catch some.

Calling Charizard out, Kota climbed on his back and headed towards the forest.

Currently, he has only two pokemon excluding Charizard. Golem and Sentret, both were useless against flying-type.

The forest near the city was mostly inhabited by weak pokemon. So, he and Charizard went further deep.

After a few long minutes, they finally came to a suitable location with many strong and evolved pokemon.

Butterfree, Beedrill, Fearow, Pidgeot, these were the pokemon that Kota didn't want to catch because he had many.

He surveyed the area and discovered some Johto pokemon such as Ledyba, Hoppip, Pineco and Yanma.

"Still, I want something different."

Two full hours went by and he couldn't find a good flying-type pokemon from Johto. Most were weak and small.

Later, Kota returned to his room with a disappointed look. He caught the common Johto pokemon and transferred them to Professor Oak.

"But it doesn't matter, I have many pokemon that can crush the Gym here."

Kota visited the Sprout Tower, it was very interesting and also boring.

Standing before the gigantic pillar which continued to shake from side to side, Kota closed his eyes and listened.



It was like the ticking of a clock. There was something about this that made his feel cozy.

Unfortunately, this moment didn't last long. Kota felt a pair of eyes watching him from outside.

It wasn't the sense of danger or alert, it was strange as if the eyes were observing him.

"Haah… I have felt this once before. What do you want from me, Entei?"

Slowly walking outside the tower, Kota followed his senses and reached the forest with dense trees and small lakes.

"Sir, I am reading a very strong energy source near you. You have to be careful, this one might be a Legendary Pokemon."

Ariya informed with a heavy voice. Kota already knew it so he didn't care about his reminder.

Instead, he focused more on his surroundings. He came before a wide lake with fog circulating around it.

It was getting a little difficult to see. Accompanying was the feel of coldness and silence.

"I am here! So tell me! Why are you following me?"

Shouted Kota, he stopped before the lake and narrowed his eyes. There was a black shadow in the middle of the lake and fog.

It was standing there and watching him.

"Hey, why are you doing this? Did I offend you or something?"

Asked Kota, but he got no response. The black shadow seemed to move towards him slowly.

As the distance between them decreased, he saw that the shadow was not of Entei. It was something different but similar.

Sky blue in color, with white rhombuses around the body and a white belly. With an aquamarine crest on its head which was in the shape of a hexagram.

Behind its crest was a purple mane with supposedly thick, smooth fur. Two white, ribbon-like tails sprout out from its back and in reverse.

Kota's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that he was seeing it for himself. His second pokemon Legendary Beast trio.


It neared him, and tilted its head. Its human like eyes looked at him from head to toe.

It was then that it caught the furious burst of excitement in Kota's eyes. Taking multiple steps backwards, it stared at him with caution.

"Last time, I wasn't prepared so Entei escaped. But this time, you won't."

Kota eyed Suicune, his hands trembled slightly. Grabbing three pokeballs from his waistbelt, he threw them and called out his pokemon for battle.

"Bring me Suicune!"